Saturday, December 31, 2016



Did you know that your tongue is a direct indicator of the way you are thinking, and the way you were thinking is a clear roadmap to where you are going. The average believer is headed in a very negative direction when it comes to most areas of life. These areas are areas that I have corrected ready to change to kingdom style of living for you. One of the worst phrases a believer can possibly open with is, "IT'S JUST MY LUCK". Without knowing it this person is on the road to defeat in whatever they are attempting! They have set selves up believing for failure and they will receive it, because they are following the wrong road map. 

The expression that comes from the mouths of believers when a certain diseases is mentioned, clearly indicates what they really believe. The problem is, it sets the direction for what is about to happen in the body of the one requesting supernatural healing. What is said and the way it is said mean everything, when We hear it in the kingdom. In the kingdom we not only hear what is said from the lips but the heart speaks much much louder and that's what we go by. My warrior angels and My Holy Spirit are looking for complete and restful confidence that whatever disease is being spoken of is no problem and will be eradicated by faith. 

Example: When a leader or pastor says brother Fredrick needs prayer this morning, he has hurt his back and needs a healing touch, let's believe for him right now. Then everyone stretches for their hand in a typical charismatic way, indicating they are believing in agreement as someone leads out in prayer. However if you change one word, if the pastor changes BACK to CANCER you will hear the majority of the congregation go from little faith to unbelief. Thats when UC heads turned and even you are tempted to look at the individual to see their expression and then you hear the sighs, taking of deep breath's, and mumbled, "OH NOs"  and they all point toward the same words that would be said at Brother Fredrick's funeral, "I'm so sorry". The question that I have to ask is, where did My blood and the stripes that I bore, to heal all diseases, lose their power? How did an ugly modern-day disease sneak up and become so powerful that My blood does not apply to it. The same stripes that I bore for a common cold, or leprosy, are the same stripes I bore for modern day leprosy. Leprosy was the cancer of My day on earth. 


The western believer especially has been programmed to believe one thing is harder than another when it comes to the enemies attack on My people. The problem with this is, YOU ARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE and if you believe it, it becomes truth to you and moves you from faith to doubt. No one wants to be considered a doubter, so they gently place the blame upon the one carrying the disease which is totally dishonest and unfair. I gave you a perfect example on earth, but it is being overlooked and treated as a nice little story. Please take time and slowly read My way of handling doubters as a textbook remedy, please read: Luke 8:49-56 This is not a story but an instruction manual section, please read it that way. There is only one remedy for this, and that is to surround yourself with those that believe that all disease and sickness will and must bow at My name. They must also be in agreement that there are demonic forces at work in some diseases that must be approached differently with fasting. Here is the text book remedy for this: Mark 9:14-29 This is not a story. Please read it as an instruction manual in dealing with spirits of infirmity instead of just standard sickness.


There is one saving factor for those carrying a terminal illness when they are surrounded by those that have a measure of doubt, yet cannot be completely free of them. If there are enough believers there that believe that My blood is enough, it will counterbalance the doubt, and the disease may not leave the body, however it's killing power is removed. The cancer may remain in the body, however, I get the glory because the cancer has been neutralized and has not enough power to make it terminal. The man that was born blind was left blind all his life until I dealt with his blindness, to bring glory to My Father and demonstrate kingdom faith and power. AGAIN Please read this chapter slowly and carefully as a textbook manual to follow. John 9:1-41 

Did you know that those with cancer can live a full life for many years and still demonstrate My Father's power to keep and preserve what they have committed to Him. You know for a fact that I can heal every crippled and paralyzed person that has the faith the size of a grain of mustard seed. However if anyone presents their body as a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto Me, I may choose to let them preach, teach and testify their entire life from a wheelchair, bringing more people into the kingdom than ever dreamed possible, if you were walking around as everyone else. 

Again please read this as a text book with the full meaning of the word SACRIFICE. Romans 12:1 and then couple it with textbook reading of Matthew 6:33 Please consider this in the textbook words LIVING SACRIFICE: If you were to present your body to Me in any negative physical condition and I healed it, it would not be a sacrifice but a great blessing: however if you fully present it to Me to do as I wished for the kingdom sake, and I chose not to heal because your love and joy and grace volumes above your physical condition and you drew multitudes into My Father's kingdom strictly because of that sacrifice, what a great reward would be awaiting you.

Friday, December 30, 2016

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Special request: starting in 2017 someone that reads my blogs every day suggested that I changed to a video/blog replacing more of the written blogs. I enjoy doing either one however the video/blogs may be easier for some to follow by listening rather than reading as some may listen while driving to work. For those of you who read the blog please give me your input. I will send this out to the email readers also because I can send the YouTube out to all you who receive the emails. I recognize that the Facebook readers are only a few however they represent A portion so please I appreciate your feedback soon as possible thank you and God bless. 
In the case where it is beautifully laid out and reprinted in the far east I would be willing to make an exception and print it out also.
Here is a longer sample video/blog. 

Thursday, December 29, 2016



This word is used so often, however it is a strange word that everyone thinks they know the meaning and it actually has no conclusive meaning to those who write the dictionaries. Your definition of the word is as good as anyone else's, however the simplest definition more widely excepted is the word (sense,) or (common sense). If something is not logical it does not make sense. To (make sense) means a person could understand the result of an original action taking place which would be very normal such as dropping a stone in water. It makes (sense) that the water will respond by splashing. If the water did not splash it would not be logical or make sense to the viewer. Common sense takes it a little deeper meaning that if 100 people viewed the stone before it hit the water they would all come to the same conclusion, it is going to respond with a splash. If of the 100 people came to the same conclusion before seeing the stone hit the water, using their logic, they would all come to the same conclusion or answer before seeing the stone water because it's common among all 100. In other words it just (makes commonsense,) because it's logical.

It is very important for you to understand that there is no such thing as logic in My kingdom. Logic speaks of a human understanding of what is taking place and what the end result will be. The opposite of the word logic in My kingdom is miracle. In My kingdom we operate in the supernatural, in My kingdom miracles are an every day normal operation. Let Me explain: in the natural world when you are running out of finances you would LOGICALLY save and cut back on your spending, however in My kingdom you are too take what you have and give it away according to My Spirit's direction. In the natural world they will say this is foolish how can you have more when you give away what you already have. However in My kingdom what you are giving away is actually a barrier stopping the delivery of replacement funds to be returned to your accounts on earth. The barrier is not so much the actual funds, but the lack of faith in the presence of fear, that you will run out, and that fear and lack of faith blocks the kingdom operation of supply. 

