Monday, May 30, 2016



Stress is at an epidemic high among believers in the west. What is it about Me that you don't trust? Stress and trust cannot coexist in the same believer. So stress is really stemming from an epidemic of doubt plaguing the western believers. Lack of trust stems from a poor relationship. A poor relationship stems from a lack of love, because love and trust go hand in hand. So if you are suffering from stress of any kind, it means you truly have not accepted My Fathers love for you. 

Stress and fear are sisters of darkness that shorten the lifespan of millions. When you are not familiar with Fathers love for you, the sisters of darkness will eat away your physical, emotional and spiritual life. My Father has perfect love for you and perfect love casts out all fear, completely relieving your stress, but if you do not fully believe and live in that fact, stress will torment you to death. So why all the stress? Two reasons: Spiritual laziness and the lust of the flesh. My love must be entered into in order to experience it. Laziness because you must "labour to enter into Father's rest, lazy people will fall into doubt." Hebrews 4:11 Lust of the flesh causes people to be spiritually lazy. Anything from relationships, and entertainment to outright indulging in sinful pleasures are considered lusts of the flesh, when they steal time that I want you to spend with Me alone in My presence. Matthew 6:6 

Finally we reach the bottom of stress. A strong love relationship with Me is needed to build enough trust to eradicate stress. Establishing an intimate love relationship with Me requires work on your part, a lot of work! The hardest part of the work is saying, no, to family and friends when they demand the same time I want with you. The next is saying, no, to your own wants and desires. It's really tough because: "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for their wants and wishes, when they differ from mine, and likewise his wife and children and brothers and sisters--yes and even his own wants, desires and life also--he cannot have an intimate relationship with Me." Luke 14:26

So here you find the bottom to all stress: if you are stressed out, you don't really know Me or My My Father: For example, "Consider the lilies of the field and learn thoroughly how they grow; they neither toil nor spin. [30] If Father so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith and stressed out one? [31] Therefore do not stress, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear? [33] But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all time in Father's manifest presence and His way of doing things, and then without stress all these things together will be given you." Matthew 6:28,30-31,33 If you do not get to know My and I through the Holy Spirit, the soon coming trouble will increase your stress to a point of heart failure. Luke 21:26. It is still not to late for you to enter into My rest, but you best hurry, stress like you cannot believe is about to break out all around you. Hebrews 4:9-11

Saturday, May 28, 2016



The majority of American believers are emotion led instead of Spirit led, making them gullible, and easy to scam or rob. The enemy has his wolves dressed in sheeps clothing placed in leadership positions especially in the media. With the pretense of reaching millions with the gospel through the airwaves they are able to steal millions from carnal emotional followers. This never happens in My kingdom because everyone who enters through it's narrow gates does things My way. In order to do things My way you must be led by My Spirit not your emotions. Remember you were not created with emotions but with My Spirit when I breathed life into dirt. When Man fell, his soul was separated from My Spirit and he was left with a fallen nature. The fallen nature is either  influenced, guided by or controlled by emotion, so whatever seemed right in his own eyes, he would do. but "the way which seems right to man, is always the way of death. Proverbs 14:12 Emotion is part of the fallen nature and Spirit is part of the new nature. "For they that are led by their emotions do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are led by the Spirit the things of the kingdom." Romans 8:5 KJV

When a man receives My nature through the born again experience, he begins to crucify his old nature including emotions and begins to let My Spirit be his new guidance system. Without intimacy with Me there is no way to crucify the old nature. Millions of busy believers continue to be led by their emotions claiming to have no time for intimacy. This results in bad decision, after bad decision, because each decision is made according to what seems right, and makes them easy targets for Wolves. Ezekiel 34:2-8 Wolves stir the emotions to a point of giving and giving until there is no more to give! Well scripted pleas, that seem absolutely right in the eyes of man, are carefully planned by wolf leaders in sheeps clothing. The emotional plea is designed to rob the American believer of money that should go into building My kingdom. The emotions of man are no match for these pleas, because are so well scripted to deceive. Mark 13:22 Eventually the sheeps clothing is ripped off and the emotion led believer is appalled at how he was suckered in when he discovers he has been paying for million dollar mansions and 50 million dollar private jets for the wolf, instead of winning the lost or feeding the orphans. The emotion led believer has no one to blame but himself for being too busy to become intimate with Me and become Spirit led. 

The saddest part of the story is, the emotion led believer in another emotional reaction blames Me, and stops giving all together, then becomes bitter and many times leaves the faith! Do not rely on your fallen nature to make decisions search and find the narrow gate to My kingdom and be led by My Spirit and you will never be ripped off again. 



Because you love Me with all your heart, and your a sold out kingdom citizen, there are many good things headed your way. A new job, another relationship, an exciting opportunity to minister, a scholarship, a marriage proposal, added income, a new home just to name a few. Most of these will come quickly, and surprise you, this is the only way satan can catch you off guard. He absolutely hates your devotion and the intimate times you are having with Me. You are easily defeating the negative junk he is throwing at you, and he hates that it is working against him and drawing you closer to Me. 

