Tuesday, January 31, 2017



When LOVE looks like HATE it always has the word TOUGH in front of it. The problem is in My kingdom most of the time TOUGH is the word in front of love. Every time My Father makes a request, makes a demand, sets up a requirement, or mentions the narrow gate, the word tough pops up in front of love. The gate is narrow (contracted by the pressure of the word TOUGH) and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it. The Word that is always connected to tough is a two letter word that is hated by all flesh, that word is ***NO***.Matthew 7:14 AMP

Also My Father's name is LOVE therefore His first name is Tough but only to those on the outside of the gate, that's why people have such a hard time finding it.1 John 4:16 The word tough comes up in front of Creator God, tough creator God. So to the flesh all kingdom love has the word tough in front of it. When you look closely you will recognize that the word tough is never in front of a kingdom citizens name or love. Because he is on the kingdom side of the gate and it's never tough when you do things Father's way in the kingdom. Only in front of a carnal Christian, on the outside because he has yet to crucify his flesh. The fact that he has not entered through the gate, tells us that the tough part is the killing of his flesh with a simple two letter word, (NO) you can't bring that through the gate.

"So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire lurking in your members those animal impulses and all that is earthly in you that is employed in sin: sexual vice, impurity, sensual appetites, unholy desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that is idolatry (the deifying of self and other created things instead of God). [6] It is on account of these very sins that the holy anger of My Father is ever coming upon the sons of disobedience (those who are obstinately opposed to His divine will), [7] Where you all once walked, when you were living in and addicted to such practices. [8] But now you can pass through the narrow gate, because you have put away and repented and completely surrendered to TOUGH LOVE, ridding yourselves completely of all these things: anger, rage, bad feeling toward others, curses and slander, and foulmouthed abuse and shameful utterances from your lips and I can welcome you into My kingdom!" Colossians 3:5-8 AMP 

Sunday, January 29, 2017



On planet earth the abbreviation of N/A basically stands for NOT APPLICABLE simply meaning it does not apply in this case. But in the kingdom and it also means NO ANSWER. Just when you think you have it all figured out with hours and hours of details, prayer, reading My word, seeking My face, spending time in the secret place, you finally come to the conclusion that there is no answer coming from the throne room. The no answer position signifies one major issue, your mind is not ready to receive what the Spirit is revealing from the throne room. In other words the meat that would come from the throne is too strong and even though you think you would understand, you are far too immature to receive the supernatural thoughts and ways of My Father.

Most believers do not understand the damage that sin did when it entered the human soul. The damage was so devastating it actually curbed the mind power of Adam and Eve from 100% to 10% of their capacity to understand spiritual life. Every attempt to return to Me leaves them destitute of answers as they begin a lifelong search, in their attempt to return to Me. They are even blinded by the label given for that search, the label RELIGION speaks of a search for some type of a higher power, ranging from mind control (witchcraft) to a gentle kind and sweet spirit of goodness, that makes sense to the natural man and his five senses. Religion comes in millions of forms and can appear as anything that exists. For instance: statues made out of wood stone and precious metals are made up by man's hands and labeled gods. In some nations there are literally thousands of these make believe gods. There are also human beings ( False Prophets) that silently call them-selves gods and set themselves up to be worshiped with the applause and music of men. These are also religions and they are harder to break because these make-believe gods talk and rationalize making sense to your flesh. 

There is no possible way to have a relationship with Me, My Father, or the Holy Spirit, as long as you seek it in Religion. Every single power comes from My Father, there is no other power, because all power starts with life and My Father is the source of all life and energy. Trying to figure out a way for man to get to back to My Father outside of a relationship is foolishness! It is totally foolishness to the natural mind because it starts with someone needing to bleed to death. "Now where there is absolute remission (forgiveness and cancellation of the penalty) of these sins and lawbreaking, there is no longer any offering made to atone for sin. [19] Therefore, since you have full freedom and confidence to enter into the Holy of Holies by the power and virtue of My blood." Hebrews 10:18-19

REVELATION KNOWLEDGE is absolutely necessary for a kingdom understanding of the RELATIONSHIP process. In order to understand how relationship which is impossible without blood being shed. This blood process, coupled with repentance, and baptism makes no sense to the natural mind and the building of a religion. However without revelation knowledge the blood letting will never be understood. Revelation knowledge is the single most important ingredient in kingdom understanding. Revelation knowledge can only be experienced when your natural human knowledge is laid aside. Your natural human knowledge can only be laid aside when you want nothing more and nothing less than to love My Father more than anything that exists. If you love any one, including person, place, or thing, including Me, or My Father, you can never be a kingdom citizens. John 21:15-17 

You will never be allowed through the narrow gate, with your human knowledge or any attachment to anything that exists because it's too much baggage to fit through the narrow gate. This process for some people may take years, for others that have experienced failure after failure after failure may go through the gate rather quickly. Many of these people will have a (been there done that) attitude and experience, and found out, that's not where it's at. However it should be noted that only a few come to this place of total surrender. It is My Father's desire and My desire and all the hosts of Heaven's desire that you come to this place of loving us more than all of these. We have done all and everything necessary for you to have this revelation knowledge experience, starting with the SHEDDING of My blood, and the calling for your REPENTANCE, and the calling for your BAPTISM. Our work from heaven's perspective is finished, the rest is up to you! First with your love for My Father above all else, and secondly wanting it bad enough to lay aside all your human understanding and seek My kingdom first above all! Matthew 6:33.