You have read in My word that My Father's thoughts are higher than your thoughts and His ways higher than your ways, this is why human logic has no place in My kingdom. The ways of My Father and the ways We do things in the Kingdom, are just not logical to your natural mind. In your world everything has a beginning and an end, however in the kingdom everything is eternal, outside of time and space with no beginning and no end, so everything is just not logical, making it impossible to put the two kingdoms together one is just foolishness to the other and will never be understood or excepted. 1 Corinthians 1:27-28:
My Father has created a plan that while you are still in your natural body, living inside of time and space, you can fully understand and flow with My kingdom, that plan is called THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. When My Holy Spirit comes into your spirit you are able to operate with kingdom revelation and begin to live and flow in My world, the miracle world. Most people will back away from you because "the logical man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them , because they are spiritually discerned by faith, and require the infilling of My Spirit." 1 Corinthians 2:14 The things that My Father will ask you to do will make no sense at all, causing your friends and your relatives in many cases, to back away from you, because the things you're doing are not logical, but you must be prepared for this rejection, sad to say, most people cannot handle the rejection and will choose to go back to logic to help them explain My kingdom. At this point they lose their anointing anointing to walk in kingdom power. For this reason few there be that go through the gate.

EXAMPLE: If you design something and make it extremely plane so that every logical person will understand how My kingdom works, you are failing to understand that you have backslidden into logic and totally missed what Father is trying to accomplish. You must understand that in heaven My Father receives all the glory, 100% of the glory goes to the throne room, and My Father is the center of everything, life, light, power, joy, peace, judgment, and all energy in existence. He will share His glory with no one in the kingdom of heaven. So for His kingdom to come to earth and be the same as it is in heaven, absolutely no glory will be shared with anyone and for this reason all human logic and reason must be put to death voluntarily by you and everything from that point will be done His way. For instance, If Father says, "The answer to your problem is speaking in tongue's, then at that point He is saying to renounce any thoughts of logic and begin to speak in tongues and let His Spirit take over and pray in accordance with His will". Romans 8:26.

KINGDOM ALERTS: When things fail and fall flat and you have put every effort forth, to make your presentation of His kingdom attractive and perfect and easy to understand and yet it produces nothing; This is My Father's signal that you have slipped into logic and His call to you to return to the kingdom way and letting Him tell you exactly what He wants, and how He wants His kingdom presented in what you are doing. This will always be a temptation to every person that is anxious to serve and see His kingdom come to earth: Do not fall back into logic, stay with the foolish things that confound even those that you respect and love.

BOTTOM LINE: It is necessary that My Father's kingdom be fully displayed openly on planet earth in the lives of His citizens, the same it is in heaven. This must take place before I can return to rule and reign and bring all the kingdoms of your world under My authority. Revelation 11:15 Therefore you have a great part to play in the end time, where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that I am lord of all: if you want to be part of this great opportunity, be sure you are filled with My Spirit and He is actively operating His gifts in you and you are obeying His every direction. You will find yourself rejoicing at the miracles that are taking place around you, however there will be hard times when things fail, because you slipped back into logic and in this case you simply repent and go back to the foolish ways of obeying whatever My Spirit says.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016



There are only two deaths that are known in My kingdom and each death must be experienced by every kingdom citizens before they become a citizen. One death is spoken of quite often better known as death to self, it is the death of your flesh, or your old nature, but it must die before My Father's nature can replace it. This surrender is completely voluntary, and must be must be an act of your own will. This act must be an act of love and not duty. Those that surrender out of an act of duty do not last. Those that surrender out of an act of love remains as long as the love for Me and My Father's kingdom and My Father is intact and fervent. The love relationship will grow as long as the secret place remains the most honored place in your life.

However I want to concentrate on another kingdom death that is much harder to understand but it has a lot to do with the first death just mentioned. The next death is called the death of a vision. Every kingdom citizens when they go through the narrow gate, will gradually pick up the vision that My Father has created them for. This vision quickly becomes their reason for being on planet earth, and it will always jell together with all of the experiences and things that they and you have come through in your lifetime since birth. My Father does not waste a moment of anything, especially time, because He knows that that's all you have to offer Him, from that point on. The things that you've experienced since childhood will suddenly come alive with a brand-new purpose and a reason that is far greater than your previous use of these gifts. Those with musical talents will demonstrate this the clearest in simplest. There are millions of people with talents that are use behind closed doors, but many are talented in a more public way such as singing. Now here is where death must take place.

To be a kingdom citizens you must surrender absolutely everything, and I do mean everything, to the will plan and purpose of My Father. This place has one major purpose to bring My Father's kingdom to earth and display it to the world exactly as it is in heaven. Every person that is comes to earth from heaven is given an angel to watch over and protect them. That Angel reports to My Father on your progress from the cradle to the grave. Matthew 18:10 Now here is the hard part, that seems to make no sense at all, until a revelation takes place in the secret place, while waiting in My Father's presence. All of the talents that you were born with, seem so exciting and glorious because everyone throughout your earthly lifetime has bragged about your talents that make you uniquely you, your talent has actually set you apart and given you an identity and a place in life on earth. When you enter the kingdom you must lay this talent down along with all of your bad, and ugly things because "everyone in comes to the Kingdom as an unclean thing , and your righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and you all fade as a leaf; and your iniquities, like the wind, have taken you away from Me!" Isaiah 64:6 However at this point, this will make no sense as most people take it personal and because they love Me with all their heart, they are thinking that this is the best gift they could offer My Father for His use in bringing His kingdom to earth. 

What is being forgotten here is that with any old nature even the good is bad, because it was born in sin and iniquity, therefore the good must die along with the bad, "you were brought forth in a state of iniquity, (doing wrong); your earthly mother was sinful who conceived you and because of that you too are sinful by nature."  Psalm 51:5 My blood has washed away you're sin but has not changed your character, your character is only changed by waiting in My Father's presence in the secret place. In the excitement of being part of My kingdom, instead of surrendering your talents, you choose to use them in your own strength and ideas, and My Father causes it to fail miserably. This failure is very clear and has a great negative affect on your outlook, this negative effect is a feeling of worthlessness. All your life people have bragged about your talent and now it is suddenly worthless and produces nothing for the kingdom. This is the greatest and hardest test before entering in the kingdom citizenship, because beyond this you can see nothing that you have to offer. This is exactly what My Father is waiting for, because if you're will is completely surrendered to Him and His will, you will be able to let your best go for His best to take over. Every kingdom citizens must go through the death of their vision in order to be resurrected again according to My Father's will and timing for His purposes only. When your talents are received by My Father He sanctifies (sets them apart) them with his Holy Spirit and in His time gives them back as gifts from the Spirit not talents. From now on they are His ideas and no longer are your presentations of good ideas but they are God ideas. 