So he has reversed his strategy thinking to catch you unaware, hoping you will believe that these good things are coming from Me. They are actually not good things, but gifts from hell designed to steal your time with Me, thereby stealing your zeal, your passion, your joy, and take the edge off your anointing. Do not be "ignorant of his devices, lest Satan should get an advantage" 2 Corinthians 2:11 Some of you have been caught off guard, return the gift and take back what the enemy stole. He will stop at nothing to come between us. Stop and reevaluate everything, right now every remnant person should be increasing their time with Me, because the days are extremely evil and getting worse! The next time a surprise is offered that involves time, hold off receiving it, until you have a clearance from Me. "Beloved, receive not every gift, but check the gift, whether it came Me: because many good gifts have been sent out to destroy you."  1 John 4:1

Friday, May 27, 2016



Sin is not evil, sin is passive but evil aggressive. Sin is has already been dealt a death blow but evil is in progress and yet to come. Evil is a life long plotting to Rob, kill and destroy anything I created. The number one target is the human race. People are born in sin so they have a sin nature that is able to be simply washed away by My blood. However even people who still are in sin repel evil, so why are there so many people actively engaged in evil? The answer is in the root of evil, the love of money. Money equates to worldly power and control. The feeling is irresistible to the fallen nature of man and a constant temptation to believers. 

The longer sin is passed from generation to generation the more evil increases. In time past, the love of money pushed evil to its limit. To the point that every imagination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil continually. [6] And I was sorry that I had made man on the earth, and it grieved My heart. [7] For this reason I said, I will destroy man whom I have created, I will wipe him from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; at that time I said, I wish that I never made them." Genesis 6:5-7

I was just about to destroy the planet, but Noah found grace in My eyes. [9]  Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, because Noah walked with Me, so I could not destroy him." Genesis 6:8-9 Now once again because of the love of money evil has reached a level calling for divine judgment. But this time it's different, instead of just Noah walking with Me, I have several million, known as the remnant or kingdom citizens! The work that My Son did, has delivered them from the love of money. They are constant givers and love not their lives even unto death. Even though there are millions of them it's only a few compared to the seven billion who populate earth. Matthew 7:13-14 

Because evil is progressive, aggressive and ongoing I must continually deliver you from it. This is why you were instructed to pray daily, "deliver us from evil". Do not enter your day, with out asking Me to do this. The biggest single evil on the planet is the deliberate promotion of disease for money. The number one evil disease world wide, now being used to rob your money, kill your body, and destroy your family is cancer. You must see it as more than a disease, but see it as an evil promoted by men because of the love of money. Do not treat this as any other sickness but treat it as evil being promoted by evil men who because of the love money will sacrifice millions of human lives. Become aggressive in your prayers, Deliver us from cancer, and deliver us from Roe vs Wade, deliver us from the homosexual agenda, and Father deliver us from those who love money!  Pray in faith every morning "Father deliver me from the evil that is set to ambush me today." Matthew 6:13

Thursday, May 26, 2016



If you can't, get ready to be afraid. What has been set up for the take over of America is so well planned only those believers who are familiar with My voice will overcome. America has slept so long in the lap of luxury that a familiar story is about to be repeated. "The Philistines be upon thee, America. And she awoke out of her sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. But she wist not that the Lord was departed from her. So the Philistines, put out her eyes, and bound her with fetters of brass; and she did grind in the prison house under marshal law" Judges 16:20-21 CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

If after all you are seeing happen in the world and nation and you still can't hear Me, you are in very big trouble. But after the terrible times the rest of the story is repeated: "Howbeit revival broke out and Her anointing began to grow again after She was stripped of Her pride." Judges 16:22 What satan meant for evil, My Father will turn to His advantage. The remnant that can hear Me now, will be the ones that lead the revival and the nation back to Me. Judges 16:22 





Eleven states sue Obama administration over bathroom guidance for transgender students


China's Meltdown is about to Trigger a $200 Trillion Credit Collapse


 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me to a place of safety in My Father:" John 10:27 I want you to hear Me now and be part of the remanent! 

Monday, May 23, 2016



"There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12 The big question is who is showing the way? The blind pastors are leading the blind congregations and both are falling into the ditch. Many preachers in the west are ministering from natural fallen man's wisdom and it sounds so right that millions of church goers are swallowing it hook, line and sinker. The sheep do not have enough spiritual hunger to test the teaching they are being fed, and therefore are being led to destruction. In contrast, Kingdom shepherds feed their flock fresh manna gleaned from revelation knowledge. Matthew 11:25 Fresh manna does not come from books, sermons on the Internet or even bible programs. It only comes from revelation, James 3:17 thus most preachers simply default to using carnal knowledge, rather than pay the price. Be assured, there is no such thing as revelation without a relationship with Me, something that religious leaders have no knowledge of.  

Here are the steps to becoming a kingdom shepherd:
An intimate love relationship with Me must first be established in order for you to abolish your human love and allow Me to impart My unconditional love. 1 Corinthians 13  All ministry must be based in unconditional love, or it will by default come from fallen man's foolish wisdom. 1 Corinthians 3:19 This love is only found in a steady relationship with Me. Unconditional love then opens the door to revelation knowledge, then a deeper relationship is needed to open the eyes of understanding. Understanding then fills the preachers heart and mind with fresh manna from the throne, to feed My sheep.. Every step takes time in My presence and most western leaders will not sacrifice the time because it's needed to build their own ministry. There are many sincere leaders that are sincerely wrong because they were taught having a ministry is tantamount to a relationship with Me. It's the way that seems right, mixing psychology and twisted biblical truth. Just enough bible to call it church, and just enough psychology to pack it out, and keep them coming back. But the end is hell! Proverbs 14:12  

Shepherds will definitely be judged, Ezekiel 34, but you are without excuse because you have My Holy Spirit, John 16:13 so you are responsible for your own destiny. If your pastor is teaching what seems right to the natural man, sounding like Dr. Phil, and you have not established your own intimate love relationship with Me, you will surely follow him into the death ditch. Yes, it seemed so right to everybody, and everybody died! Do not trust an human with your eternal live, because no human has the power to save you! Always remember I use humans sow, and some to water, but only I give the increase by saving you!