KINGDOM BOTTOM: He who loves and takes more pleasure in father or mother more than in Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves and takes more pleasure in son or daughter more than in Me is not worthy of Me;" Matthew 10:37 AMP

Friday, January 27, 2017



Faith is always attacked from three angles fear, doubt and unbelief, these three are the enemies of faith, the only thing known as the basis of pleasing God. Faith is compartmentalized far more than any other part of spiritual life. Faith is high and faith is low, Faith is active and faith is inactive, but  faith is much stronger in some arenas more than others. Some of you have faith in financial  arenas and never fear obeying My Spirits voice, some of you have faith and relationship arenas, and some of you have faith in healing arenas of life. 

Some of you are having a very difficult time being healed because your faith is not in the healing arena, and when you are prayed for you are not seeing yourself healed, but you can see others healed. This is very common and there are many believers including leaders that cannot seem to defeat sickness and disease in their own body, while praying for others and seeing miracles happen. You can be sure that one of the three faith, doubt, or unbelief, are active and the nullifying the amount of faith that is there. 

It's time to use My word as a textbook, move from story book, past love letter, and textbook will show you how to break free and destroy unbelief. "You ask Me, If I can do anything? Why, all things (are possible) to him who believes! [24] Then at once in the story, the father of the boy gave an eager, piercing, inarticulate cry with tears, and he said, NOTE THIS: Lord, I believe! Constantly help my weakness of faith!" Mark 9:23-24 He recognized that his faith was not in all arenas and wanted to make sure it did not block his sons healing with any lack of belief. You must remember in order to have faith in all arenas, these three enemies must be defeated, fear, doubt and unbelief must be destroyed. 

You have been questioning why some great men of God, seem to have their lives and MINISTRIES cut short because of cancer, however you have no idea what arenas they are able to work in. Are they truly able to work in the healing arena without FEAR, or DOUBT or UNBELIEF blocking them? They may be great soul winners, but the enemy does not respect soul winners, he looks for his prize weapons, FEAR, DOUBT, or UNBELIEF, these are tools that he sent in before you were even born again. These are weapons used against the whole human race to try to stop the building of My Father's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

It should be noted that the enemy is not stupid, but has millions of years of experience in operating with fear, doubt and unbelief. And you can be sure he knows how to use them. There is a simple TEST that you can apply to see if which one of these may be hindering your healing or whatever areas you were battling it. ITS THE TEST ITSELF that becomes the test. PLEASE NOTE: I am not speaking of those on the streets, that are not saved, because they have an advantage and excuse which is fully supported by their ignorance. They do not know they are supposed to be in doubt of what you're saying, or fearful or not believing you or My word as you speak it. So at the moment you pray these weapons are not present, and for this reason, whatever they ask for in prayer, they have no problem believing (trusting and being confident) and it is granted to them, and they will receive it." Mark 11:24

It's quite different when you are coming from a church background and the enemy has instilled these weapons in your soul, because of the teachings of man's doctrines proclaiming, "divine healing is not for today", or "I am not willing to heal everybody". This is where the test becomes the test. 

Each day, why do you test yourself? Do you test yourself because you were checking to see if it worked? This is a clear sign of DOUBT and it is enough to block your healing. A clear sign that this has been destroyed is that you never think about it and discover it later. Possibly someone points it out and says, "Hey you were able to do that yesterday or last week". And even then doubt will try to creep back in and cause you to go back to testing. You must resist this temptation and begin immediately thanking Me for My stripes that healed you as I promised they would.

When you start to testify that you are healed, you are actually afraid to say that you are healed, if there is any signs or symptoms of the sickness or disease, such as pain, so you withhold speaking about a definite word from Me that by My stripes you were healed. 1 Peter 2:24-25 This is a definite sign that FEAR is the weapon of choice; 
1: Some fear it makes them look foolish. 
2: Others fear it makes Me look like I can't heal.
Whichever the case fear has done his job. Overcoming FEAR is strictly an issue of trusting My love and knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt, *** I want you healed of all sickness and disease,*** and when it is time for you to come home, I do not need the enemies help. This must be so solid in your believe system that no one can shake it. Reading My word and asking My Spirit to reveal it by revelation knowledge in the quiet place, will seal it as if it were written in stone. My love for you is perfect, and once you fully grasp the fact that perfect love destroys all fear this weapon will be destroyed on the spot. Let revelation knowledge consume your soul with this one truth night and day! "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

And then there is the third weapon of unbelief, which comes from those that are very close to you. Those that you respect and love, who are wanting the best for you, HOWEVER: their past experience in their own lives with people they loved, in these exact arenas, still lead to the death of those they were believing has left enough residual unbelief in their soul man, to convince you that you were unbelief is justified. This is the toughest of battles to overcome because of the closeness of relationship and the love that is shared. This is why you must pray, "Father please help my unbelief" because the people in their past actually died, making it very hard to remove but the good news is you only need faith the size of a grain of mustard seed to move a mountain, so it will and can be done. You can defeat unbelief. They can and will in love not want you to be disappointed if you're healing is blocked. This is extremely loving and noble however it is a doctrine of man, that must be overcome to destroy this weapon of unbelief. In this case you should pray and ask Me and everyone trusting with you to pray HELP HIS UNBELIEF. You must face it friend, the unbelief of those close to you will can nullify the little belief that you do have, as a matter of fact it stopped Me from doing much greater works in certain villages because of their closeness to Me. "I could do no mighty work except, I laid My hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them.[6] I was shocked at the amount of their unbelief and the power it had, so all I could do is go around about the villages, teaching, simple kingdom truths" Mark 6:5-6

