Monday, May 16, 2016



You can't to do a thing to make Me love you more. As a matter of fact I showed you the full extent of My love when you couldn't do anything because you were not born yet! The day you were conceived My love for you was as intense as the day you committed your worst sin. Your sin or no sin, your action or inaction has no bearing on My love for you. "My Father showed his love toward you while you were still a sinner, by sending Me To die for you. [9] So that you are now constantly being justified by My blood, therefore you have been saved from Father's wrath through Me. [10] For if, when you were still enemies, you were reconciled to back to Father by My death, how much more beautiful it is, that you are reconciled back into His eternal love and life, when I rose from the dead."Romans 5:8-10

You have no idea how badly My Father wants you to receive His love. He wants an intimate relationship with you, more than you can ever imagine. He despises religion because it has so badly distorted the meaning of relationship, with all kinds of formulas of how to be close to Me by doing. Stop it! Your works have actually become a barrier to our relationship, because it's all fear based. It's not what you do that makes you attractive to Me, it's who you are, My wonderful created being, that I made in My image. "Remember without faith in My love for you, it is impossible to have a relationship with Me: when you come to Me you must believe that I love you, and that I am always going to reward you for diligently seeking a relationship with Me." Hebrews 11:6

Let Me be very clear on this issue: religion has taught you some horrible things that have really messed up your thinking, it has hindered your healing, your joy, and your ability to deal with people. It has taught you that "if you can speak in the tongues of men and even of angels, you will experience My love. They say, now your a spiritual being that can talk directly to Me, but the truth is without a relationship with Me, you are only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. [2] You have also been taught that "if you have prophetic powers (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if you have sufficient faith so that you can remove mountains, it will show the world how close you and I are. This is so wrong, because it has nothing to do with an intimate relationship with Me. Unless you can simply received My love without doing anything, in My kingdom you are nothing, and to the world you a useless nobody, trying to impress them with a system of works based on human effort. 

But here is one of the religious false teachings that stumbles millions: [3] That if you dole out all that you have to the poor in providing food, and if you surrender your body to be burned on the mission field, in order that you may glory in your service to Me, they conclude, that this is all that I could ever ask or want. This is totally false! Listen here is the hard truth, many are doing these things, thinking it will make Me love them, but they are gaining nothing at all, that's right NOTHING AT ALL!" 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 These religious false teaching reduce Me to the level of a heathen god of wood and stone, that people believe must be appeased in order to find favor. 1 Kings 18:26-29 I am the one and only true and living God, with feelings made of love, and want all My creation to stop trying to earn My love. Hebrews 4:14-16 Just receive it, and along with it will come your joy, and healing, and everything you need to live! I am so in love with you, please believe it, receive it, spend time with Me, talk with Me every day and you will supernaturally enter into My rest! 

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