This death of the vision process will be repeated many times, during your kingdom walk on earth, especially if there is a neglecting of time with My Father, in the secret place. In short all your talents must be surrendered completely to the King where they are put to death and then resurrected as an anointed gift and given back to be used from that point on only under His direction. Kingdom citizens do not have talents, they have the gifts. Carnal Christians have talents that lack the anointing to do the work of the kingdom. This is extremely obvious in many concerts where two singers will get up and sing the same song, one very talented, and the other very anointed! The talented one will get great applause but no change takes place in the hearer. However the gifted one has a deep and profound eternal effect on the hearers changing their lives forever. Same music, same song, same audience, one with gifts, the other with talents, one produces temporary enjoyment called entertainment the other produces eternal life changing future kingdom citizens called ministry!


This death of the vision process is critical and will never be overlooked. This death of a vision process will take place over months and even years as you grow towards full ambassadorship, where you are a full-time representative of My kingdom, known in My word as a manifest son of God. Romans 8:19 My father must get all the glory for everything in His kingdom, no flesh will ever share His glory at any time. The issue here is are you able to take the crushing of your ego and pride that comes from your talents being put to death? Can you take someone saying no? Is it your ministry or His ministry? Does He supply your needs, or are you depending on your ideas and efforts? Is it your ministry, or My Father's ministry? Is it your abilities or His abilities? Is it your kingdom or His kingdom? these are all questions that are answered with the death of a vision. Will you let your talent die and allow Him to resurrect it and give it back as a gift, to be used and directed fully by My Spirit? Final question can you handle the death of your vision and trust Him to bring His vision to pass through you? Here is a simple DEATH of a vision test: If you have the fear of losing anything then you have not surrendered everything. When you have surrendered everything you have nothing to lose.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016



Through your short lifetime of 75 years I have heard hundreds of your prayers, and many of them are in perfect alignment with My Father's will. These prayers are always welcome and answered quickly with both earthly and heavenly rewards. However many of the prayers were based on your emotions and what you thought would work best for My kingdom. Your heart was right however there were things that were not in alignment with Father's plan, according to timing and motive. 
"You ask Father for them and yet fail to receive, because you ask with wrong purpose and evil, selfish motives. Your intention is when you get what you desire to spend it in sensual pleasures." James 4:3 These prayers were not answered. These prayers only slow down My kingdom principals operating in your life. Every person that prays, believes they are doing the right thing however unless your soul and spirit are separated you will never know the difference between your flesh praying and your spirit praying. The only prayers that you must seek for are His prayers that My Holy Spirit is wanting to pray through you, but you must be able to let Him pray, and this is very difficult when you have small personal agendas and want to see certain things take place based on your upbringing and teaching. 

You are praying out of natural knowledge that requires supernatural revelation. There was one prayer that you prayed long before you were attacked physically in your body, and this prayer has made the difference of life or death and has brought you to a chapter that you never expected. This prayer would have never been prayed by you, knowing where your faith was at the time you prayed it. However this was one of those that My Spirit prayed through you and you are now reaping the results of something you feel very unworthy of. Romans 8:26-27 Because My Spirit had you pray, "Father, make me an example of the kingdom in this last day period", you rocked heaven with angelic rejoicing. My Spirit had you pray that prayer before you ever saw any doctor about any sickness. It was a prayer that caught the attention of the throne room setting in order all the details that you are experiencing now. I am waiting for My Spirit to pray through other believers that same prayer with the same sincerity, that it was prayed that day. "In that day you shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall ask My Father in My name, He will give it too you."  John 16:23

Now, you must listen very carefully to each revelation that you receive morning by morning in the secret place, and everyday you will experience something supernatural that will help to set someone free somewhere in the world. Matthew 6:6. Your answers will come through the obedience to what is shared by My Father in the secret place. I am waiting to hear more prayers from My Spirit, which means My Holy Spirit has approved each person to the place where he or she can demonstrate My kingdom in that given situation. How much love does it take to handle each situation, My Spirit knows and will allow you to demonstrate it in the world the way it is in My kingdom. All the things that have come into your life will  be a demonstration to the world as to how My kingdom handles what hell throws toward you, the church, that I said, cannot be prevailed against. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church that I build, BUT WHY? 

When My Father shares with you the revelation of His ways, and you learn to work in accordance with his ways, you will always be His demonstration of how He operates His kingdom in heaven.  "He will make known His ways unto you, but only His acts to those outside the secret place." Psalm 103:7 Everything in his kingdom is based in love because He is love and from that 100% obedience and complete trust that He is everything He said He is, you will be that demonstration needed to bring His kingdom to earth and say just what I said, "Not My will but yours Father. Matthew 26:39 .

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


This is a past blog that someone needs a especially today, not sure who you are, but you will know the moment you read it. Take it serious because Father is expressing and His heart toward you.


From heavens perspective the changing of words never changes their root meaning. The innocent harmless sounding word that many believers practice and laugh off is sophisticated witchcraft. Manipulation is none other than witchcraft. There is a whole lot of manipulation present in the western church. It does not matter what My Holy Spirit wants to do, many leaders manipulate everything and everyone exactly what pleases them. Manipulation has become so common place that no one questions if I am involved in originating what is happening or not. Sweet talk, wine and dine, promote, make public acknowledgments, give financial support, threaten, black ball and even black mail if necessary, to force people to line up with what they desire. Power and money have corrupted religious hierarchy to the point where the corrupt business world regularly makes fleshly deals with the church. 

Music, lights, special effects, are also used to help manipulate innocent people who are searching for Me, but it will no longer work. Tear jerking pleas and special effects cause a great stirring of emotions manipulating millions into giving to projects and things that have no part of My kingdom. Always remember this; promises of great returns on earth are forms of manipulation! I do not make deals, manipulators do! Those that are looking for a comfortable place to ease their conscious (2 Timothy 4:3-4) will continue to be manipulated, but those who truly want an encounter with Me, will have no desire to be part of the apostate church. Holy Spirit will reveal the manipulation immediately and will guide them into the truth found in My green pastures and still waters. A place where they will be well fed, and can lie down and find rest for their souls. Psalm 23. 