Sunday, May 22, 2016



So many of you think you are fighting the good fight of faith, but all you are doing is wasting your time looking foolish, by beating the air. 1 Corinthians 9:26 Many believers are using My name in vain in an attempt to fight a battle that I finished when I rose from the dead. I gave you power over ALL the power of the enemy. Luke 10:19 You can use My name effectively to receive from father, John 15:16 but many are using it in vain against flesh issues. Do not rebuke lust in My name, it's a waste of time, just say no and flee. 2 Timothy 2:22 Do not rebuke drugs and alcohol in My name, but be filled to capacity with My Spirit and the addiction will switch to a kingdom addiction where you cannot get enough of My presence. Ephesians 5:18

Some of you are misusing My name against unclean thoughts, but it's a useless fight, when all you need to do is stop fellowships with darkness. TV and movies, websites, books, magazines, and music produced by those in darkness feed unclean thoughts into your subconscious mind to haunt and torment you at a later time. Ephesians 5:11 Others are rebuking bitterness in My name, Stop it, and crucify your pride and forgive like My Father has forgiven you. Matthew 5:23-24 I hear all this rebuking in Jesus name and wonder where you are getting these doctrines as if you are working magic using My name. 

If there is mountain in front of you that needs to be moved I did not say rebuke it in My name, I said, say to the mountain to move out of the way, and it will obey you. 
You can baptize in My name. Acts 2:38 
You can heal the sick and do miracles in My name. Acts 3:6 
You can teach in My name. Acts 4:18 
You can cast out demons in My name. Acts 16:18 
You can give thanks to Father in My name. Ephesians 5:20 
As a matter of fact whatever you do all day long in your speech or works, you should do it all in My name. Colossians 3:17 But stop all this rebuking of your flesh, and just kill it every day by starving it to death.

Please count the number of times I use the phrase, rebuke in Jesus name, in the following instructions on dealing with your flesh.  "Mortify your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: [6] For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: [7] In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them. [8] But now also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. [9] Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;" Colossians 3:5-9 If you will concentrate of being consumed with My love, your flesh will die by itself. Stop rebuking and fall in love with My Father!

Saturday, May 21, 2016



Do not take offense, heaven is just wants to know.
You say that I am in you, that you have received eternal life, and that you know Me personally. You claim scripture passages like "greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world". 1 John 4:4 You make all manner of claims about walking in love. You say old things are passed away and you are a new creature. You say you walk in the Spirit. However, the hosts of heaven want to know, where's the evidence! They see the lost walk past you everyday without you saying a word about how much I love them. Yet you claim to have the words of eternal life. They know you see people limping and in pain and never stopped to ask if you could heal them with the power that you say is in you? The witness's know some of you are so bored, you spend hours watching what the world offers for entertainment. They see the constant excitement around My throne, and wonder if you are really seated with Me, how can you possibly be bored?   

Is it possible that you have deceived yourself and you are bound by a spirit of religion, and only think you have a relationship with Me. Could it be what you think is relationship, is really the mechanics of saying and doing what you are being told. Did you know that learning and reading the bible, going to a church building regularly, and supporting what ever is presented has nothing to do with an intimate love relationship with My Father. John 5:37-40 Out of a intimate relationship with Me flows unlimited supernatural power, and supernatural eternal life and when it abides in a human being it changes the atmosphere wherever he roams. 

 Ok let's say you prayed a prayer, and said you believed in your heart, therefore you are called a believer, did you ever check to see if anything really happened. Let's get real serious, if you are a believer, these signs will follow you; In my name you will cast out devils; you will speak with new tongues; [18] If you accidentally take up a serpent it will not hurt you; and if you drink any deadly thing, it will not affect you; and you will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." Mark 16:17-18 Take a moment and check.

Lastly let's say there was a real change in your life when you first believed and signs were following everywhere, but now you realize that it is no longer the case. Somewhere you lost your zeal, your joy is gone, and the unsaved have no idea you were once a power packed human being, looking for every opportunity to share My love and pray for miracles to happen on the streets. Here is what happens to many one time radical believers: Some religious folks throw a wet blanket over your zeal and convince you to cool your passionate first love and settle down. Revelation 2:4-5 Now that exciting life you once had is buried so deep, that your are as good as dead!

However here's the good news: I have not left you, this is a wake up call! Whatever your state is right now, it's not too late! Yes "I know about your good works, and you have a reputation that you are alive, and but I also know the truth, you are dead. [2] Wake up, and strengthen the things I have put in you, because these too are ready to die: it may surprise you but I have not found your good works perfect by any means." Revelation 3:1-2 You know who you are! Now is your time, My love for you never changed, cry out to Me and "I will Create in you a clean heart; and renew a right spirit within you. [11] I will not cast you away from My presence; nor will I take My Holy Spirit from you. [12] I will instantly restore the joy of your salvation; and uphold you with My free Spirit and we will do great exploits once again." Psalm 51:10-12

Thursday, May 19, 2016



If it doesn't make people say WOW! when you say you are brand new, then you are not yet brand new. Because if any person is ingrafted in Me (the Messiah) he absolutely is a new creation (a new creature altogether); his old previous moral and spiritual condition has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come causing friends and co-workers to say WOW! what happened to him! 2 Corinthians 5:17 

