Thursday, July 7, 2016



There are a few times in life that we are caught off guard and it completely altars our lives. This letter is to inform you that I have just experienced one of those times. The Lord is so good to me, to have helped me win a major battle against cancer and I thank Him for that. Now the next battle, a few weeks ago, I picked up a heavy box and after setting it down, I could barely straighten up and it never stopped paining. Then one week later a bolt that was holding a hammock I was in gave way and dropped me on my back on the porch floor doubling the pain so I can barely walk. Some say the bone cancer is back, others think a broken back, and some think maybe both. No one seem to know the problem.

Now watch what Holy Spirit does. My daughter and her husband are on a 4th of July boating excursion with several strangers on board. They befriend a man who asks a few personal questions and my daughter told him my story. He said I can get rid of the pain quickly and work on getting him restored to health as fast as possible. He just happen to be one of Twenty doctors in the USA and the only one in Florida in a special field of pain management and cancer treatment. He runs a specialist clinic in Florida that has a 6 months waiting list. He said I would like to treat your dad as family and wants to start treatment procedure on Monday. The pain has reached a level I cannot function with, so I took the offer knowing it was a divine appointment. 

The Lord then began to show me the bigger picture. He wanted to completely rearrange my life, move to the south with my children, and grandchildren and turn His company that He began with me over twenty five years ago, over to His hand picked man of God  that He had prepared.   

I love Call Maintenance and my customers and venders and especially those that work for me, so instead of closing the business, He said to leave it in the hands of my lead man Tommy Batcher. He and his team mate Joe Maloney are the best of the best in all ways. I have full confidence that he can advance the company/ministry, and carry on the Call Maintenance Inc. legacy. I would so appreciate it if you would pray for him and Joe as they follow the Holy Spirits leading. 

I will not have a chance to see each one of you personally but I really wanted too, however you can message me and will reply as I am able. Just so you know God has me in his hands and never fails, Call Maintenance inc is His company and He will help Tommy and Joe prosper it as He did with me. The Company has fed and clothed thousands of orphans over the years, and that's what Tommy and Joe want to continue doing. I wish I could hug y'all and thank you for being the greatest customers/venders/brothers/sisters and most of all friends to me. I plan on continuing my daily blog so we continue to fellowship in the spirit.
God Bless until we meet again
Love Jim Hammerle
PS: . In case someone asks, whatever happened to Jim Hammerle? now you know.

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