No one is ever manipulated in My kingdom. All of My kingdom flows and operates according to My Fathers plan of the ages which never changes, and is made very clear by My Holy Spirit, to those seeking truth. No tricks, no bribery, nothing but the truth that makes every path straight. The truth is, I call everyone to a death experience, and you either respond or ignore My call. "Whoever is bent on saving his temporal life, his comfort and security on earth, shall lose eternal life; and whoever loses his life his comfort and security on earth, for My sake, shall find life everlasting."  Matthew 16:25 

I don't need your money, or your fancy buildings, or planes or boats, all I'd have to say is "let there be" and they would appear. I want willing humans, that love Me and have enough faith in My Father's love to say, "here am I send Me!" No manipulation, only transparent love, you either take up your cross and follow Me or you don't. "He who does not take up his cross and follow Me, cleave steadfastly to Me, conforming wholly to My example in living, and if need be, in dying also, is not worthy of Me, plain and simple." Matthew 10:38  Those who know My voice can never be manipulated, if I say give, they give, wether on the street, in a store, or in a pew. If I say don't give, the whole congregation may be manipulated to empty their bank accounts, but not a dime will be given due to manipulation, by those who know My voice. There are times, I will speak to a whole group to give all, but it will be a command, not manipulation, and they will run to give all, shedding tears of joy! If you do not know the difference between My voice and sophisticated witchcraft, I suggest you leave your wallet and checkbook home, and stay in your prayer closet until you recognize  My voice!

Monday, December 19, 2016



My Father's plan was put in place before the earth was created and His plan will come forth according to the way He has designed it, with or with out you. Human frailty, loss of memory, inability to produce supernatural things, and lack of vision on the part of sincere believers, are all road blocks and barriers that would ordinarily stop My Father's plan. However there is only one thing and it's crucial to carrying out My Father's plan and having His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven and that is your availability. 

Your willingness to say yes and make any adjustments and corrections necessary to align with His eternal plan. Once you have come to the place of complete repentance or changing your mind to line up with My mind as it was that day in the garden. Nothing more is needed, because that changing of your mind means, complete surrender in obedience to His plan.  This surrender is all that is needed to keep His plan moving ahead unhindered. In order to come to this place of availability one must be willing to die to self, pride, ego and everything else in a seconds notice. It's a simple confession that says, "I was wrong". My Father is looking for one phrase coming from the lips of everyone in the secret place on a daily basis and that phrase is: "Not my will but yours be done". In the secret place My Father's creative power is so great that there is no mistake, you can make, that is so bad that with His breath alone, He cannot correct it and bring it out to His perfect will. However you must remember He works with willing hearts that are desirous to only align with His perfect will. Anyone that fights Father's will is in the flesh and therefore is an enemy of God and He will not work His perfect work in an unwilling heart, because to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. [7] You should know the carnal mind is an enemy of My Father because it is not submitted to His the law, neither indeed can be."Romans 8:6-7
The big question always is, Are you willing to be the one that is first to say, "I blew it", "I was totally wrong", "it was all me and it was a good idea but not a God idea". When you are willing to admit this to the world and yourself, you have reached a place of availability, where My Father's will and your will are identical because you have allowed yours to be crucified.

Friday, December 16, 2016



On earth there is such a struggle with the flesh to come into alignment with my kingdom and the principles of my kingdom because they're so much out of line. Everything you think everything you talk about, everything you dream of his lined up with your personal ambitions and desires and agenda. On earth when you come to the kingdom it's is never about you and this is the great battle between the flesh and the spirit. It is so difficult to switch that mentality because the flash is so filled with ego, because it is controlled by the enemy who is the egomaniac of creation. That ego is total flash and has no part whatsoever in the kingdom. In order for you to enter the kingdom and align with its principles that eagle must be destroyed and you must come to the conclusion that it's never been about me here on this earth is the king and what he paid that I might be part of that.

However in heaven it's the opposite it's always been about you, everything was created for you, the earth, the stars, the moon, the sun, the animals, the fish, and the birds of the air. My Father and His creative power was always and only thinking of you being reconciled back to him. Colossians 1:20 When you sinned Father had to withdraw Himself, "And Father God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? [10] And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. [11] And He said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? [24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life" Genesis 3:9-11,24 . But even before the beginning of earth's creation, before He gave you the power of choice, knowing that you would choose the wrong way, even then in His great love for you, He made a plan and that plan was  still all about you. That plan included Me volunteering to give up My life to save you, it's always in only been about you. John 3:16

Now here is the big dilemma, on earth are you able to say it's never been about me, but in the kingdom, it's always been about me, with the understanding that you can offer Me, My Father, and the kingdom nothing. Because in your flesh dwells no good thing,Romans 7:18 Sin destroyed all your ability to present anything good and usable in My kingdom. When you come to Me it must be with a complete understanding that there is no good you have to offer and that My sacrifice was all about you, and My ability to offer you a new birth in the Spirit, so that your old flesh ego could be crucified and your New spirit man could be born again. Thus on earth making it all about Me and the work My Father did before the beginning of the foundation of the earth. If you are not able to make this mental adjustment called repentance, you will never be able to change. It's always in only been about Me and My Father's work in your life. 

Bottom line: as long as you think that you have done anything to earn salvation that I have provided, you do not have salvation, you are still in an unbeliever state of being and will not be with Me in eternity. However if you see your self as unable to present anything worthwhile and you only claim the work that I did on the cross for you, as your entrance ticket to My kingdom then you will be able to enjoy eternity with Me. You may be a great husband, a perfect dad, a successful businessman, a great giver giver giver, a lover of people, and even willing to die for a great cause, but none of these things are sufficient to cover the sin that prevents you from entering My kingdom. My blood and only My blood is the only substance that exists that is powerful enough to cover your sin, that My Father can look on you as his child. So the moment you come to Me you must realign your thinking, on earth it's never about you and your efforts, and in My kingdom it's only about you and My efforts, and My Father's efforts, to save you! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016



This word will upset many people's doctrine, however My Logos word will confirm it again and again. The pattern of things in the heavenly's is always displayed on earth. My Spirit is able to work with these unveiled mysteries when your heart has such a hunger that you are willing to repent of any belief or doctrine that goes against my father's nature. There are many doctrines and beliefs that are totally foreign to My kingdom but yet held high in church teachings as foundational Kingdom principles. There are many doctrines that come from, music, and circumstantial situations in the lives of leaders spiritual leaders, that end up twisting my word enough to make a false doctrine. The simple truth is they alter my word to rid themselves of Holy Spirit conviction and be able to continue with their ungodly lifestyle feeling good. These circumstantial situations have brought the western church to a place where in My kingdom it is recognizable! For your information; those that belong to this circumstantial church believe system will not enter look kingdom of heaven.