Remember when you Wowed the world with your changed life:
No more dirty talk, no more barroom after work, no more messing around, you were not angry any more, people cussing you out and you just smiled back, you even gave your lunch to a homeless guy, you never complained anymore, and then you were praying over your meal and everybody was saying WOW! what happened to him! It's called brand new, yes it's called born again, but that's overused now because religion has misused it. Simply put: an old natured man left work one day, and a brand new man showed up the next morning in the same body! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Even simpler put: Heaven invaded another human being by invitation. If your lifestyle is not effecting people in a WOW way, maybe you are not a new creature in Me yet! If love has not taken over your life, then the God of love has to be missing!  Because everyone that loves is born of My Father, and knows Him intimately. [8] If you do not operate in love, then you really do not know My Father; for He is love." 1 John 4:7-8

Those who are following Me with all their heart are hearing Wow wow wow everywhere they go! You Wow them when you heal the sick! You Wow them with your unspeakable joy! You Wow them with the gift of knowledge! You Wow them with your love for them! You Wow them with your forgiveness! Everywhere I went I was wowing people, and if I am greater in you than he that's in the world, you should be hearing the wows everywhere you go!

Some of you are saying there was a time when, people said WOW about me, but no more.  This is not unusual, it's happened to millions, because they exchanged a relationship for religion . Let's be truthful here; "You have left (abandoned) the fervent love you had for Me, you actually have deserted Me, your first love." Revelation 2:4 Remember when you were excited to tell everyone about Me. We spent hours together talking about everything and you were so full of joy. Stop everything for a moment and "remember from what heights you have fallen. Please repent ( so I can change your inner man to meet Father's will) and then you can do the works you did previously, when first you knew Me. This is so serious because if you don't, I will be forced to visit you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you change your mind." Revelation 2:5 

After all we have been through, the thing that would hurt all of heaven the most, is for Me to have to remove your lamp stand! Right now, Love is calling you back to your first Love, where there is joy and life flowing out of your belly continually! I want to use you to heal people and bring heaven into their lives. I will start the wows again if you make Me the priority over everything in your life, just like old times! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016



So what's the big deal about a picture of you. Nothing, unless you are the one repeatedly taking it, from a hundred different angles, and posting it daily for the world to see. Is it a sin in itself? No of course not, but it can speak volumes about the condition of a heart and who loves to be the center of everything. Remember; "In the last days perilous times shall come. [2] For men shall be lovers of their own selves, wanting the center of attention, which will lead them to be covetous, boasters, and proud. Then on to being blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.  [3] A totally selfish life will eventually lead a person to be without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4] Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; [5] Believe it or not, many of them will still go to church and have a form of godliness, but deny the power of My Spirit: If you are one of My followers, turn away from them as fast as possible." 2 Timothy 3:1-5

No, you may not be any of the other things, but notice the first step is all about being a lover of self, a selfie! The major issue here is, you are living in the age of self preservation, and the church has been totally polluted by it. Believers are openly confessing, "I got to take care of myself, pamper myself, and look out for myself," and tragically, ninety nine out of a hundred pastors will agree with you and disagree with Me. I said, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny selfie, and take up his cross, and follow Me." Matthew 16:24 Don't you see, I am trying to set people free from themselves. Take a close look at your mental attitude and it will reveal your spiritual condition. How much of your thought life is searching for places to lay down your life for others and how much is about working for, or buying or saving or preserving something for yourself. When My Spirit prompts you to do something for someone, something that will cost you, do you think what will be left for Me, and then decide wether to obey or not? If so, your condition is not good!

Just survey the number of things on Facebook you post about yourself and the number of things you have posted about Me. I am not being mean, I am bringing a solution to a big problem. Surprisingly most selfies are not taken with a camera! The problem is: a selfie life has left millions of believers powerless, with no signs following to confirm that they believe. Mark 16:17-18 When you are embarrassed to use My name in public, it's another form of selfie, by trying to save your reputation. Many of you take selfies when you are too embarrassed to pray for someone in a mall openly and if someone else does you tend to hide selfie in the background. The solution is simple; make up your mind you are seriously going to follow Me. Going to church and singing, or reading your bible once in a while does not mean you are following Me. Those that choose to follow Me, choose to die to selfie and allow My love to so consume them. When they die to all selfie life they become fully alive with My life. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Do not feel condemned in any way if you have hundreds of selfies posted everywhere, simply use this to reevaluate your walk and see if possibly the enemy has side tracked you into the spirit of the age of selfie!

Monday, May 16, 2016



You can't to do a thing to make Me love you more. As a matter of fact I showed you the full extent of My love when you couldn't do anything because you were not born yet! The day you were conceived My love for you was as intense as the day you committed your worst sin. Your sin or no sin, your action or inaction has no bearing on My love for you. "My Father showed his love toward you while you were still a sinner, by sending Me To die for you. [9] So that you are now constantly being justified by My blood, therefore you have been saved from Father's wrath through Me. [10] For if, when you were still enemies, you were reconciled to back to Father by My death, how much more beautiful it is, that you are reconciled back into His eternal love and life, when I rose from the dead."Romans 5:8-10

You have no idea how badly My Father wants you to receive His love. He wants an intimate relationship with you, more than you can ever imagine. He despises religion because it has so badly distorted the meaning of relationship, with all kinds of formulas of how to be close to Me by doing. Stop it! Your works have actually become a barrier to our relationship, because it's all fear based. It's not what you do that makes you attractive to Me, it's who you are, My wonderful created being, that I made in My image. "Remember without faith in My love for you, it is impossible to have a relationship with Me: when you come to Me you must believe that I love you, and that I am always going to reward you for diligently seeking a relationship with Me." Hebrews 11:6

Let Me be very clear on this issue: religion has taught you some horrible things that have really messed up your thinking, it has hindered your healing, your joy, and your ability to deal with people. It has taught you that "if you can speak in the tongues of men and even of angels, you will experience My love. They say, now your a spiritual being that can talk directly to Me, but the truth is without a relationship with Me, you are only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. [2] You have also been taught that "if you have prophetic powers (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if you have sufficient faith so that you can remove mountains, it will show the world how close you and I are. This is so wrong, because it has nothing to do with an intimate relationship with Me. Unless you can simply received My love without doing anything, in My kingdom you are nothing, and to the world you a useless nobody, trying to impress them with a system of works based on human effort. 

