Monday, August 22, 2016



I am hearing so many of My people in the west say, "I know there are things in my life that are wrong or not pleasing to the Lord but...". This is totally unacceptable in the kingdom. The reason you know they are wrong is My Holy Spirit is pointing out things that are keeping you on the sideline or an extended stay in the wilderness. If you know I am displeased with anything why would you ever do it? 

Here is the answer: there is fleshly pleasure in sin Hebrews 11:25 and some sins are seen as not bad enough to change your eternal destiny. Therefore you have concluded that the little sinful pleasure that you know is wrong is worth it, so you gamble using the grace card, in hopes it will allow you to experience the same as those who obey in all things. 

This way of thinking goes against the kingdom core principle, of obedience is proof of love. "If you love Me, keep My commandments".  John 14:15 Yes you say you love Me, but In the kingdom, the proof of your love is in your obedience in ALL THINGS, but some of you are actually saving some of your old life, which will cause you to lose your new life. Matthew 16:25 I have shown you the evils in mans church and drawn you out for a purpose, but you must always focus on that purpose, your purpose from now on is to share the things of the kingdom, that I have revealed to you. You must share them with those I send you who are trapped in religious practices and long to be free. Stop playing with little pity parties, hanging on to little fleshly things, and start fulfilling your new purpose. 

Bottom line: To whom much is given, of him shall much be required; and of him to whom men entrust much, they will require and demand all the more." Luke 12:48 I am trusting you with revelation knowledge, what will you do with it? Do not waste it by pointing at the sins of religion but use it to set My people free by sharing and demonstrating the kingdom life as I reveal it!

Sunday, August 21, 2016



"Every religion serves their seeker friendly doctrine first, and when people have drunk freely, then they are served that which is not so good because they can't come up with anything new; but I keep back the kingdom life wine until people are sick of drinking mans doctrine!" John 2:10 When I hear people say, "there's got to be more than this!", I dispatch angels to lead them to the pots I have freshly filled. No, I do not save the best for last, it's you who refuse to drink what I offer, until your leaders run out or you are no longer satisfied with the best man can produce. 

The sad thing is the millions that have settled for the bad stuff, thinking that's all there is. Oh how Father's heart longs for you enter the shaking and revelation wilderness, where rich everlasting kingdom wells will be revealed. "Everyone who continues to swallow mans programs and doctrines will be thirsty again. [14] But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) continually within him producing eternal life." John 4:13-14

There are multitudes in the Shaking and Revelation wilderness right now and many coming out, who have learned to put My kingdom first and drink from the river of life that will never run dry, as it flows from Father's throne. Revelation 22:1 Bottom line: I do not save the best for last, everything in the kingdom is best. My people must get desperate enough to abandon the old and seek the best that's been waiting for them all along.

Saturday, August 20, 2016



On your way to kingdom greatness the hardest strain of human pride must be destroyed, religious pride. Other types of pride can be dealt with, with a simple dose of humiliation, but religious pride is deep in the bones of every self righteous person. Simple humiliation from being proven wrong, or being exposed for wrong doing, will not destroy this deadly strain of pride. There is only one remedy designed to destroy religious pride, THE SHAKING AND REVELATION WILDERNESS. As long as you are surrounded by people who admire you, you will never know how un-teachable you are. Those who are un-teachable are doomed for destruction. You may appear to be very accepting of others and their input, while inside you are rejecting everything they say, and at the same time judging them, based on your self-righteousness! 

The kingdom Wilderness Revelation can wipe out this deadly strain of pride virus in as little as 40 days and some as long as several years. My Holy Spirit leads you to places you never dreamed of going or would never want to go; places out of your comfort zone, where you are no longer in control and nothing is familiar. It is a place where My Father personally shakes all your core values and beliefs. He shakes apart everything in order to reveal what is kingdom and what is the doctrine of men and devils.Hebrews 12:27 He places you in a spiritual cocoon as it were, (the valley of the shadow of death) where it's just you and Him and for the first time in your life, you have no answers at all. During the shaking Wilderness you will beg and cry for answers but His only answer is, "just trust Me". This is where you finally realize it's useless to try to come up with an intellectual answer, because nothing makes common sense. When you stretch your intellect to its farthest paradigm and come up with nothing, My Father says, stop wasting your time trying to figure things out and wait on Me for revelation to come because, "as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:9