The most important place on earth as far as My kingdom is concerned is "the secret place of the most High". Without the secret place, there will be absolutely no advancing of My kingdom on earth. My Kingdom must and will come to earth, but it must start in the hearts of men and women that call themselves My disciples. The secret place is where My Father's principles and the mysteries of the kingdom are embedded in human hearts, to the place where all human agendas, ambitions, and opinions are destroyed and replaced with fathers Kingdom principles. The human agendas ambitions and opinions are called flesh, and My Father's kingdom principles are called Spirit. Your soul operates according to your flesh up until you are born again, however once the new birth takes place, your spirit man it's made alive by My Holy Spirit, from that point on My Holy Spirit offers to overtake and control your soul by destroying your flesh. I say "offers" because everything in my kingdom is voluntary on your part. No one in the kingdom will ever force you to do anything. Every person in My kingdom is here because they have a supernatural hunger to be with Me and like Me and most of all they love My Father's presence above their very breath.

When you understand the mysteries of My Father's kingdom, you will be able to work with Him and move quickly to the throne room, where your spiritual eyes will open and a clear understanding will set you free very quickly. These are shortcuts to My Father's throne room, the center of all light, life, and energy. shortcuts, which in fact they are because of your willingness to lay everything down without argument and surrender to the kingdom way of living. The price for these revealed mysteries cannot be shortcut, therefore by reading this writing, I can only wet your appetite and stir up your hunger to lay down your life and enter the secret place. The hunger that you have to entering the secret place must supersede everything else in your life on earth. If this hunger does not build to that level you will never advance in My kingdom. So the first and greatest of all mysteries is actually inside you. The moment you were born again, I placed My kingdom  inside you in the person of the Holy Spirit. As I told My disciples, "the kingdom of God is within you", Luke 17:21 If My Holy Spirit is inside of you, He will draw you continually to the secret place because He knows this is the only place you will be truly converted as you sit in My Father's presence for as long as He wishes.

The first and foremost shortcut to My Father's throne is to understand this one most important mystery, "I must decrease to nothing so that He can increase in my soul to everything". Yes, "He must increase, but I must decrease. [31] He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: He that cometh from heaven is above all.John 3:30-3 When My Father's will means more to you than anything in your life, you are showing the signs that you are truly born-again. 

Here is the basic bottom line kingdom truth that is the shortcut to My Fathers throne that all true believers are looking for. Does your hunger for the secret place supersede all of your fleshly desire's to do your own thing? If it doesn't, then your born-again experience is not complete. Only you, can answer this question by your actions.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Corporate prayer is very powerful and gets the attention of the angelic hosts when it is poured forth, however it is not the number of prayers that go up, but it is the quality of prayer that comes before the throne. Here in the kingdom it is referred to as perfect agreement prayer. This prayer is not very difficult to pray because the MyHoly Spirit does the praying through you however this prayer is extremely difficult to position yourself for. It demands a spiritual combination lock that must be in perfect alignment in order to open the windows and the doors to the kingdom storehouse. The center core of a combination lock is the wheel pack. When all the wheels in the wheel pack are in the correct position, their notches align to form a gap. Under the force of its own weight, the fence falls into the gap allowing the lock to be opened. The spiritual is no different but it is extremely difficult to find wheels that will line up perfectly. The reason being, every believer is an individual wheel and as that wheel they must be in perfect alignment on both sides. 

One one side the center core is My Father's perfect will, the first wheel is your soul, made up of your mind will and emotions. Keep in mind you are the first wheel, and the notch in your wheel is the request that is coming forth from the earth to the kingdom. On the other side of you is another wheel, often glibly referred to, as a prayer partner. This believer has a notch in their wheel that must perfectly line up with your notch and the opening in My Father's perfect will. The third and final part of the lock is the operator, which gently turns the cylinders until they perfectly line up. Keep in mind that in the west, establishing this combination is close to impossible because of millions of personal agendas that are hidden even from the individual wheels. Remember I said your soul is the wheel, but your soul has three parts that must line up perfectly: Your mind, your will, and your emotions must all be perfectly lined up with Father's perfect will. In other words, at the point of releasing your faith:

1. You must have My mind, (the mind of Christ)
2. My Fathers will, (not yours) and 
3. No human emotion (flesh desire). 

Holy spirit control means, all of your ambitions, opinions, and personal agendas have been completely crucified and Holy Spirit is arranging everything in your soul at that moment for that specific need. [NOTE: Emotion is the flesh counterfeit of My anointing] and is impossible to distinguish between unless it is separated with the two edged sword of My word. All of this work must go on inside you just to get to where a high speed guaranteed answer is on the way in earthshaking power. BUT WAIT YOUR ONLY 1/2 WAY


Everything must be duplicated exactly as the work that has gone on in you wheel number one. This spiritual combination lock works perfectly every time when it is adhered to according to my father's kingdom plan on the prayer of agreement. Here is the kingdom promise and principal for the spiritual combination lock of the kingdom: "Again I say unto you, That if TWO OF YOU SHALL AGREE on earth as touching ANYTHING that they shall ask, IT SHALL BE DONE for them of My Father which is in heaven." Matthew 18:19

Do not be discouraged because My Father will establish His kingdom of the earth before I return and He will answer corporate prayer when the majority of those praying are praying for His kingdom to come on this earth. In His great intelligent design, each prayer will eventually land in accordance with His perfect will, as it is directed by Holy Spirit, the answers come much slower however they will come. Every kingdom citizens must strive to be one of those wheels that are in perfect alignment with My Father's will at all times and destine to become a manifest son and daughter of God.

Friday, December 9, 2016



Kingdom principles are designed to keep and set My people free in all areas. There are Kingdom principles on eating, and social interaction that are already established patterns of the way things will operate in the new heaven and a new earth. These patterns are to be followed by all kingdom citizens and they are in effect continually practiced in the heavens at this moment. Kingdom living is perfect living because it is sin free and has no greed or lust or coveting in it. The pattern of kingdom living is the 10 Commandments lived out to the fullest. Matthew 22:37-40. Life in the kingdom can be practiced and must be practiced and will be practiced on earth before My return. This practice is actually the manifestation of the kingdom made up of a group of citizens called the sons of God. You have the full opportunity by your power of choice, to be one of those manifest sons, but the question is, will you operate inside the pattern set My Father before the earth was created. The answer is not so simple because to continually operate inside kingdom principles, demands that your flesh be completely crucified and I emphasize completely, meaning that you're personal agendas, and your opinions be discarded as worthless, actually counted as human waste in your opinion, there are others right now, that feel that your opinion isn't worth human excrement. However you must be absolutely convinced that your agenda and your opinions are not only totally worthless but are holding back My kingdom from coming to earth. When human flesh is totally crucified everything in there being will scream out what I screamed out in the garden not my will but thy be done Father. At this point you are ready and have become a full mature Kingdom citizens, and a registered manifest son of God demonstrating my kingdom on earth, you are officially my ambassador on earth. 

