Thursday, May 5, 2016



You have no idea what horrendous ramifications this statement has in heaven. This statement can signify the closing of your spiritual casket. It can seal the doom of your ministry, and the purpose My Father placed you on earth. Love always runs the risk of being hurt because it is always extremely vulnerable and can only exist in a vulnerable state. Love and tenderness are inseparable and whenever tender comes in contact with harshness, pain results. The natural human tendency is to protect the tender area with a hard shield which seals off the possibility of further hurts, but becomes a callous over tenderness. At this point you are saving your life, and soon will no longer be able to follow Me. Matthew 16:25 

Your hurt is never greater than My love. When you live in My love, instead of hurt producing pain, it produces understanding and forgiveness. When you live in My love, what was once a hurtful remark that made you cry for yourself, now makes you cry for them, because you can see they do not know what they are doing. Living in My love opens your eyes to see people's blindness, and with that revelation you are able to live in a constant state of forgiveness. When you are truly living in My love, instead of saying, I'll never be hurt again", you say, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing". 

The only reason you get hurt by anyone, is your flesh is still alive! The pain I took for you on the cross did not make Me cry, but produced joy because it was bathed in unconditional love. While I was bleeding and dying, I was thinking of you and knew what it was going to do for you, and therefore My suffering produced joy instead of tears. Hebrews 12:2 The next time you hear a believer say, "You hurt me!" You will know they still have not lost their life, and are not able to truly love! If they do not discover My love, eventually a self preserving shield will go up and they will imprison themselves in the lonely world of SELF, and be good for nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:1-2 AMP

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