But here is one of the religious false teachings that stumbles millions: [3] That if you dole out all that you have to the poor in providing food, and if you surrender your body to be burned on the mission field, in order that you may glory in your service to Me, they conclude, that this is all that I could ever ask or want. This is totally false! Listen here is the hard truth, many are doing these things, thinking it will make Me love them, but they are gaining nothing at all, that's right NOTHING AT ALL!" 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 These religious false teaching reduce Me to the level of a heathen god of wood and stone, that people believe must be appeased in order to find favor. 1 Kings 18:26-29 I am the one and only true and living God, with feelings made of love, and want all My creation to stop trying to earn My love. Hebrews 4:14-16 Just receive it, and along with it will come your joy, and healing, and everything you need to live! I am so in love with you, please believe it, receive it, spend time with Me, talk with Me every day and you will supernaturally enter into My rest! 

Saturday, May 14, 2016



In the beginning My Father created man in his own image, male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27 There was no confusion and no half women and half man. However throughout time different generations have listened to the lies of satan and denied My existence and each time satan works at stealing their identity. My Father has always established human identity as either male or female while still inside the womb. However if they are born into a God hating, and God denying society, there is nothing to stop satan from taking over their minds and confusing their identity, even if their anatomy clearly identifies them as male or female. 

It is impossible to rationalize this confusion because satan has no rational. Therefore if he has confused a human mind to thinking they are opposite of what their anatomy declares, do not try to reason with them. Pray that their eyes will be opened as you love them with My love, with the full understanding that they are completely blind. However you must also realize that some of them, have once known Me and "when they knew Me, they glorified Me not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened and at this point the transgender species started to evolve. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became absolute fools, [23] They changed My glory, that of an incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. [24] Wherefore they left Me no choice but to give them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 

[26] By their own insistence on living this way, I was forced to give them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error known as AIDS and other incurable diseases. [28] And even as they did not like to retain Me in their knowledge, My Father gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; even to the point of laws being passed insisting that confused males can use female rest rooms and locker rooms, causing turmoil for millions of people! [29] Thus creating a whole society filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." Romans 1:21-24,26-32

My grace is still available giving time for repentance, but time is almost up, before satan unleashes his fury against those who I can no longer protect. No My Father did not create a transgender species, they evolved as a product rebellion against Him and without repentance there will be severe consequences coming from the bowels of hell!



Be prepared for a life of sudden changes. I am always moving and My kingdom never stands still, but in this time of earthly turmoil everything will speed up. Intimacy with Me will become a constant for those who are being led by My Spirit. Out of that intimacy will come moment by moment directions and instructions as My Spirit arranges divine appointments. Some of these appointments are for your protection and some for your preservation. Some are to set others free and some are to warn others. You will now see the importance of unity and oneness like never before. For the first time you will see the formation of My body as a living moving organism, one that lives and moves and has its being in Me!" Acts 17:28

The places you congregate for worship will no longer be routine, nor will be the times and days. "For your own spiritual well being do not avoid the assembling of yourselves together, as the tendency of some will be; because in all of these sudden changes you will need to exhort one another  in love: and your meeting together will need to increase much more, as My day approaches."  Hebrews 10:25 The government will make havock of the established church, entering into every church building, and questioning men and women, committing some to FEMA camps in an attempt to strike fear in all believers. [4] However, this is not a bad thing because many have refused to obey My voice and move outside the four walls of a building, but now the chosen ones, will be scattered abroad and go every where preaching My word, with signs following." Acts 8:3-4 "Those who are of the remnant will be like the wind that blows where it wishes, and you can hear the sound , but cannot tell where it came from, and where it going: because every one that is born of the Spirit will be led by My Spirit." John 3:8

 As the laws of the land are amended to "command you that you should not teach in My name and, they accuse you of being a threat to national security, because you have filled your neighborhood with kingdom doctrine, [29] you will be forced to answer and say, 'We ought to obey God rather than men'." Acts 5:28-29  At this point you become a Holy criminal because you refuse to go against My word, and as part of the remanent you are forced to break the law of the land! Do not let the coming of these sudden drastic changes freak you out, but rather rejoice because My Father is preparing you to always be in the right place, at the right time, to fulfill your purpose, just be assured it's all Him, arranging earth to receive His kingdom! Be excited that you are counted worthy to be part of this end time revival

Thursday, May 12, 2016



Those of you that are part of the remanent are now free to share My glory in the market place with little or no hinderance. The people's hearts are prepared to receive My love and power to change their lives. The insecurity and fear level have reached a level that they are ready to listen to any message of hope. Start laying hands on the sick and you will see them recover.  "Do you not say, It is still four months until harvest time comes? Look! I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields and see how they are already white for harvesting. [36] Already the reaper is getting his wages he who does the cutting now has his reward, for he is gathering fruit (crop) unto life eternal, so that he who does the planting and he who does the reaping may rejoice together. [37] For in this the saying holds true, One sows and another reaps. [38] I sent you to reap a crop for which you have not toiled. Other men have labored and you have stepped in to reap the results of their work." John 4:35-38