When you first entered the wilderness you thought it was going to be a breeze. Dealing with pride was the last thing on your mind, yet the only thing on the Spirits mind. Then suddenly, it becomes a real wilderness, sometimes including physical pain, sickness, financial pain, or personal loss, and there is the time when all your doing suddenly stops, creating great emotional pain, this is the shaking wilderness designed to shatter all your paradigms, because you are being prepared to receive revelation. In order to receive revelation all previous paradigms must be shattered because revelation is hidden just behind the outer limits your wildest paradigm. If you think you do not need to pass through a shaking and revelation wilderness and you want enter My kingdom, think again. Many believers have set themselves up as gods, deciding who is in hell and whose in heaven.There are people that are in My kingdom that you are sure are in hell, and even want in hell. You are in urgent need the revelation wilderness, because as you judge you will be judged, you will change places with the one you judged. Matthew 7:2 AMP

Teaching My word without regularly passing through the shaking and revelation wilderness is truly the blind leading the blind, it has caused millions to lie helpless in religious ditches. How can the blind lead the blind? Won't they both fall into the ditch? Luke 6:39 Please let me destroy your deadly and contagious religious pride, cry out for a Shaking Revelation Wilderness. Let the Holy Spirit lead you into it and when you come out the other side you will look a lot more like Me, thinking a lot more like My Father! Matthew 4:1-11 

Bottom line: "You must pass through the revelation wilderness so that the genuineness of your faith and love may be tested; your faith which is infinitely more precious than the perishable gold, which is tested and purified by fire. This proving of your faith and love is intended to redound to your praise and glory and honor when I (the Messiah, the Anointed One) am revealed." 1 Peter 1:7 AMP

Friday, August 19, 2016



In My kingdom when natural supplies run out and natural sources dry up, for those who have passed their trust tests there will be a supernatural replenishing to sustain them. In My word, time after time the example after example the unseen world pops into the seen world in the form of food, money, and all life sustaining goods. The time is fast approaching when believers must totally trust without doubting, to survive a famine in the land! In operation replenish My Fathers creative powers are activated by your faith and belief system. It is so simple for Him to sustain you when you walk in faith and simply trust. He pulls water out of solid rock. He drops bread and meat out of the sky. He can bring cash out of a fishes mouth. He keeps reproducing at the same rate as consumption takes place so baskets remain full and vessels keep refilling. Bank accounts strangely stretch and stretch. 

Many times operation replenish goes completely unnoticed or just buried in simple remarks like "I don't know where it came from, but everything is paid this month."  The more earth's natural sources dry up, the more obvious it will be that for some there is a supernatural replenish program. It will come in a billion different packages. For example: When natural physical power runs out, supernatural Spirit power kicks in! "If the Spirit of My Father who raised Me up from the dead dwells in you, then He Who raised Me up from the dead, will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you".Romans 8:11 When your wisdom has come to an end and you can't go any further, just ask My Father and He will give you all you need. James 1:5  Great peace does not come from knowing there is a fully stocked storehouse but from the relationship that gives you full access in times of famine. Because My Father shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory through Me". Philippians 4:19

Do not limit your need to finances, expand it to whatever need you have, release from pain, freedom from sickness, need for friends, food or fellowship, love, joy or peace. It's all in the King's store house. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016



Many bullies insist on doing it all and think it's going to be rewarded, when in fact it will be judged. Nobody preaches but them, they do all the teaching, and there will be nothing going on that they have not authored or that they cannot maintain full control over, at all times. Hidden deep inside the ego of most believers is a spiritual cancer that is addictive and many times fatal to kingdom plans. It's a pride that blocks a working together unity that must be established for My kingdom to come to earth. This cancer looks very spiritual but it is extremely deceptive causing people I have designed and created to flourish in their specific gifts, to be pushed aside as useless trash. In the kingdom they are viewed as religious bullies demanding they do not need any help.  I have designed My body to be knit together by relationships, for just as the body is a unity and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, must be held together by relationships to form only one body, so it is with Me (the Messiah, the Anointed One)." 1 Corinthians 12:12 AMP Relationships are the muscle and ligaments that knit the body together and cause it to function.