Are you the one that is stopping, or blocking your healing? Your position as a Kingdom citizens must to be, I will wait on Father in the secret place, to reveal the enemy weapon and why it's present in your life. The only possible exception, is the prayer that you would be a demonstration of how My kingdom overcomes all obstacles thrown from the kingdom of darkness to defeat you while on earth. However this is very rare and only partial in your case, this time! John 9:1-3 So stay in Secret place until Father gives you the revelation.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017



Understanding My Father's heart and His mind are the two key ingredients that will bring you into His presence faster than any other thing. The conflict that goes on between Father's mind and His heart is extremely intense because He is what He is, as far as His nature, and the two natures of My Father are so in intense and strong that they are at odds with each other as long as His kingdom is yet to be established on earth. Father's mind is completely filled with His holiness and He actually is a holy God. The problem with not understanding this is that western believers especially have misinterpreted His patients; it's the one attribute that makes it appear that Father is condoning sin or that Father is not troubled with a lukewarm attitude, because it appears that He does nothing about it. 

The moment that sin appears on the scene in your life, My Father does not allow his Holiness to kill you. Please keep in mind He can help His nature, because nature is what you are nature is what you are and He is holy and it is the holiness of Father that actually operates outside of Himself. Example: Nuclear power continually puts off enough radiation to melt the flesh off your body in seconds and then cause your bones to ignite so there is nothing left to consume. However there is a safe distance that you can remain and the power will not consume you. In the case of your SUN that distance is 93,000,000 miles distant. If you were a little closer you would be consumed along with the earth. It is not the fact that the sun has patients but that is a safe distance. But in the case of the conflict between My Father's head and heart, it is a matter of patience not distance. Deuteronomy 9:3 Every kingdom citizens knows for a absolute fact that ***YOUR GOD IS BY NATURE A CONSUMING FIRE *** Hebrews 12:29

Every attribute of My Father is extremely important to you. If it were a matter of His holiness only, you would not exist, because His Holiness would've consumed you long, along with Noah and his family. The human race should be extremely grateful that Father is love and does not just love. "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." 1 John 4:8 If He were not the personification of love His Holiness would override the fact that He is love. Even with him being love His Holiness is so strong that He needs the attribute of patients to hold back the consuming nuclear power of His holiness. He is also the God of patience and consolation granting you to be likeminded one toward another according to My blood bought sacrifice.:" Romans 15:5

EXAMPLE: Can you imagine the conflict of staring at your child and watching him walk toward you, arms outstretched and knowing that if he takes two more steps toward you he will ignite in flames and be consumed with holy fire!. "Worship My Father in the beauty of holiness; tremble before and reverently fear Him, all the earth. [10] Say among the nations that the Lord reigns; the world also is established, so that it cannot be moved; He shall judge and rule the people righteously and with justice" Psalm 96:9-10 "for in his Holiness He is a consuming fire".
 This is the conflict that would go on if it were not for the fact of patients and love working together to hold back hold back the power of My Fathers holiness.

KINGDOM bottom line: My Fathers love has temporarily triumphed over His holiness when I when Father gave Me up, (his only son) to die on the cross in order to shed My blood, which is the only sacrifice that will satisfy His holiness by wiping away your sin and it's stain, once and for all John 3:16. At that point My Father's mercy and love and holiness kissed and made up in agreement. 
"His salvation is near to those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, and is ready to be appropriated that the manifest presence of God, His glory may tabernacle and abide in our land. [10] Mercy (LOVE) and loving-kindness (PATIENCE) and truth (HOLINESS) have met together; righteousness (HOLINESS) and peace have kissed (COME INTO AGREEMENT) with each other. [11] Truth (HOLINESS) shall spring up from the earth, and because of my shed blood righteousness (HOLINESS) shall look down from heaven, offering salvation to all the human race." Psalm 85:9-11
WARNING: Anyone who ignores this provision of My blood as the only sacrifice will be consumed in the end by Father's holiness and will never enter the kingdom. So do not mistake His love and His patients as Him condoning your sin or lukewarm lifestyle! The final criteria will always stand at the great white throne of judgment where My Father sits, and this is the final criteria with which He judges by: Without repentance there is no removing of your sin. "I tell you, Nay: but, except you repent, you shall all perish." Luke 13:3 

Saturday, January 21, 2017



Many doctrines have been established over the years without any follow up to find out if they are biblically correct and in line with My word or My Father's plan or just easy to teach and the figment of someone's imagination called the doctrines of men. One of these doctrines is that My blood came only through My Father's line because the blood does not have anything to do with the mother. THIS DOCTRINE IS FALSE, because blood is actually manufactured by both the mother and the father even though it makes a good sounding teaching, if people do not research it. 

