Monday, May 23, 2016



"There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12 The big question is who is showing the way? The blind pastors are leading the blind congregations and both are falling into the ditch. Many preachers in the west are ministering from natural fallen man's wisdom and it sounds so right that millions of church goers are swallowing it hook, line and sinker. The sheep do not have enough spiritual hunger to test the teaching they are being fed, and therefore are being led to destruction. In contrast, Kingdom shepherds feed their flock fresh manna gleaned from revelation knowledge. Matthew 11:25 Fresh manna does not come from books, sermons on the Internet or even bible programs. It only comes from revelation, James 3:17 thus most preachers simply default to using carnal knowledge, rather than pay the price. Be assured, there is no such thing as revelation without a relationship with Me, something that religious leaders have no knowledge of.  

Here are the steps to becoming a kingdom shepherd:
An intimate love relationship with Me must first be established in order for you to abolish your human love and allow Me to impart My unconditional love. 1 Corinthians 13  All ministry must be based in unconditional love, or it will by default come from fallen man's foolish wisdom. 1 Corinthians 3:19 This love is only found in a steady relationship with Me. Unconditional love then opens the door to revelation knowledge, then a deeper relationship is needed to open the eyes of understanding. Understanding then fills the preachers heart and mind with fresh manna from the throne, to feed My sheep.. Every step takes time in My presence and most western leaders will not sacrifice the time because it's needed to build their own ministry. There are many sincere leaders that are sincerely wrong because they were taught having a ministry is tantamount to a relationship with Me. It's the way that seems right, mixing psychology and twisted biblical truth. Just enough bible to call it church, and just enough psychology to pack it out, and keep them coming back. But the end is hell! Proverbs 14:12  

Shepherds will definitely be judged, Ezekiel 34, but you are without excuse because you have My Holy Spirit, John 16:13 so you are responsible for your own destiny. If your pastor is teaching what seems right to the natural man, sounding like Dr. Phil, and you have not established your own intimate love relationship with Me, you will surely follow him into the death ditch. Yes, it seemed so right to everybody, and everybody died! Do not trust an human with your eternal live, because no human has the power to save you! Always remember I use humans sow, and some to water, but only I give the increase by saving you!

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