The church in the west is plagued with bullies that will not ask or let others help them. This single sin of pride is fatal to many relationships that must be established, to build My body. "I'm in charge here" I'm the boss" or I'm the pastor" are all prideful words of a bully that is holding back tens of thousands of gifted sheep sent by Me to build My church. These bullies kill many godly relationships before they even begin. I have designed hearts to be knit together and much of the knitting is done through activities requiring physically working together and or sharing. I have so many hearts yet to knit into My body but I cannot get past the bullies that are so fearful of being replaced they quench the gifts, the moment someone else starts to move ahead. There is nothing competitive in My kingdom, because you are to lay down your life for the sheep, not prove you are better than him or her.  Refusal to ask for or receive help from others that I send your way, is a ugly pride that proves fatal to building lives and relationships. "I don't need any help" sounds like a noble statement, however many times it is based in fear, selfishness, need for affirmation and demonic control. If the bullies do not move over and let others help, I will remove them, so My body can grow! I am calling all church bullies to repent and live according to 1 Corinthians 12:14-31 

Saturday, August 13, 2016



No one can put a value on anything that has not been tested. I have a different test for every believer, and a different test for each character trait of Mine. For Peter his test of love for Me, was his care of My sheep. I asked him 3 times if he loved Me, the first two he answered positively, thinking that he did. The third time he had to admit he fell short and failed the test. Without tests you will never know wether you possess even something as personal as love. All the time Peter was sure he loved Me and a simple test proved otherwise and it saved his life. John 21:16-17 
Using this as a sample test: the majority of pastors and leaders in the west are also failing this test, (most without knowing it) using and abusing the sheep to meet their personal agendas, and building a name for themselves. An ugly evil pride exists among religious leaders, believing that to have more people, more buildings, more ministries, or even out reaches, is proof who is greatest in the kingdom. A pastor that has 10 sheep would never be invited to speak at a convention, but a pastor of 5000 will be used as a main drawing card. Yet in the kingdom, the pastor that has 10 sheep that are well fed and nourished is far greater that one that has thousands and he doesn't even know their name. Pride has totally blinded them and I have let them believe a lie. They read Matthew 18:4 and they preach Matthew 18:4 and then they declare, that Matthew 18:4 is for the sheep, not them and they continue to count heads to determine who is greatest in the kingdom. Feeding sheep is more than preaching well rehearsed slanted truths. it is daily demonstrating kingdom living by being completely transparent on a one on one personal basis. 

What about your trust level test? Have you passed any lately? Can you trust Me and walk all the way to the altar on the mountain top, when the only sacrifice you have, is the thing you love most? Genesis 22:9 Can you trust Me in a prison cell when you know you did nothing wrong? Can you trust Me in prolonged sickness, when nothing seems to work? Can you trust Me to meet all your needs when your account is empty? Can you stand firm on a word that I have given you, if everyone disagrees and turns against you?  These are the basic life tests that cover 5 of the major thresholds of life, priorities- reputation- physical pain- source of supply- and faithfulness. If you can pass these tests which will be given on a regular basis until you time on earth is finished, you can be sure of a well done. Failing these tests does not mean you are a failure. These tests are ultimately for the testing of your faith in all aspects "knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience in all aspects." James 1:3 The harder the test the farther along you are in Me and I get the greater the glory each time you pass.