Change the atmosphere in the malls, and work places, begin talking openly about Me, using My name often. The threats coming from darkness are just the noise of a roaring lion with no teeth or claws. The militant opposition making all the noise is less than 1% of your nation. Now is the time for love to strike and sweep multitudes into the kingdom. "Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature of the whole human race." Mark 16:15 Do not not be flaky, rude or loud and obnoxious, but gentle, easy to talk to, and tenderhearted at all times, and watch what I do, then.  Start today to openly release My power in love, "cure the sick, raise the dead when necessary, cleanse the cancer and AIDS victims, drive out demons. Freely (without pay) you have received, freely (without charge) give. Do not try to buttonhole people to say some meaningless sinners prayer, just follow My Spirits lead in every instance and watch Me transform people.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



What you spend the most on, is first place in any life. Your life consists of one thing and one only, TIME. Every human has been allotted a certain amount of time. Some more and some less. My Father has given you a manual that gives a few secrets on how to extend your time beyond that of  the average human. Deuteronomy 5:16 and Isaiah 40:31 are two of these secrets. However living long should not be your primary focus, but fulfilling your purpose should be. You can live 120 years and accomplish nothing eternal, with everything ending at your grave, or you can live 33 years with things just beginning at your grave, because you accomplished your purpose. Did you know you can be filling heaven with glory for the next 500 years? 

Here's how kingdom investments work. First you take as much of your time as you decide, it's all volunteer, and invest it into in-depth communication with My Holy Spirit. This allows you to be transformed into love, a place where you actually become love, rather than faking it. During these communication times, at your own pace, you are gently transformed back into Father's image, the core being love. As this transformation takes place you automatically begin to invest some more of your time, but this time into other humans carefully selected by My Spirit. It may be as few as one at a time or as many as ten at a time. Warning: The time you spend with My Holy Spirit must never decease. This is a habit that many before you have fallen into, sacrificing their time with My Spirit for ministry, and it took a great toll on their lives, because they started mentoring with soul power, which drains them physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

Just like Me, your inheritance is in the saints that you mentor and invest in." Ephesians 1:18 
As you receive Father's love and then pour His love into those My Spirit chooses, they will quickly begin to transform and start to duplicate your life. Eventually you will find yourself seeking My Kingdom first in everything you consider. "Because you become love, "even if you give a drink of cold water to one of My little ones, you will receive an eternal reward." Matthew 10:42 Here's where it gets exciting, at this point, the grave looses it's victory and death looses it's sting for you, because time does not stop for you at the grave. After the grave your dividends really start to pour in. Your time doubles, triples, and may even multiply by a thousand times, through all those you invested your time in. The richer your investment, in other words, the more of My Fathers love you poured into them, the more territory they will take for My kingdom! Here is the best part, you will be collecting eternal rewards for hundreds of years after the grave. Apostle Paul is collecting more today than he did 1900 years ago. 

You say "but there is not that much time left, but I say, you do not yet understand the total kingdom investment program. This is how it works: "the kingdom investment program is like the owner of an estate who went out in the morning along with the dawn to hire workmen for his vineyard. [2] After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. [3] And going out about the third hour (nine o'clock), he saw others standing idle in the marketplace; [4] And he said to them, You go also into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will pay you. And they went. [5] He went out again about the sixth hour (noon), and the ninth hour (three o'clock) he did the same. [6] And about the eleventh hour (five o'clock) he went out and found still others standing around, and said to them, Why do you stand here idle all day? [7] They answered him, Because nobody has hired us. He told them, You go out into the vineyard also and you will get whatever is just and fair. 

[8] When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, Call the workmen and pay them their wages, beginning with the last and ending with the first. [9] And those who had been hired at the eleventh hour (five o'clock) came and received a denarius each. [10] Now when the first came, they supposed they would get more, but each of them also received a denarius. [11] And when they received it, they grumbled at the owner of the estate, [12] Saying, These men who came last worked no more than an hour, and yet you have made them rank with us who have borne the burden and the scorching heat of the day. [13] But he answered one of them, Friend, I am doing you no injustice. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? [14] Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this man hired last the same as I give to you. [15] Am I not permitted to do what I choose with what is mine? Or do you begrudge my being generous? Is your eye evil because I am good? [16] So those who now are last will be first then, and those who now are first will be last then. For many are called, but few chosen." Matthew 20:1-16
Love is never complicated and you will never lose when you invest in it. I am searching the planet for kingdom investors, are you interested? Do not apply if you are not willing to strictly adhere to the program, that's why few are chosen! 

Monday, May 9, 2016



"Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth just like it is in heaven."
This request I made of My Father will be answered before the end, but most of you never think about how. This is very important because all believers are part of it. Any territory where Father's glory resides is His property and under His full control. In Moses tabernacle His glory resided only in the Holy of Holies, and that area was heaven on earth, under His absolute and sovereign control. Wherever the pillar of fire and the glory cloud were, it was a territory invaded by heaven. At times in the temple heaven would invade, and no one could stand on their feet to minister. These were all little foretastes of the final major invasion where His Glory will invade the whole earth. 