***Your mother's egg contributes one set of 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome (an X). Your father's sperm contributes the other set of 22 autosomes, and another sex chromosome (either an X or a Y).***

This doctrine comes from a teaching based in Baptist teachings the largest denomination so it is never questioned or researched to find out if this is scientifically true. Anyone in the medical field understands this as part of their basic teaching, and will discover there is no basis for this teaching. This lack of knowledge makes the originators of these doctrines look foolish to those in the medical profession. When those in the medical profession can prove that the blood comes from both the father and the mother, and this one concerning the blood in particular, it places an unmovable barrier between those that the medical field and the religious field, called IGNORANCE.  This ignorance barrier is running in the minds of a thousand men who never read or questioned the book or the author because of he is accepted nationally as I theologian with a lifelong position of Dr. so-and-so. After all who would consider themselves qualified to question the wisdom and knowledge of Dr._____________? However if the truth were known, no one spent five minutes time to see if the scripture does indeed teach the writers propositions. Who is the man who will ever dare question and check out the novel meanings assigned to this neatly packaged doctrine. They simply heard some one declare these theories and they took them on NATURAL HUMAN FAITH VALUE therefore investigation and research were excluded. 

Now compare that to 8 years in expensive medical school, with the medical profession using test tubes and scientific studies, the religious people simply spit out a good sounding idea with no scriptural backing and all of a sudden they are only wise in their own eyes. Is it any wonder that your doctor or any medical people, have a hard time excepting the claims and doctrines of the religious people. It's time to clean house and base everything on My word. Now let's forget the religious people and move over to kingdom people like you. If you have a  revelation knowledge Kingdom truth that is from My throne and you proclaim it, and prove it scripturally beyond the shadow of any doubt, those in the medical field not knowing the difference between religion and relationship will simply profile you as a LAZY IGNORANT CONTRIBUTOR who has no idea what they're talking about. 

Now take it to the next level of a KINGDOM patient trying to witness to their Dr. and spewing out scriptures dealing with My healing power and you wonder why the doctor just rolls his eyes and hands you a prescription with a sympathetic smile; it's a smile that says, "you poor thing." This is becomes very serious because once such an error is introduced into the minds of preachers and congregations, it is almost never totally eradicated. The answer lies at the very door where we are now. We must learn to challenge, at the very door, every doctrine that cannot give a "Thus saith the Lord." Let the fight begin then and there. It is better to fight at the door than in the pulpit and in the pews. My Father plans everything to the very tiniest detail, even to the one lamb out of thousands of perfect lambs in the Old Testament and then 4000 years after Adam received the breath (not blood) of life from My Father, I became the sperm that was implanted in the sinful woman which had sin, because she was born in sin. 
"So Father made Me to be sin, who knew no sin; that you might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:21 I was the single representative of those thousands and thousands of lambs, to be offered up as the perfect sacrifice for you and all mankind because I was sinless. Every lamb in the old testament that was pleasing to My Father had to be spotless and without blemish and presented in a proper manner. It is medically provable that the blood is manufactured in the marrow or the center of the bone and any disturbance of the bone such as breaking it,will hinder the manufacturing process. A broken bone would signify weakness in the lamb. John, gave Me the title of "Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world", it is My blood and only My blood that takes away the sin of the world, and in your life and all those that come into the kingdom, but not because the bloodline came through My Father only, but rather I knew no sin, and became sin willingly taking it on for your sake. 

This is just one of many many doctrines, that the kingdom labels as doctrines of men, there are others labeled doctrines of devils they are much more serious. However this one is accepted by multitudes of so-called bible scholars yet has no solid scriptural basis. Just to let you know this is why the lambs that were offered in the Old Testament could not have a broken bone where the blood is actually manufactured.

Thursday, January 19, 2017



The greatest weapon that the enemy has against all humans is fear, fear of the unknown and fear of the misunderstood. You will see in My word that My angels have always approached human beings with an usual greeting, it's not the usual "good morning", or "Hi how are you", but a clear "FEAR NOT" with a emphasis on FEAR, Matthew 28:5  The difference between My kingdom and the kingdoms of your world are so vastly different, that there is no way to enter without being attacked with this weapon called FEAR. On one side of the gate that leads to the kingdom you are in charge and have everything planned according to your knowledge and your agenda, and what you have always seen and known through your five senses. However on the other side of the gate you have nothing but My word and My Spirit and My command to drop your agenda and take up My agenda. When I told My disciples to follow Me Matthew 9:9 I did not explain or give any details of where we were going, My instructions were follow Me! They were immediately attacked by the enemy with the fear factor. From the day I spoke that words, FOLLOW ME! Matthew 8:22. Fear was always the major factor and it began with fear of the unknown! as in failure, or fear of physical death, Matthew 10:28 even though they they were under My protection and promises. My father had anticipated this from the beginning and therefore made provision for everyone that would say, NOT MY WILL BUT YOURS BE DONE That provision is called the infilling OR the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Sugarcoating is a half truth coated in a sweet tasting lie. You will noticed that I did not sugarcoat anything to appeal to your five senses, because I knew that your natural five senses called your flesh had to die on the outside of the gate. Any flesh at all is way too much baggage and it would never fit through the eye of a needle. Luke 18:25. I promised them that they were going to suffer greatly, I held nothing back, I told them to follow Me meant no place to sleep, no friends, persecution that was not deserved, loss of family and friends and being miserably understood by those they love the most and then I ended up with a promise that they would face physical death in the end, but that the reward would be well worth it for eternity. Luke 14:26-27 The fear factor is something that every kingdom citizen must overcome. So please do not think it is strange thing with all this stuff comes down 1 Peter 4:12-14. My Father has made provision for you to overcome all fear through his Holy Spirit. If you are not baptized in the Holy Spirit you will not be able to overcome the fear factor! It is the Holy Spirit that resides in you that gives you insights to the unknown and makes them very clear. My Holy Spirit is a person, not a thing and as the person of the Holy Spirit, He will constantly speak of things Father and I are saying from the throne room directly into your spirit man to crush the fear factor in seconds. John 16:13-15  The moment a dart Ephesians 6:16 of fear is fired from hell My Holy Spirit in you will explode with a peace that will completely quench the fiery fear dart, it's called "A peace that passes all human understanding". Philippians 4:7