All kingdom tests have a duel purpose, first, they are a reminder to you, of where you really are in your kingdom journey, and second, to bring Glory to My name. When you pass My Father wins another victory over the kingdom of darkness and the mystery of the Ages is answered:  WHO WILL YOU WORSHIP

Thursday, August 11, 2016



Rest is the proof of trust. When you release a situation or a person to Me it will immediately be followed by rest. Anxiousness and worry are signs that your faith is weak and you are still hanging on to a situation with the thought that your involvement is necessary. As you wait on Me, My still small voice will speak to your spirit in a language that your familiar with, saying things like (I GOT THIS THING). Obedience to My commands is absolutely necessary to stay in a place of rest. Many of My commands, believers in the west, have categorized as suggestions, thus preventing them from ever entering into My rest. Crossing your fingers, or knocking on wood is a sure sign a person has no idea of what entering into My rest is all about. Entering into My rest means you have mentally released the issue and it no longer remains in your mind.Philippians 3:13 

 Concern is nice sounding word used to replace, worry, fear, doubt, unbelief and nervous. It is not a kingdom faith word. In kingdom language when a person says, "I am concerned", it's means, "I have not released". To release means I am not concerned. To be concerned is saying, "I do not trust God to handle this issue by Himself". This in turn means, you do not know Me well enough to know that when I say, "I got this thing," there is nothing more to fear or be concerned about. Rest comes "when you are fully confident of two unchangeable things First; it is impossible for Me to lie; and second that you can run to Me for refuge and have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope of eternal life that I put in front of you". Hebrews 6:18

So now we are getting to the root cause, of your inability to rest in the greatest storms of life; PRIORITIES. To remain in My rest then your top priority must be spending intimate time with Me. You are not spending enough quality time with Me learning the sound of My voice, practicing being in My presence and worshipping Me! When you are confidence of My Voice speaking to you and feel the love and power of My presence, rest results. If you make the kingdom your priority you can being confident of this, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016



In the Old Testament under the old covenant if My Spirit did not speak to the prophet of the time, then the earth was without contact with heaven. In the New Testament under the new covenant My Spirit dwells in every believer that will listen to His voice, constantly keeping heaven in contact with earth. However in these last days a problem has developed, as millions of believers in the Western Hemisphere have turned a deaf ear to My Spirit leaving much of the west with little or no contact with heaven. The personal agendas of spiritual leaders have taken priority over My agenda and My kingdom, causing them to turn a deaf ear to anything My Spirit is speaking, thus moving the modern western believer into a place where most of the western culture is being easily led astray by the apostate church. However the kingdom has a solution similar to the Old Testament method. Remember it was recorded that "The boy Samuel ministered to the Lord before Eli in a time when the word of the Lord was rare and precious; and there was no frequent or widely spread vision for the people." 1 Samuel 3:1 AMP

However the kingdom has a solution; Just as The boy Samuel ministered to Me back then, I am calling out select believers to minister unto Me in the 21st century. These select believers are being set apart to wait on Me with no interest in building personal kingdoms or being politically correct. Their heart's desire is to keep the west in open communication with heaven, so that the innocent will know I am an all powerful, living God that loves them unconditionally. They neither seek men's applause nor favor, but love Me and seek first My kingdom with the ultimate purpose of bringing My kingdom to earth and making My bride ready. Because these set apart ones have no other agenda but Mine, ministering to Me will cause My glory to rest on them as they host My presence. My glory and presence will draw the hungry from the four corners of the earth, not to see men but to meet with Me and experience an open heaven. At this point "I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. [29] Even upon the menservants and upon the maidservants in those days will I pour out My Spirit." Joel 2:28-29 AMP

This will be the real deal, not a side show, but a demonstration of power 1Corinthians 2:4 in the homes of the poor and on the street corners and back alleys and wherever My Spirit draws My sons and daughters to minister to the lost as I build My kingdom! These manifest sons of Mine will help usher in My kingdom! Luke 14:16-24 