Here is how it will happen, as your guide into all truth John 16:13 I was sent to dwell in human spirits and begin to invade their souls with Father's power. That invasion can only take place if the human gives permission for the invasion to take place. At first permission is very slow in coming and very little Glory is seen. But as earthly matters begin deteriorating, humans will see only one hope of survival, the Glory of My Father. "As the darkness spreads across the earth, and gross darkness over the people, thousands upon thousands will give Me permission to invade their souls with the Glory of the Father and Son Godhead. These will be a remanent numbering in the millions, that love not their lives unto death. Suddenly the Glory of the Godhead will arise upon this remnant, and His glory shall be seen upon them and you, if you choose to join this even unto death group. [3] And those in darkness will come to your light, and and even kings to the brightness of you rising."  Isaiah 60:2-3 

At first it will be one by one, then ten will ignite a hundred, and a hundred will ignite ten thousand, and ten thousand will ignite millions, until "the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Father, as the waters cover the sea." Habakkuk 2:14 Yes you heard it right, "as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord ." Numbers 14:21 Now don't let the darkness scare you in the slightest, because before it's all over Father said, "I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: [18] And on My servants and on My handmaidens, many of them former addicts, prostitutes, homeless people, and people covered with tattoos, I will pour out in those days of My Spirit; and they shall prophesy: [19] And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: [20] The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before My great and notable day comes: [21] And there will be so much of My glory, that whosoever shall call on My name I will save." Acts 2:17-21

Now that you know how it will happen; If you are asking when will it happen, you must be listening to the media propaganda of the father of lies. It's already happening, thousands are coming to the end of themselves, and deciding to no longer love their life and I am invading their souls, and they are filled with Glory, working miracles all over the world. It is even starting in several regions of America. China has over 300 million and His Glory is filling the Far East. Brazil is on fire with His Glory! Muslims by the tens of thousands are being supernaturally invaded. If this has not already started in your soul, there maybe one thing still missing. Even if you have received the blood of the Lamb, and have a good testimony, you are not a remnant overcomer until you no longer love your life! Matthew 10:39 In order to overcome you must no longer love you life, that's what separates the remnant from all the rest. Revelation 12:11 If you do not yet carry enough of His Glory to change the atmosphere wherever you walk, will you die to self and give Me permission to turn you into a radical, by invading your soul with Father's Glory? HHHHH

Sunday, May 8, 2016



Because one day Truth will stare you in the face and your true condition will be revealed. You keep saying that you walk in forgiveness and you are filled with My love, but you have told that lie so long you are beginning to believe it. My Spirit has brought that persons name up to you a thousand times and you immediately lie to yourself and say, "I have forgiven him or her". You are in very dangerous territory because you are actually starting to believe that lie. You have convinced all those around you, that you love everyone with My love, giving you a false confidence that your ok. The truth is you still despise that person for what they did and you would be happy if you never see them again. 

You worship, pray for the sick, prophecy, and hug and smile, and sing My praises and it all looks holy and spiritual, but every time the subject of forgiveness come up, My Spirit shows you their face, and you lie, silently screaming, I HAVE FORGIVEN THE FOOL, yes I hear your heart, that's what you are really saying. You know who you are, and My love is reaching out to you knowing the consequences of you believing this lie. You are trying to change the Truth into a lie, and it will never happen, because I never change. When you stand before Me, the Truth, the Way and the Life, I will show you the face once again and My word will do the rest! Sir, Mam: If you did not forgive others their trespasses their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment, neither does your Father forgive you, your sin and trespasses." Matthew 6:15

I'm sorry truth and mercy are in full agreement at this point, because forgiveness is mercy, and you did not show mercy and My word again does the rest! Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy! Matthew 5:7 Truth says, no mercy was shown, sorry you can't obtain it now! STOP NOW admit it you are lying to yourself, REPENT and make it right, while My Spirit is still dealing with you. If He gives up and let's you believe the lie, it's to late! Break now while there is still time!



The good news of the gospel does nothing unless it is mixed with faith. "Yes both you and your family have heard the same good news, but the word preached did not profit them, because it was not being mixed with faith in them as they heard it." Hebrews 4:2 No faith, equals, no good news. But that does not mean your family is lost forever, it means there is ground work to do. Faith comes by hearing, but not with natural ears, hearing the spoken word, but with spiritual ears hearing the living word. When your heart is full of My love, you will stop looking for signs of a conversion and really love them with a pure heart. At this point you become the living word, and everything you do is not with the motive of converting them, but because you really love them wether they ever get saved or not.

I truly loved the hundreds of people screaming crucify Him, many went to hell, but that never affected My love. I loved the thief on the cross on the right, as much as the left. When the good news flows from your life, not your mouth, to everyone equally, then your loved ones will begin to have their spiritual eyes of understanding opened. When they start to say, "my mom or my dad are a constant bundle of love", they will soon bring their unsaved hurting friends around to meet you and feel My uncondemning love that flows out of you. This is when you will know, faith is beginning to rise in their hearts, 

But it all starts with your eyes, are they religious or spiritual eyes? Religious eyes will focus on them and just getting them saved. Spiritual eyes will focus on Me and then "My Father, will give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of Himself: [18] That's when the eyes of your understanding will being enlightened; and you will know the hope of His calling, and you will start to see the riches of glory that He inherits in every believer." Ephesians 1:17-18 

Stop trying to save your loved ones and refocus on Me, and have faith in the fact that I love them much more than you do. Let My love preach the word through your actions, then I can save them in My time!

