Thursday, December 29, 2016



This word is used so often, however it is a strange word that everyone thinks they know the meaning and it actually has no conclusive meaning to those who write the dictionaries. Your definition of the word is as good as anyone else's, however the simplest definition more widely excepted is the word (sense,) or (common sense). If something is not logical it does not make sense. To (make sense) means a person could understand the result of an original action taking place which would be very normal such as dropping a stone in water. It makes (sense) that the water will respond by splashing. If the water did not splash it would not be logical or make sense to the viewer. Common sense takes it a little deeper meaning that if 100 people viewed the stone before it hit the water they would all come to the same conclusion, it is going to respond with a splash. If of the 100 people came to the same conclusion before seeing the stone hit the water, using their logic, they would all come to the same conclusion or answer before seeing the stone water because it's common among all 100. In other words it just (makes commonsense,) because it's logical.

It is very important for you to understand that there is no such thing as logic in My kingdom. Logic speaks of a human understanding of what is taking place and what the end result will be. The opposite of the word logic in My kingdom is miracle. In My kingdom we operate in the supernatural, in My kingdom miracles are an every day normal operation. Let Me explain: in the natural world when you are running out of finances you would LOGICALLY save and cut back on your spending, however in My kingdom you are too take what you have and give it away according to My Spirit's direction. In the natural world they will say this is foolish how can you have more when you give away what you already have. However in My kingdom what you are giving away is actually a barrier stopping the delivery of replacement funds to be returned to your accounts on earth. The barrier is not so much the actual funds, but the lack of faith in the presence of fear, that you will run out, and that fear and lack of faith blocks the kingdom operation of supply. 

You have read in My word that My Father's thoughts are higher than your thoughts and His ways higher than your ways, this is why human logic has no place in My kingdom. The ways of My Father and the ways We do things in the Kingdom, are just not logical to your natural mind. In your world everything has a beginning and an end, however in the kingdom everything is eternal, outside of time and space with no beginning and no end, so everything is just not logical, making it impossible to put the two kingdoms together one is just foolishness to the other and will never be understood or excepted. 1 Corinthians 1:27-28:
My Father has created a plan that while you are still in your natural body, living inside of time and space, you can fully understand and flow with My kingdom, that plan is called THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. When My Holy Spirit comes into your spirit you are able to operate with kingdom revelation and begin to live and flow in My world, the miracle world. Most people will back away from you because "the logical man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them , because they are spiritually discerned by faith, and require the infilling of My Spirit." 1 Corinthians 2:14 The things that My Father will ask you to do will make no sense at all, causing your friends and your relatives in many cases, to back away from you, because the things you're doing are not logical, but you must be prepared for this rejection, sad to say, most people cannot handle the rejection and will choose to go back to logic to help them explain My kingdom. At this point they lose their anointing anointing to walk in kingdom power. For this reason few there be that go through the gate.

EXAMPLE: If you design something and make it extremely plane so that every logical person will understand how My kingdom works, you are failing to understand that you have backslidden into logic and totally missed what Father is trying to accomplish. You must understand that in heaven My Father receives all the glory, 100% of the glory goes to the throne room, and My Father is the center of everything, life, light, power, joy, peace, judgment, and all energy in existence. He will share His glory with no one in the kingdom of heaven. So for His kingdom to come to earth and be the same as it is in heaven, absolutely no glory will be shared with anyone and for this reason all human logic and reason must be put to death voluntarily by you and everything from that point will be done His way. For instance, If Father says, "The answer to your problem is speaking in tongue's, then at that point He is saying to renounce any thoughts of logic and begin to speak in tongues and let His Spirit take over and pray in accordance with His will". Romans 8:26.

KINGDOM ALERTS: When things fail and fall flat and you have put every effort forth, to make your presentation of His kingdom attractive and perfect and easy to understand and yet it produces nothing; This is My Father's signal that you have slipped into logic and His call to you to return to the kingdom way and letting Him tell you exactly what He wants, and how He wants His kingdom presented in what you are doing. This will always be a temptation to every person that is anxious to serve and see His kingdom come to earth: Do not fall back into logic, stay with the foolish things that confound even those that you respect and love.

BOTTOM LINE: It is necessary that My Father's kingdom be fully displayed openly on planet earth in the lives of His citizens, the same it is in heaven. This must take place before I can return to rule and reign and bring all the kingdoms of your world under My authority. Revelation 11:15 Therefore you have a great part to play in the end time, where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that I am lord of all: if you want to be part of this great opportunity, be sure you are filled with My Spirit and He is actively operating His gifts in you and you are obeying His every direction. You will find yourself rejoicing at the miracles that are taking place around you, however there will be hard times when things fail, because you slipped back into logic and in this case you simply repent and go back to the foolish ways of obeying whatever My Spirit says.

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