Monday, August 8, 2016



I am the person truth who protects you from all who falsely accuse you. I am the person truth that breaks the bondage of religious tradition and the deceptive doctrines of men, but I am also the person truth known as a mirror. When I am in My mirror capacity I am the most often forgotten being on the planet. Every believer that comes to Me for salvation must meet Me in the person of the mirror of truth in order to move past salvation on into the vast riches of My kingdom. After true repentance, My blood cleanses you from all sin, but this only gives you access to the kingdom. John 3:3. Salvation is only the beginning of your eternal life journey and sad to say, most western believers choose to remain in that state as spiritual babies, refusing to take time to eat meat but stay on the milk of My word.Hebrews 5:13 Even worse pastors building their own kingdoms are content to leave them in the infant stage. However as a human with a free will, each of your old nature character traits must be voluntarily surrendered, in order to be individually transformed into My image. As your character aligns with My character you will move into a place where you are able to represent My kingdom on earth. With each transformation you are able to eat more and more meat, and will eventually become a kingdom ambassador. 2 Corinthians 5:20 
Your old nature is so much a part of you it does not appear as unrighteous to you, so you must have someone to compare too. That's where I become a mirror to you. James 1:23-25 AMP Each time you look into the spiritual mirror you will see two images, mine and yours. When you see only My image you will know you have been transformed. Hebrews 5:14 When you see two images, you are viewing both your unrighteous character and My righteous character. Each and every time you will be tempted to turn away and quickly forget what you really look like, joining the millions of western baby Christians who refuse to grow. Some have been infants on milk for 40 years. Hebrews 5:12  Do not be afraid of to stay in front of the mirror beholding  both images in the Truth Mirror until all you see is Me. It takes time staring into My character, sometimes for hours each day, but eventually you will not be able to tell the difference as My power transforms you into My image! Romans 12:2 

Now let Me break it down:
THE MIRROR IS MY HOLY SPIRIT, and He will come in many forms, sometimes it's one of the many versions of the bible, but more often it starts out as the words of a child, a friend, a family member, or a stranger and at first it will always make you feel bad, or dirty or unworthy and that's good. These people have no idea what they are doing, because it's Me the mirror allowing you to see your condition. 

STARING IN THE MIRROR: is when you meditate on what was said or you read, that hurts. 
TRANSFORMATION comes when you refuse to push it out of your mind but instead repent, meaning you change your mind saying, I do not want to be like this any more and you ask Me to change you to look like Me. The rest is up to Me and soon you will be eating meat on your way to becoming an ambassador.

Warning: Satan has put out thousands of false mirrors, these are bad people who are self righteous, and judge you by comparing you to themselves. They are evil religious people, do not fight them just ignore them. The way you distinguish between the real mirror and the false mirrors is love. When you are looking into My mirror, mixed in with the bad feelings, will always be My love, giving you hope, and as you change your mind, you will feel clean or light as a feather because the transformation is happening. 

Sunday, August 7, 2016



The second way I, the person Truth, set the believer free, is when I operate as the revealer of secrets. New revelational truths that shed light in totally darkened areas of religious tradition, that has held people in bondage for years sets people free to have an intimate relationship with Me. Religious Tradition is a deceptive prison that holds more believers in a cold distant darkness than any other type of  bondage, and revelational truth breaks religious tradition in pieces. Millions of believers are not able to move past what their leaders have held as a final truth and if you ask them why they believe what they believe, they have no answer. One of the major ways I set you free, is by breaking these traditions with revelational knowledge. When you know Me as a God of intimate love, who never repeats or creates exactly the same thing twice, excitement springs back into your walk with Me, for not knowing what I am going to do next. Not a snowflake, fingerprint, rain drop, flower or blade of grass have I ever duplicated, yet religion misrepresenting Me, locks believers into a completely false idea of My kingdom, and how it operates. By doing the same boring thing over and over week in and week out, year in and year out, it's becomes a tradition, "people honoring Me with their lips, but their hearts hold off and are far away from Me." Matthew 15:8

When I walked the earth I was most hated of all people and hated by religious people because I am Truth, but also because I revealed kingdom truth which destroyed traditions wiping out lifelong methods of remaining in power. For instance; kingdom truth destroys democracy and the democratic way where the people have a vote. Even today I am hated, rejected, and mocked when My followers try to reveal the truth of kingdom living in America and other democratic nations. Some even go as far as to say "if you don't vote you are not true believer". Some organizations vote in a leader, call him a pastor and call themselves a church. This is why I said, "I will build My church". Matthew 16:18 The democratic church is formed by the traditions of men and because of that, it will never prevail against the gates of hell. In My kingdom, leadership is set in place by My Father, never voted in by anyone.Ephesians 4:11-14  This single Truth by My revelation sets people free to build kingdom relationships, move under the direction of Holy Spirit and in His gifts, under the safety of plurality of loving leadership. This one revelational truth alone, sets you free from man's church filled with competition, fleshly control, and personal agendas. 