Friday, May 6, 2016



While most of you are busy about your own agendas as your High Priest, "I continually live 
to make intercession for you and especially your children. [26] I am your high priest, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; Hebrews 7:25-26
I love you so much, even after I died for you, I continue to intercede for you, but I am not supposed to do it by Myself. The hardness of your hearts causes great concern to the hosts of heaven. How many hours a day do you weep over the condition of your children and family. "I have even given you My Holy Spirit to help your infirmities: for you know not what you should pray for as you ought, because you cannot see the pain in the hearts of your children: so My Spirit Himself is there to make intercession through you with spiritual groanings which you cannot naturally uttered." Romans 8:26 KJV But even then most of you are too busy to get alone and let Him intercede through you. 

You are blind to the pain of your children, cutting themselves, shooting up, drinking themselves into oblivion and all the while screaming inside for someone to really love them, without an agenda. Where are "the real priests, the real ministers of the Lord that will weep between the porch and the altar, and say, Spare our kids, O Lord , and give not your heritage to be a reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: the heathen are already asking, Where is your God? Joel 2:17 I need your cooperation to reach your children with revival. If you have any love at all for your offspring "you will lay aside every agenda that weights you down, and the preoccupying sin which so easily gets you off course, and you will run with patience the race to save the generation that is set before you, including your own kids!" Hebrews 12:1

My Spirit has been groaning for months and looking for humans to weep through, so the armies of heaven can begin to do warfare and stop the spiritual slaughter of your children. Your agenda is standing in the way of the salvation of a generation in the west. I am warning you, the souls of those you love are at stake, "stop thinking about your agenda, thinking "What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? [32] Your Heavenly Father already knows that you need these things. [33] He is waiting for you to seek first My kingdom, and My righteousness; by letting My Spirit groan through you, praying in tongues, for what He sees in the hearts of those around you, then all the things you need to live, will just be added unto you, by His design." Matthew 6:31-33

Thursday, May 5, 2016



You have no idea what horrendous ramifications this statement has in heaven. This statement can signify the closing of your spiritual casket. It can seal the doom of your ministry, and the purpose My Father placed you on earth. Love always runs the risk of being hurt because it is always extremely vulnerable and can only exist in a vulnerable state. Love and tenderness are inseparable and whenever tender comes in contact with harshness, pain results. The natural human tendency is to protect the tender area with a hard shield which seals off the possibility of further hurts, but becomes a callous over tenderness. At this point you are saving your life, and soon will no longer be able to follow Me. Matthew 16:25 

Your hurt is never greater than My love. When you live in My love, instead of hurt producing pain, it produces understanding and forgiveness. When you live in My love, what was once a hurtful remark that made you cry for yourself, now makes you cry for them, because you can see they do not know what they are doing. Living in My love opens your eyes to see people's blindness, and with that revelation you are able to live in a constant state of forgiveness. When you are truly living in My love, instead of saying, I'll never be hurt again", you say, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing". 

The only reason you get hurt by anyone, is your flesh is still alive! The pain I took for you on the cross did not make Me cry, but produced joy because it was bathed in unconditional love. While I was bleeding and dying, I was thinking of you and knew what it was going to do for you, and therefore My suffering produced joy instead of tears. Hebrews 12:2 The next time you hear a believer say, "You hurt me!" You will know they still have not lost their life, and are not able to truly love! If they do not discover My love, eventually a self preserving shield will go up and they will imprison themselves in the lonely world of SELF, and be good for nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:1-2 AMP

Sunday, May 1, 2016



So many seeming spiritual kingdom seekers have accused pastors and leadership of quenching and grieving My Spirit in order to get on with their programs, and yes it is so, but no where near to the extent the accusers are doing. 

I gave this instruction to every believer yet it has been taken out of context to mean only leaders in My body. Look at the context of what quenches My Holy Spirit;  "Brethren, admonish (warn and seriously advise) those who are out of line, the loafers, the disorderly, and the unruly; encourage the timid and fainthearted, help and give your support to the weak souls, and be very patient with everybody. [15] See that none render evil for evil unto any man ; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men . [16] Rejoice evermore. [17] Pray without ceasing. [18] In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. [19] Quench not the Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 5:14-19

This is what quenches My Spirit: 1. When you enable, by not correcting, lazy people, those that live loose lives, and are disrespectful, because they are a lousy testimony, to unbelievers. 2. When you ignore and do not encourage the shy and timid to speak up and let Me use them in their gifts. 3 When you become impatient and write off the weak ones that often fail. 4. By you getting even with anyone who has hurt you. 5. By you being in a negative mood. 6. By you going about your business and forgetting to talk to Me all day, everyday. 7. By you complaining and being ungrateful. Any of these seven things will quench, stop My Spirit from moving in the lives of the people I am trying to reach with My love.

Now look at the context of grieving My Spirit; Let no corrupt communication proceed out of (not the leaders mouth) but your mouth, I want only that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister My grace unto the hearers. [30] Grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption. [31] Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: [32] And you be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as Father for My sake hath forgiven you."  Ephesians 4:29-32

Now look closely at what really grieves My Holy Spirit: 1. When you talk trash about any member of the body. This is also talking trash about My Spirit that dwells and is diligently working inside them, this really grieves Him. Holy Spirit has already seen fit to eternally seal their redemption and you have the nerve to grieve Him, by talking negative about them. 2. When you hang on to bitterness, anger, gossip, evil speaking of any kind or retain malice. The bottom line is very heavy on this one, because I forgave you of all these things, and My Spirit is so grieved over your unforgiveness that My Father has vowed He will not forgive you of any of your sins until you forgive! 

So please before you accuse anyone of quenching or grieving My Holy Spirit, make sure you are clean on all 9 of these points, if not its most likely it's you that is the hinderance, because you are definitely walking outside My Father's love.