Here is a kingdom principal flesh test, to see how far outside My pattern and an ambassadorship you are. Being that the love of money is the root of all evil, let's use that as a dipstick to test your heart. In My kingdom when you loan money to other kingdom citizens you are never to charge interest or make money off of your loan. "If you lend money to any of My people with you, who is poor, you shall not be to him as a creditor, neither shall you require interest from him. Exodus 22:25 AMP Secondly when you loan money you are to never expect it back again, but you are to love your enemies and be kind and do good, doing favors, so that someone derives benefit from them and lend, EXPECTING AND HOPING FOR NOTHING IN RETURN, and considering nothing as lost and despairing of no one; and then your recompense (your reward) will be great (rich, strong, intense, and abundant), and you will be manifest sons of the Most High, for He is kind and charitable and good to the ungrateful and the selfish and wicked." Luke 6:35 AMP

 It is to always to be considered a gift of love, that blesses, like I bless and like My Father blesses. In the kingdom pattern there is not one ounce of room for selfishness, self-promotion, or lifting yourself up above someone else. Now here is the real test: In My kingdom there is no such thing as competition but of endurance. Hebrews 12:1-3 When the spirit of competition is gone from your life, you have reached the level of ambassador, and he that endures unto the end, the same shall be saved." Matthew 24:13 The world has set money as your standard of success, the more you have the greater if you are, but in the kingdom the more you have left over for yourself the less you are. You might not realize this, but I gave you the pattern in the temple, when I pointed out the woman that gave more than all the rich men combined. Mark 12:43-44. The real reason My Father in heaven saw her gift above all the rest, is because of her position of ambassador. Now these questions remain where do you stand in the flesh test results? Secondly where do your mentors and teachers and those you listen to stand according to their teachings? Please consider this principle: You will never rise above your teachers. This test will show you that it is no simple thing to die to your flesh, it is a lifetime of surrender on an hourly basis. But with the power of My Holy Spirit it is definitely achievable. The question is how bad do you want to be an ambassador of the king? On this one question hangs your future on earth and your position in the kingdom.

Thursday, December 8, 2016



The most loving person on earth can only express that love when there is complete trust in love as a person not a feeling. Love is not an action even though it ends up manifesting in action, love is the person of your Creator and He introduced Himself as love. With the simple words, God is love. In order to have love never fail you must have an inner connection to the person love. That interconnection is totally supernatural and only comes through the spiritual experience of spiritual osmosis. This process has nothing to do with you struggling to love someone. When the person of love has tied your heart to His through the osmosis process of waiting in His presence, you become love like Him. As long as you, in your human ability try to love, you are still operating in the flesh and you have not yet become love. Everyone must start in (trying to love) stage, until they find out how futile it is to work with human love. It is sad to say, but most believers find it too hard to crucify the flesh so they quit at this stage instead of pushing through to the secret place waiting on My Father until they become love. That's when love becomes that in explainable something that everyone is drawn to and does not know why. The drawing is caused by the feeling of acceptance at any level of living condition. When a person feels fully accepted by their Father that love casts out all fear because it's perfect love. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

One of the most common fears that destroys human love is the fear of poverty. It is amazing that someone will go to great lengths to emotionally express love and all of the time be interested only in a persons cash value. Remember, I said in the My in the last days love would wax cold, the reason for the waxing cold is always selfishness and selfishness has it's foundation in fear.Luke 12:52-53 Families that seem so close but when it came to end of life matters, it seems that greed fueled by fear suddenly explodes on the scene, and there is no more thought of the value of the person or their presence in the family. Remember, I said Father will turn against son, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law crossing the tightest a family bonds and crushing and destroying counterfeit human love. Take note that I said HUMAN LOVE, because I also said LOVE NEVER FAILS,1 Corinthians 13:8 therefore human love is a counterfeit love coming out of the emotions. This counterfeit love comes out of the human emotions not the spirit and fear also comes out of the human emotions not the spirit, therefore this human love is not real love, because the two are opposites and cannot coexist. In short human love poses no threat to fear. Because of the poverty that is about to sweep the west in the coming days and weeks, it is going to be absolutely crucial for believers to wait in My Father's presence until they become that love that will carry them through giving hope to all those bound in fear. Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, December 7, 2016



In the natural world where you live, those of you who have children know that they are constantly on your mind, both your conscious mind and subconscious mind up until the age of accountability and even beyond that, if you are honest. When you hear their names, or a name similar to theirs, or a friend of their's name is mentioned, you always perk up to see if there is something important involving your child. If this does not happen you are not a (God natured) good parent, because this is part of My Father's nature, to look after His offspring and it is part of your nature, if you have any of His nature.

When and earthly parent leaves their children with a new babysitter, they are very skeptical and super cautious because they are not familiar with that babysitter and how they will treat the children or how they will react to emergency situation, which is all very understandable. However you probably have never considered how My Heavenly Father deals with His kingdom babysitters. There are two levels of babysitters in My kingdom, the first level is with children, literal children under the age of accountability. The second level, which I will not discuss here is that of a mentor. The most exciting time or terrifying time in a new babysitting experience is when the parent comes home to see how everything went while they were out. If the babysitter had a smooth night and the house is clean, and the children are asleep, then it's a victorious time for this new sitter. However if the house is a mess, and the children are in control, and the babysitter is sitting on the couch feeding their face and watching TV, while the house is still being torn apart, the parents are definitely not going to be happy campers, and you can be sure another babysitter will be on the scene next time. 

However in the kingdom when Father checks up on his babysitters you had better be prepared for something 1000 times more extreme than just being fired. This is the fate of a neglectful kingdom babysitter. Kingdom notice: There are no such beings as (ORPHANS) in My kingdom, children living on earth without parents are, (GOD'S ADOPTED KIDS), they never for a single second are without a Father that has mother's heart, and He has His eye on them at all times. He also has His eye on every person that deals with His adopted children. Whether you know it or not, you have always been one of his babysitters if you have had any contact with one of His little ones under the age of accountability. However in dealing with literal earthly orphans you are under a spiritual microscope as to how you are treating them. If you have treated them in any manner different than He would treat them, you are in big big trouble. So big it would be better if you were not born. Now here is the kingdom rule for all those who have any contact with God's adopted children: "if you in anyway bring hardship, pain, or ignore them, and they complain to Me, I will kill you kill you with a sword, and your children will become orphans and your wives become a widow, for someone else to care for, but I will also adopt them." Exodus 22:22-24  Because I love you, I must warn you before judgment day, that the miss-treatment or neglect of one of Fathers little children carries a death penalty.

