Tuesday, August 2, 2016



Heaven sees all humans on earth in three major people groups: the lost, the called and the chosen. Everyone starts out in the lost group, which is by far the largest group because of being born into a lost state of being so all are sinners by nature and fall short of the honor and glory which God bestows and receives." Romans 3:23 Because Father did not want billions of robots wandering on a planet called earth, He created every human with His DNA having individual freedom of choice. After being warned that to choose to disobey the Creator meant death, Man chose to disobey his Creator, one who could not lie, and believe the father of lies, whereupon he immediately discovered that his Creator was right. Man's Creator, is also unconditional Love, 1 John 4:8 thus by His very own nature, was compelled to make a way, (the way of the cross), to escape death. John 3:16.

In all of this, Father's disobedient man creation, did not loose the privilege of freedom of choice. Father was determined to have a people group, no matter how small, who chose to obey and thereby love Him above all else. John 14:15 This freedom of choice is what created all the people groups in existence today. By far the largest people group to this present day remains the lost. "To this day as many as choose to receive and welcome Him, He gives the authority to become His children again, by choosing to believe on My name--" John 1:12  Sadly billions of humans misunderstand, that "no choice, is a choice to join the lost group" Hebrews 2:3 So it will remain the largest people group on planet earth until I return.

Among all believers on earth are two major categories, My servants (the called) and My friends (the chosen). The category you are in when you leave earth will be your heavenly status. Right now exited believers are trying to see their eternal position but with poor spiritual eyesight, like " looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection of reality as in a riddle or enigma, but when you have your new eternal never dying body, and perfect eyesight comes, you will see clearly and face to face! Right now you only see little parts, but then you will see and know yourself, exactly as Father and I see you, your last day on earth." 1 Corinthians 13:12 Both categories, called and chosen, have their sin covered by My blood and both will enjoy eternity with Me but with different eternal lifestyles. If you were called but never chosen and when you finished your time on earth you were known by Me as a servant like Martha, you will enjoy servant hood with Me for eternity without being troubled. If you were called and then chosen because you chose to obey everything I commanded then you were known to Me as friend. That's why I said Mary chose the better part. "You are My friends, if you do whatever I command you, with out question." John 15:14

All of My servants will enjoy serving with Me throughout eternity, and all My friends will enjoy ruling and reigning with Me and "will not be called servants but will know the inner workings of My Fathers kingdom." John 15:15 There is one more major, but smaller kingdom group that I will give you revelation on later; the bride.


  1. How does one get to a place in God where they are so advanced that they can speak for Him in the first person? Noted is all of your messages in that format, is it coming from an automatic place witin you, or is this just a literary method or device??r

  2. Hope you can explain, as I am seeking a deeper walk like yours.

    1. About 40 years ago I was in a large ministry where the senior pastor said readers are leaders and leaders are readers. I was so tired of hearing it, I asked the Lord how come we have to get everything second hand from these authors and the Lord answered clearly, Because you never ask Me. He follower by saying get a note book and pen and meet Me in the morning. I did and He answered my questions and I wrote them down as I got them. The more He talked the more precise things we covered. He is very anxious to talk to you and share everything with us but only when He becomes priority to us!
