Sunday, May 8, 2016



Because one day Truth will stare you in the face and your true condition will be revealed. You keep saying that you walk in forgiveness and you are filled with My love, but you have told that lie so long you are beginning to believe it. My Spirit has brought that persons name up to you a thousand times and you immediately lie to yourself and say, "I have forgiven him or her". You are in very dangerous territory because you are actually starting to believe that lie. You have convinced all those around you, that you love everyone with My love, giving you a false confidence that your ok. The truth is you still despise that person for what they did and you would be happy if you never see them again. 

You worship, pray for the sick, prophecy, and hug and smile, and sing My praises and it all looks holy and spiritual, but every time the subject of forgiveness come up, My Spirit shows you their face, and you lie, silently screaming, I HAVE FORGIVEN THE FOOL, yes I hear your heart, that's what you are really saying. You know who you are, and My love is reaching out to you knowing the consequences of you believing this lie. You are trying to change the Truth into a lie, and it will never happen, because I never change. When you stand before Me, the Truth, the Way and the Life, I will show you the face once again and My word will do the rest! Sir, Mam: If you did not forgive others their trespasses their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment, neither does your Father forgive you, your sin and trespasses." Matthew 6:15

I'm sorry truth and mercy are in full agreement at this point, because forgiveness is mercy, and you did not show mercy and My word again does the rest! Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy! Matthew 5:7 Truth says, no mercy was shown, sorry you can't obtain it now! STOP NOW admit it you are lying to yourself, REPENT and make it right, while My Spirit is still dealing with you. If He gives up and let's you believe the lie, it's to late! Break now while there is still time!

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