However if the reverse is true, and you bless them and they share their testimony of your goodness, I will bless you by taking care of your children, by seeing that your hearts desire for your children to be in the kingdom is carried out. Always keep in the back of your mind that My Father never takes his eyes off His fatherless kids on planet earth. Their angel in heaven is always on duty reminding Him of their situations. Father is so particular about His little ones that He does not fully trust human beings into their care, so he has assigned an angel to each one to make sure that you are treating them the way He would. These angels are "always in the face of My Father which is in heaven" Matthew 18:10 reporting to Him your actions towards His adopted kids. Here is just another little inkling of how strongly Father feels about his little ones! I leave this with you as a reminder and hopefully a life-changing truth that will make judgment day and life on earth beautiful, instead of the worst experience a human can have. (If you by your lifestyle, actions or words spoken into their lives cause them to stumble, it would be better for you if a millstone were hung around your neck and you were cast into the sea and then for you to fall into the hands of My Father on judgment day. Mark 9:42) 

From this time on YOU HAVE ONLY ONE CHIOCE that deals with how you treat Father's adopted children. It's not on whether or not you will babysit, because as I have said, whether you like it or not you are already one of His babysitters and He wants to bless you for it, and He has promised to bless you according to the way you treat them. If you have been a poor babysitter up until this time, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR,  because, it's never too late to repent in the kingdom and reverse any of the negative done to the child through the never failing love and power of the Holy Spirit. Ask him for forgiveness immediately, before you take your next breath, ask for any damage that has been done by your tongue, or ignoring their need to be reversed in those of His children, that you may have damaged. He loves you with an awesome love beyond understanding and is willing and anxious to forgive you, so that He can trust with His kids. He still wants you as one of his beautiful trusted babysitters. Forgiveness is yours the moment you ask and you can start a whole new life as one of His great trusted babysitters.

Monday, December 5, 2016



You have a saying on earth and that war is hell, and from your perspective with blood, guts, fire it probably is the closest thing to hell that you will experience during your lifetime on earth. However this is never the case in the kingdom, because when you are in the kingdom as a kingdom citizen, you do not need to do the warfare, at times you are a spectator and at other times you are a commander in a well protected guarded bunker operating the control center. My angels make up the army and they do not have flesh and blood and neither do their opponents. My angels understand what to do and how to do battle in the spirit realm. You as a human being would be a total loss if you really tried to do warfare. Shouting loudly, sweating, pounding on the floor or the bed, even shouting my name without proper understanding does not even phase demon forces.

They know you are in a physical body and cannot see them so they have full and complete advantage with your blindness. They also know that you cannot hear them because their voices are outside of your frequency. You may not understand this, but some animals can tune in to that frequency and become extremely fearful causing them to act in a weird frightfulful way. There are dogs that can feel human pain and human frustration and fear, however sin has greatly limited human ability to connect with the spirit realm, therefore it is necessary for you to be born again and have your spirit man completely dominate your old nature and soul.

After your born-again experience there is a plateau and a time of growth that I love you privileges in My kingdom kingdom where we overlook fleshly activities and decisions knowing that it is part of your infancy and adolescents. It is called Grace and it is very enjoyable for all newborns however this must come to an end in order for My kingdom to be established on earth. Your fleshly activity must cease and all childish activities eventually done away with.1 Corinthians 13:11-13
The enemy is not interested in whether you are a baby spiritually or an adult, he has one thing in mind, to kill you. When I was in a human body on earth, he tried to kill me before I was two years of age. Most believers are harassed, beaten down, powerless, and suffer the same thing as sinners do because pastors and teachers and leaders have not gone beyond this point either. Even those that claim to be deliverance people, have a little knowledge and how My kingdom operates because they're still shouting and sweating and screaming while demons scratch their head wondering what they are doing.

A mature kingdom citizen need only to sit back in his spiritual bunker (secret place) knowing that "he that lives in the spiritual bunker of the most High shall abide under the shadow of His Almighty power!  Psalm 91:1 He has learned to listen to My Spirit and to speak only the directives that he hears in his spirit man. He will be told to speak directly to the demonic forces, knowing that My angel armies are going to carry out what you speak in faith and confidence.Exodus 23:22-24 
They know and recognize the authority that I gave you. Now this is the problem; your flesh has a voice that is loud and overwhelming because it is directly connected to your emotions, and it is not possible for you to divide between your emotions and your spirit because they sound identical. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for My Rehma and logos word to be alive in you, separating between your emotions and your spirit. This separating must be done before you enter into warfare because any flesh still alive in you, gives the enemy the advantage and you will not be able to defeat him. Hebrews 4:12 With your flesh still alive, your emotions will cause you to scream out and overreact to every demonic action, because all you can do is FEEL! Feel the pain, feel the depression, and feel the fiery darts that they throw. Ephesians 6:16 My word is the only thing that can separate the two. However if your flesh continues to live on with your personal agendas, you will never do warfare effectively. With this other loud voice you will not be able to accurately discern what My Spirit is saying to your spirit or what your flesh is speaking to your natural mind to accomplish your personal agenda. The war between your will and My Father's will, causes a lack of confidence on your part and without that confidence you lack the authority that My angels need to hear before they move into action. In desperation to win whether it be over physical pain, emotional pain, or financial pain, you begin beating the air as it were trying to hit something that you can feel but cannot see.

Only a very few of you will understand the operation that goes on in a kingdom bunker, the "secret place of the most high". Psalm 91:7-9 The mature kingdom citizen can sit in perfect calm, giving orders to demons to cease and desist, and My angel armies will jump into action stopping them dead in their tracks while a group of immature believers beating the air and screaming for hours, exhaust themselves, hoping to set themselves and others free but to no avail. 1 Corinthians 9:25-27  The spiritual bunker is the only truly safe place in earths atmosphere, but the fully mature kingdom citizen can actually live there until the day he crosses over. In the weeks ahead people are going to be looking for the calm ones that have learned to speak from the bunker and win every battle with no injuries. Today there is plenty of room in My Father's bunkers, if you are wise you will choose to die to your flesh quickly and not be as one that beats the air living and exhausted and defeated life.

Sunday, December 4, 2016



The gates of hell are prevailing in many lives and millions of church goers and lukewarm believers think everything is just fine. The truth is life has been rearranged for them in the coming days, and will attack them with a vengeance leaving them destitute. Destitute of money, home, family, friends, and relationships that they once held dear. The reason for this advantage that the enemy has his lack of understanding on how much a part they play in their overcoming hells attack. Very few are interested in spiritual matters in this puts them at a total disadvantage, because to them it'll all work out and this is what The enemy is counting on. There is no time for fun and games during a war situation, especially when everything in your life is depending on the outcome of the battle. 1 Peter 5:8-9 Those of you that know the power of the enemy has, when you give him an open door, are spending the majority of your time in My presence seeking My intervention and you will overcome as My Spirit gives you the light of a kingdom strategy, dispelling the plot that has been conceived in darkness, against you.