Your soul-man (flesh) meaning your natural mind will never be able to grasp or understand the power of this peace because it comes from a place you have never been, it comes from outside time and space where you have never been, and it passeth all your human understanding, because it's a place totally absent of sin and the effects sin! This peace is maintained by My Spirit because, He will keep your heart and mind concentrated fully on Me." Philippians 4:7 Then the Holy Spirit will explode a joy inside you that will wash away the remnants of the fear factor, called "Joy unspeakable" 1 Peter 1:8  Then My Holy Spirit inside you will begin to reveal through visions and dreams of places that you are about to enter in My kingdom, that you could never imagine in your wildest imagination unless My Holy Spirit reveals them to you. Also included in My promise in 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 I promise to go even further and reveal even the deeper things you're about to enter into in My vast kingdom. 

NOW it's time to get excited and in this excitement all fear is replaced by super anticipation and desire to run through the gate into My kingdom and My arms, and you through My indwelling Holy Spirit will not only be able to crush the fear factor but you will actually be able to REVERSE THE FEAR FACTOR so strong that you will say, release me from this physical body that I can have my new body and walk and run and jump and dance and finally enjoy my eternal home! 

Monday, January 16, 2017


Are you made in the image of God or scrooge, check this post out, it will tell you! If you just hit like and do not repost this, then chances are your God is a Scrooge and you are not willing to change the worlds mind. However if you repost it you will let the world know that you're doing your part to introduce your God as rich and generous and wants to share His wealth with His Kids, making the world jealous of His riches, then you are doing your part to show them your God! He wants to give to them abundantly.

Also If your God is rich and you know it to be true, the Bible says you are holding the truth in unrighteousness and your judgment would be great. Now you know the truth you must make a decision to change of mindset or agree that your God is really a Scrooge. You decide? I trust every reader will repost because this is a massive undertaking! unless you're God is a Scrooge dressed in rags. After viewing this you decide. Like or repostI am believing for every reader to repost praying that you serve the same God I do.




Wednesday, January 11, 2017



Because you are in the last days battles, the entire earth is being shaken, like I promised I would shake it. Beginning with the church, then onto science/education, government and all of society including the elite, the ultra rich, the middle class, and the poor, but it doesn't stop there, then onto the physical earth itself, right to the center core where earthquakes and volcanoes irrupt and the plates shifting there is a triple power that is needed to be released from My kingdom into the world. WAIT THERE'S MORE YET TO SHAKE: OUTER SPACE Acts 2:20

OK: When the shaking is over, let's see what My church looks like. Remember: My kingdom is always in reverse of the earth, *** but this time it's different, because the earth looks good, like heaven and My kingdom, and the bad and the ugly are gone. During the shaking of a natural earthquake, there is no good left behind, because it's all buried by the bad and the ugly. Just before you look, you say, "It must be a mess after all that shaking, not understanding that the shaking only removed the garbage called SIN: Wow! LOOK what fell out and was destroyed *** compromise, apostate leaders, false teachers, pride, ego, lust, bitterness, malice, unforgiveness, hatred, murder, evil nasty speaking, riots, 1 Peter 4:4 insolence, inner lustful desires, AGENDAS personal/corporate/national agendas set in place by kings and dictators worldwide, Revelation 6:15-17 NOW look what fell out during the shaking, and these people said I was dead Lol *** the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, and look what they did when the shaking got really bad, they as cowards, ran and hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; [16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that we thought was dead, *** but now we know He is alive and sits on the throne. *** The shaking is worse than we ever dreamed, because it includes the wrath of the Lamb: [17] For the great day of His wrath is added in; and only kingdom citizens, the manifest sons of God, that that have been in the secret place are able to stand because it's the church that I built and the gates of hell fell flat and from it in front of it!



Sunday, January 8, 2017



One of the famous sayings that every dieter says, is, "I know it's not good for me*** BUT *** it taste so good". And down the hatch it goes, and the New Year's resolution, and all the self-promises of trying to improve physical life style, come crashing to an end, many times within hours after it started, all because the Spirit your spirit was void of not just good food, but any food. You must understand that your spirit man cannot eat junk food, it automatically throws it up. Because the spirit does not understand or comprehend the taste of junk food it will not go down. 
1 Corinthians 2:14 Therefore, having no milk of My word, spiritual starvation and malnutrition begin within days. But junk food as bad as it is, keeps your soul man alive, while your spirit man starves to death as the fouls of the air eat the seed before I could take root in your spirit man. Matthew 13:19

The Spirit/Soul competition TEST OF TIME:

It is very simple to take the soul/spirit, strength test. Do not claim to be a kingdom citizens until you count the hours you spend in a quiet place with My Father, and the hours you spend in front of a TV or a Computer, or a Hobby, or anything that peaks your interest, outside of time spent with My Father in the secret place. You must understand that all Kingdom citizens know, the SECRET PLACE is the room that My Father preparers a table directly in front of your enemies. The part you don't understand is; He does not set the table up to taunt your enemies, they do not even know that it's there, or that you are being fed food that will eventually destroy and crucify them. Listen, here is a word to all My new-born CHILDREN today: "As My newborn babies, you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto completed salvation." 1 Peter 2:2 You must listen to that little craving you have for My word, that's the still small voice of My Holy Spirit, calling you to eat at My Father's table, quickly get alone in a quiet place, QUICKLY--QUICKLY*** before the junk food is offered by the enemy! Now begin to thank Me and I will be there with your milk to grow by, real food that will bring you into kingdom citizenship and eventually you will look like My son. But you must eat from My table in order to be transformed into the image of My son with His authority.