I will leave you with this one thought to ponder: the American church system has no resemblance to My church. If you think it does, you have not compared it to the church or the lives of the people in My word. To be sure you are part of My church forget your traditions and compare your church to the book of Acts and let Me set you free indeed!

Saturday, August 6, 2016



I am Truth, John 14:6 so for the believer in actuality it is a person, not the state of a matter as it for the unbeliever. If it is used as a state of a matter, it may not set you free and at times puts people in bondage. Knowing Me as savior does not guarantee freedom, except from sin. Knowing Me as healer will set you physically free. Knowing Me as your supplier will meet your financial needs.  However knowing Me as Truth is a totally different knowing. In order to be set free you must first be in some type of bondage or the target of an attempt by some one to bring you into bondage. Now this is the difficult part, first you must exercise strict discipline to resist self defense. Refusing to respond to false accusations and lying rumors is extremely difficult. Learning to trust My love and fully depend on me to come to your aid and expose the lie is where faith grows. 

Defending yourself leaves you operating on your own intelligence about what others are saying and thinking and doing. Trusting Me as Truth leaves the liar to Me along with the life. When you seek Me and turn your back on what is being said, I will bring it to nothing and expose it for what it is. "Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you , and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. [12] Rejoice, and get excited: for great is your reward in heaven: remember they did the same thing to the prophets which were before you born." Matthew 5:11-12

Tuesday, August 2, 2016



Heaven sees all humans on earth in three major people groups: the lost, the called and the chosen. Everyone starts out in the lost group, which is by far the largest group because of being born into a lost state of being so all are sinners by nature and fall short of the honor and glory which God bestows and receives." Romans 3:23 Because Father did not want billions of robots wandering on a planet called earth, He created every human with His DNA having individual freedom of choice. After being warned that to choose to disobey the Creator meant death, Man chose to disobey his Creator, one who could not lie, and believe the father of lies, whereupon he immediately discovered that his Creator was right. Man's Creator, is also unconditional Love, 1 John 4:8 thus by His very own nature, was compelled to make a way, (the way of the cross), to escape death. John 3:16.

In all of this, Father's disobedient man creation, did not loose the privilege of freedom of choice. Father was determined to have a people group, no matter how small, who chose to obey and thereby love Him above all else. John 14:15 This freedom of choice is what created all the people groups in existence today. By far the largest people group to this present day remains the lost. "To this day as many as choose to receive and welcome Him, He gives the authority to become His children again, by choosing to believe on My name--" John 1:12  Sadly billions of humans misunderstand, that "no choice, is a choice to join the lost group" Hebrews 2:3 So it will remain the largest people group on planet earth until I return.

Among all believers on earth are two major categories, My servants (the called) and My friends (the chosen). The category you are in when you leave earth will be your heavenly status. Right now exited believers are trying to see their eternal position but with poor spiritual eyesight, like " looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection of reality as in a riddle or enigma, but when you have your new eternal never dying body, and perfect eyesight comes, you will see clearly and face to face! Right now you only see little parts, but then you will see and know yourself, exactly as Father and I see you, your last day on earth." 1 Corinthians 13:12 Both categories, called and chosen, have their sin covered by My blood and both will enjoy eternity with Me but with different eternal lifestyles. If you were called but never chosen and when you finished your time on earth you were known by Me as a servant like Martha, you will enjoy servant hood with Me for eternity without being troubled. If you were called and then chosen because you chose to obey everything I commanded then you were known to Me as friend. That's why I said Mary chose the better part. "You are My friends, if you do whatever I command you, with out question." John 15:14

All of My servants will enjoy serving with Me throughout eternity, and all My friends will enjoy ruling and reigning with Me and "will not be called servants but will know the inner workings of My Fathers kingdom." John 15:15 There is one more major, but smaller kingdom group that I will give you revelation on later; the bride.