How many times do you start your day asking Me, what is on My agenda, and what is on My heart? How many times do you start your day saying, "oh I'm late I must get going"? How many times do you get up late and put your job and your schedule in front of everything? How many times do you totally forget your time with Me? If this is a practice with you, I guarantee the gates of hell are set to prevail against you and will bring you down. Do not take the kingdom of darkness lightly like many are, it is so foolish to act as if you have no enemy at all. I spent most of My time on earth, dealing and defeating this enemy that you are ignoring, and yes I did defeat him. However that defeat does not help you as long as you do not operate in the same manner as I did with My Father. My Father had first priority in everything, I never did anything unless I saw Father do it first. John 5:19 This is how much protection I had as His only Son and I was able to overcome, but it was only by His Spirit that was residing in Me. The same Spirit, if He resides in you, will do the same thing, however He will first manifest Himself in the secret place with My Father. In the secret place, My Father imparts His overcoming power in you and reveals the flesh that is yet to be crucified. As long as it is still alive in your soul it is an open door for the demonic forces to do to carry out hell's plot. Romans 8:7-8 If you are not in the secret place each morning, seeking Him first with all your heart, you do not have within you the power to overcome! 

KINGDOM PRINCIPLE:  {I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, but in order for you to be part of My church you must do exactly as I did in the garden, and say with your whole heart, "not my will be done but Yours Father". Matthew 16:18-19}

Until that time your flesh is still alive and you have not become part of My last day church, you're still doing things according to your will, not His! I have overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, but you have not! As long as your schedule takes priority each day, you still have flesh alive and working in your soul and "they that are after the flesh live according to the dictates of the flesh; but they that are after My Spirit the things of the Spirit. [6] For to be fleshly minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:3,5-6 You and every other Kingdom citizens must overcome hells fiery darts individually, with this proclamation, making Fathers will be your top priority in everything you do. Your overcoming, must come out of an act of your will, putting My Father, My Holy Spirit, Me and My kingdom first and foremost above everything in your life. This is the only way the gates of hell will not steamroll over you, crushing you to powder.  You must imitate Me in order to partake and push the gates of hell back away from your personal life. The gates of hell will not prevail against my church, however in order to be part of my church you must surrender your agenda and put My Fathers first just as I did. 

Warning: If you have any areas that you have given the enemy a door to attack you through, you must seek Father with your whole heart for his intervention and the intervention of his angel armies to change the hearts of those he has arrayed against you. As you know he can change the hearts of kings and judges and your worst enemy but not unless He is your first priority. MATTHEW 6:33 If there are no doors or cracks of weakness, then be aware that he will try to attack through a physical infirmity, to get your mind off My Father's will and onto your physical condition. You must come against this with full knowledge that My blood and My stripes were enough to hault and reverse these physical attacks. Isaiah 53:5 However each one of these that you go through, will be rewarded in heaven as a persecution overcome for my sake. Matthew 5:11-12.

Saturday, December 3, 2016



I know how to run My Kingdom on earth which is very very small compared to the kingdom of God throughout the galaxies. My Father has given Me complete charge and I direct everything through My Holy Spirit that goes through the earth and searches all things. You need Me, you need My Holy Spirit, you need intimacy with My Father, you need to obey whatever He says. The hearts of kings are in My Father's hands and He can turn them which ever way He wishes. I even have the control of the fish of the sea, to deliver gold to pay taxes Matthew 17:27. If My people will not surrender and obey in all areas, I will cause even the rocks cry out in praise and do my bidding. Luke 19:40  All of nature is alive when ever I speak. The trees hear My voice and respond; if I am cursing them they die, if I am blessing them, they bring forth fruit! Every believer has one unique privilege that the rest of creation does not have, and that is the power of choice, they can choose to obey and voluntarily be part of My kingdom, having great power and intimacy with all the hosts of heaven or they can choose to suffer with their flesh and miss out on My kingdom lifestyle. 

If they choose to  hang onto their flesh in fear, holding back the slightest thing in doubt, they will struggle through life wondering how to pay little bills and how to do things according to their agenda, sadly ending up with nothing but questions. Hebrews 3:12-19 My Father and I are offering everything any human could desire just for complete surrender. In My kingdom, all the work has been done, I have paid for your sin, I have sent My Holy Spirit to guide and direct your every step, I have laid before you a path, that is perfect and will come out victorious every time it is obeyed, EXACTLY  AS IT IS GIVEN. When you obey and DO NO MORE and NO LESS, you will be so amazed at the giant accomplishments from a simple little obedient act. If I say, give up your home and move to a another location, that location will be prepared for you, and your home will be established in eternity for you to enjoy for billions of years plus. If I say empty your bank account and you obey, your account in heaven will suddenly multiply 100 fold and draw interest forever and in My kingdom we pay awesome dividends eternally. Here is a kingdom principle that you can count on: (Whatever you trust in, small or great, you can be sure that that is what My Father will demand, because He demands your whole heart.) In his eyes that thing is gigantic, because it is taking his place! No matter how small it looks it has a piece of your heart that belongs to Him and He will in no wise except any less than your whole heart. Mark 12:30.

You personally My son, have had this demonstrated hundreds of times during your life, so in your latter days you must continue to rest in Me and watch what I do in Haiti as I direct you. My kingdom will be established with a small group it does not matter. As you know the kingdom of heaven is made up of a few in comparison to the population of human spirits that were sent to the earth. You must always keep in mind the three most powerful words I said on earth were, IT IS FINISHED. John 19:30  All the impossible work has been done, it is now your opportunity to benefit from that work, which was impossible for you to do. Today; if you will continue surrendering each item in your life and in your heart as My Holy Spirit points it out, you can begin enjoying your eternal life right now. Psalm 95:6-11. Please by all means continue to seek first My kingdom, Matthew 6:33 so that you can enter into My rest, that only a few eastern believers have entered into. This may sound cruel or harsh but I do not need you, My Father does not need you, My kingdom does not need you, however with all Our hearts WE WANT YOU, because we love you, and for that reason this opportunity to surrender and obey is left open to you right now. There will come a time when procrastinators will no longer be able to let go, because of fear. Now is the time while I am drawing you, because fear eventually will paralyze small and great and they will doubt everything and be lost or at best, be least in the kingdom, with no rewards. It is Our desire that all My children prosper and be in health as their soul prospers in the secret place with My Father. Again the choice is yours today. 3 John 1:2