The reason I refer to it as the SECRET PLACE of the most high (My Father) is , It's a secret kept back from them who want My authority but not a relationship with Me. It allows time for KINGDOM energy to flow from the milk of My word into your spirit man. First from the milk of My word then on to meat. 1 Corinthians 3:1-2 I keep it a secret because it will allow your spirit man to over come and to eventually crush their demonic heads.  Right now, this is all a kingdom mystery to you, but this is how "I put enmity between (satan) and the woman (Eve), and between your, (serpent/satan) offspring (lovers of darkness), and her offspring, meaning Me (Jesus) and all you, who are cleansed by My blood until the day I return. It includes all of you who have been eating at My Father's table with Me in the secret place; *** He, meaning (YOU and I together) will crush and tread your head, meaning (satan and all the demonic forces of hell) underfoot. 

Because satan cannot understand spiritual things he will not understand when I say: It's all in My Father's plan, but he has been tricked, as he (satan) lies in wait and bruise (My/JESUS heel, on the cross and in the grave)." Genesis 3:15 It was on that famous third day when I rose from the dead, that I tricked him and stripped him (satan) of his authority and offer it now to you (Jim and any and all who will enter) daily, into My Father's secret place. My Holy Spirit is calling you to eat at His table, causing your spirit man to grow while your soul man, shrivels and dies of starvation. My Father's table is freshly prepared with something new every morning, set up beautifully in the secret place. Your enemies know where it is, but they do not know how to enter in, because the junk food is so appealing and tastes so delicious they will not say **NO**. Their famous saying to the whooing of My Spirits voice is; "NEXT TIME Father, I promise", But tomorrow never comes in they go to the broad gate that leads to destruction.

Warning: NEVER EVER try to eat at both tables: it causes severe double mindedness and you will quickly become double minded and good for nothing in the kingdom. James 1:6-8 You must either feed your spirit man and starve your soul man, or starve your soulman and feed your spirit man! Nothing else will be acceptable in the change in the kingdom. This Luke 16:13. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Saturday, January 7, 2017



Are you actually making people worse than an infidel? If you are claiming to help Me build my church and you're getting people to volunteer, to work for less than the world pays, and they cannot take care of their families, and personal needs, you have made them worse than an infidel and you are not part of My kingdom. If you ever brag about how little you pay those who minister beside you, then you will be held accountable for the abuse of My people. All those that come to Me, and all those that I send to you with gifts, are to be treated far better than the world would ever treat them. "If any of you do not pay above standard worldly wages, so that those who are working beside you can provide for their own, and specially for those of their own house, you have made them deny the faith, and look worse than an infidel." 1 Timothy 5:8 do not claim to be building My church or representing My kingdom, it is not the truth.

The western mentality of a Christian is to get away with as much as you can get away with, and pay as little as you can pay, causing a great stigma and embarrassment to those that call themselves believers. Those that say they follow Me by the tens of thousands have a horrible testimony with waitresses on Sundays when church organizations, let out the behind the wall flocks. In a recent interview most waitresses would rather not work on a Sunday because all the so-called church people especially in the south that complain the most and leave the smallest tips of all. This is not My church, nor is this My Father's will, for He is a continual giver never a taker, and never a cheapskate, whenever you leave My Father's presence you are blessed with more and given much more than when you came: *** IF *** your giving was abundant. Every kingdom citizens should be the highest tipper in the restaurant, if not then they are the highest percentage rate because you are giving out of the abundance of My kingdom, and that's what My kingdom testifies with.

A KINGDOM workman is worthy of his hire! He must be treated better than the world would treat him. Those in full-time ministry who say they are working for Me and do not receive the highest of wages according to their abilities, are not working for Me, because I pay top dollar, and I never fear running out of money. QUESTION: HOW CAN A CREATOR RUN OUT? If you are the leader of a ministry that claims to be building My church and say, "We cannot afford", those words alone disqualify  you as a builder of My kingdom, there is nothing that I cannot afford, if it is My Father's will, then I have already made it clear that My builders must eat the fruit of what they build. "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of earthly life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. [5] And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. [6] All My laborers must be first paid from what they produce." 2 Timothy 2:4-6

Bottom line principle of the kingdom: The reason the cheapskate cannot get through the doors of the gate that leads to My kingdom is his baggage full of fear! His lack of faith that I will not be able to do what is right by all My people, eliminates him and his ministry while causing them to lose great rewards, for the abuse of My people. They have actually missed treated those that I have called and sent with specific gifts, because of their fear and they will be held accountable for this. Do not feel bold and successful when you get someone to work for you for less than the world pays! NEVER say, you represent My kingdom while you're paying them substandard wages to do what I have anointed them to do. The king of darkness pays substandard, the king of light pays top dollar, making even Israel jealous. No one will ever be jealous of your minimum-wage offer or mentality, but they are mocking My Kingdom because of your cheapskate faith!

