Thursday, December 8, 2016



The most loving person on earth can only express that love when there is complete trust in love as a person not a feeling. Love is not an action even though it ends up manifesting in action, love is the person of your Creator and He introduced Himself as love. With the simple words, God is love. In order to have love never fail you must have an inner connection to the person love. That interconnection is totally supernatural and only comes through the spiritual experience of spiritual osmosis. This process has nothing to do with you struggling to love someone. When the person of love has tied your heart to His through the osmosis process of waiting in His presence, you become love like Him. As long as you, in your human ability try to love, you are still operating in the flesh and you have not yet become love. Everyone must start in (trying to love) stage, until they find out how futile it is to work with human love. It is sad to say, but most believers find it too hard to crucify the flesh so they quit at this stage instead of pushing through to the secret place waiting on My Father until they become love. That's when love becomes that in explainable something that everyone is drawn to and does not know why. The drawing is caused by the feeling of acceptance at any level of living condition. When a person feels fully accepted by their Father that love casts out all fear because it's perfect love. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

One of the most common fears that destroys human love is the fear of poverty. It is amazing that someone will go to great lengths to emotionally express love and all of the time be interested only in a persons cash value. Remember, I said in the My in the last days love would wax cold, the reason for the waxing cold is always selfishness and selfishness has it's foundation in fear.Luke 12:52-53 Families that seem so close but when it came to end of life matters, it seems that greed fueled by fear suddenly explodes on the scene, and there is no more thought of the value of the person or their presence in the family. Remember, I said Father will turn against son, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law crossing the tightest a family bonds and crushing and destroying counterfeit human love. Take note that I said HUMAN LOVE, because I also said LOVE NEVER FAILS,1 Corinthians 13:8 therefore human love is a counterfeit love coming out of the emotions. This counterfeit love comes out of the human emotions not the spirit and fear also comes out of the human emotions not the spirit, therefore this human love is not real love, because the two are opposites and cannot coexist. In short human love poses no threat to fear. Because of the poverty that is about to sweep the west in the coming days and weeks, it is going to be absolutely crucial for believers to wait in My Father's presence until they become that love that will carry them through giving hope to all those bound in fear. Isaiah 40:31

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