TODAY'S VIDEO BLOG:  With a different subject.

Friday, January 6, 2017



The hardest part of walking in kingdom authority is to walk in kingdom character trust. Character trust is much more difficult because it reaches to a level of blind faith and demands an extremely strong relationship. My father's character is the one that you have to trust. FIRST of all: You must trust that He is not a liar, that He cannot lie. Lying is so much against His character that he cannot do it, even though He is Creator God: SECONDLY; He is love, and with these two character traits it is possible for you to trust no matter what happens. It is the (no matter what happens) that so strongly wears and pushes back against your faith. Are you in a place where you can say, "no matter what happens I trust the character of my God, and my Father that whatever He does, it will be best for me and best for the kingdom because I am sold out.

In the garden of Gethsemane, at the point of My strongest pain, I had to come to this point in order to say, "not my will but yours be done". You will never be able to say these words, unless you come to this point of character trust. Most of you that are headed for the kingdom have individual item trust, meaning when you're praying you are trusting My Father for the answer, for a single thing, whether it be bills being paid, or physical needs being met or a new car. This is more of a low level, beginning faith. This faith prepares you for eventual character faith, but only after you have spent many hours with My Father in the secret place. The one on one the secret place is the only place that you can be exposed to the true character of my father, when he expresses his love to you and the secrets of the kingdom and who he really is, you begin to see him as a dad, and a Father that loves 1000 times more than any earthly father could love. Think about it: what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? [10] Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? [11] If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?  Matthew 7:9-11

Because you are not able to see and know how My kingdom will come to earth, you must move into the realm of character trust, and believe that My Father is doing everything right according to His plan and that you are sold out to that plan, otherwise you will have the lesser faith, where you are you tempted to turn your back or say that He failed you. It is imperative that you move to character faith in order to become a true kingdom citizens, trust your Father because of who He is, not what He does! Titus 1:2-3

Today to today's video blog: KINGDOM FAITH IS CHARACTER FAITH


Thursday, January 5, 2017



Adam had no power to create another human being only father couldn't breathe a breath of life into the human being which was his highest creation. However 6000 years later it seems the western mindset is that father has grandchildren and great grandchildren. This is obvious when billions of  religious books have been written about every possible subject that man could go through. These books are an indication that someone is getting truths, firsthand from the throne room. It is a strong indication of a Father son, Father daughter relationship, such as you emphasize every morning when Father meets with you in the secret place where you are receiving blogs like this. (There are some ((would be grand children)) who do not believe that you are hearing the My Father's voice, however after 30 years I have taught you to ignore the few, to go for His highest) A son of the living God:

The main reason Father wants these blogs publicized, is so that you can hear His heartbeat, crying out for a son/daughter relationship. Father's heart is saying, "I only have FIRST creation children, please come sit with Me that I can pour life into you. I encourage you from the bottom of My heart, when you read the blogs or watch the video blogs, please, please start telling Father how much you love Him, how much you trust Him and to please help your unbelief. And then BE QUIET and understand this is major principle of the secret place. If you stay at a place where you say WOW that was a good blog, or you just hit a LIKE, and walk away, you are cutting yourself off from the reason for My Father said to publicize this for the last six years. A few of you cannot accept the idea of a one on one conversations with your Creator, who is My Dad, Abba Father which is in heaven, simply because you do not understand what his voice sounds like. His voice, that is My Father's voice, is actually the voice of My Holy Spirit inside you, speaking in thought patterns originating from in side your spirit, not your natural ears. "When Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come." John 16:13

EXAMPLE: 1 Kings 19:9-14 READ AS A TEXT BOOK: [[[12] And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice (Kingdom thought language).]]]

Very seldom will you ever hear the audible voice of My Father, but it does happen and when it does there is no question. When you were baptized with the Holy Spirit and only then do you receive the ability to hear Father's messages from the throne via My Holy Spirit. Because it does not come through the ears you think he's not speaking, but it comes through thought patterns instead of sound waves. The spirit realm operates at the speed of thought not light, the speed of light is way too slow for the spirit world. At 186,000 mi./s second it would take you lightyears to get to the nearest star. In the spirit world traveling at the speed of thought, you are there at the moment you think it. The spirit realm depends on thought speed in order to communicate and travel, so Father's Messages to you come from the throne room to the Holy Spirit, residing in your belly and  from your belly to your mind. When this happens Father has just spoken to you in the kingdom language of thought.

Right now you need to realize how important it is for every kingdom citizens to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, it is essential for a daily secret place experience. Romans 8:26-27 Because it comes from your newly made alive spirit within up to your mind, it is usually rejected by newcomers as their own thoughts, cutting them off from the Father/daughter, Father/son relationship and conversation He desires so desperately. In the natural it comes from the lips of a son/daughter to your natural ears, then to your natural mind and out your natural mouth, but it is all interpreted by your natural mind which cannot receive spiritual things. 1 Corinthians 2:14 Therefore you cannot speak life-giving truth that a son/daughter of God wrote firsthand.  John 7:37-39
Life-giving truth comes from children and the others we must refer to as grandchildren, receiving what the children have passed on but it is not real because there has been no transference of life. Every person that comes into the kingdom must have their own personal experience with My blood, My resurrection power, and My Father's life giving breath.

The thoughts that you receive are coming from one of three sources, 1: your own experiences, 2: the Holy Spirit, or 3: the devil. However you must sort out what you have just done in order to hear what the Spirit is saying. You have just ask the Creator in a secret place, to share with you His heart, therefore if it is good and it resembles the answer, begin to thank Him and realize you are in the place of protection because He ask you to go in to the secret place, (your prayer closet) and shut the door so you are in a protected area to hear his voice clearly His thought patterns voice clearly. Always remember My Father says, "I have no grandchildren only children, please come and sit with Me each day that I can breathe life into your spirit and you can receive firsthand from the throne as a child of God then a manifest son of God. Please fear not, do not fear the secret place you must realize what kind of a Father I am Please read Luke 11:9-13 As a LOVE LETTER from me! "I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. [10] For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. [11] If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? [12] Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? [13] If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? And remember: I have no grandchildren, in My kingdom.



Tuesday, January 3, 2017



In order to properly grow in the kingdom My word must be divided into three sections, 1: Story book 2: Love letter, 3: Textbook.

STORY BOOK: Jonah 1:1-17
If you do not understand this simple principal, you will not follow a growth pattern that is healthy to develop and mature a KINGDOM citizen. Why? Just as in the natural world it is always necessary to get the attention and understanding of the mind that does not comprehend the deeper spiritual meaning. All My parables were earthly stories.  My heavenly Father works with His creation and tells the stories of the good, the bad, and the ugly. The story book is different in the fact it is not rated, G, PG, R, or X  for children but expects the child to be able to receive whatever comes forth, because it is not a book made of ink and paper alone, but of Spirit and Truth. My book is a living book that goes past the mind and may lay incubating in the spirit of the human, no matter what age. When that truth that was read as a story, you may have been four years old but it has germinated for 20 years and suddenly in a crisis situation, the storybook either becomes a love letter, or a text book manual of how to overcome a situation. The story book is a great attention getter however it shows the personality of My Father in how He is wanting to interact and be a great part of your life decisions but man has rejected Father's attempts over and over. The storybook also includes the judgments of My Father because He has the same personalities traits as you, yet without sin. The story book section brings the logos word of life into action, where there are hundreds of exciting stories that hold the attention of every reader no matter what age. When we speak of age here, it is a dual matter, with the age of spiritual understanding and physical age. In many cases the physical age understands a lot faster than the born again age, due to the to the faith factor.

LOVE LETTER: 2 Corinthians 6:18
Seldom is My word ever read as a love letter, it rarely goes beyond the story book form, and sad to say, now that it has been banned from schools and universities it is seldom read it all. If My word is never read as a love letter at different times, you will never understand the basis of all creation. When you understand that My does not only express love, He is love 1 John 4:8 therefore anything He writes will be based in love and when you are able to see his continual constant love for his creation, you will begin to understand His mercy and goodness, when He says it will follow you all the days of your life. If you do not understand and cannot read His word as a love letter, you will only see His judgment side and do everything out fear and duty pushing you into religion and away from relationship. No one can have a relationship with another person, if there is no love involved if it is not based in love. If you do not read and understand My word as a love letter, then you will see yourself as condemned and judged unworthy of My kingdom and never be able to have a relationship with Me. Relationship must come out of love or it will be based in fear, ending in religion. So in order to continue growing from infant, to childhood, and then adolescence you must be able to read My word as a story book and love-letter, but then you must move into adulthood where you are a threat to the enemy and that's where it was begin to read it as a textbook manual

Now the third part of being able to read My word as a textbook is completely foreign to most of you. It has been missed as a textbook because it combines the love letter along with the judgment in the story book and it looks as if it ends wherever they are. However when you look at the story and the love and put it together with the results of each encounter, you will find that this is a manual to be used over and over again in bringing My Father's kingdom to earth. FOR EXAMPLE: Mark 9:28-29 When My disciples could not cast the deaf and dumb spirit out of the boy, it made for a good story but then My love reached out to the father of the boy in compassion to set the boy free. Now if you stop here where most people do, there will be hundreds of people even thousands, that are tormented by spirits of infirmity, going to physical medical doctors  that have no answers why their medicines do not work in these cases. Their usual response is, "we've done all we can", indicating it is beyond the physical and moved over to where you need My textbook! Now here in this example of My word being used as a text book manual it shows that some evil spirits take on a spirit of infirmity giving them a whole new dement-ion to torment the human body as well as soul.

With this new dimension a whole new approach is taught in this storybook/Love-letter, the dimension of fasting being united with prayer. All those who take My story book, and love letter, and move into textbook manual are those who are moving rapidly into kingdoms citizenship where My word becomes a two edged sword and it becomes something to live by rather than read. Hebrews 4:12 There are many textbook examples, be careful to listen to My Spirit to check out when you are to read it as a textbook, a storybook, or a love letter. It is a textbook on forgiveness, teaching that you will receive no forgiveness without giving forgiveness. It is a textbook and giving, teaching that you will only receive as you give. I encourage all My followers to move into all three dimensions of My word and live there until I return. In order to become a mature kingdom citizen, you must be able to read it my word and all three dimensions story book, love letter, and textbook. That's when My word is a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path." Psalm 119:105