Monday, August 8, 2016



I am the person truth who protects you from all who falsely accuse you. I am the person truth that breaks the bondage of religious tradition and the deceptive doctrines of men, but I am also the person truth known as a mirror. When I am in My mirror capacity I am the most often forgotten being on the planet. Every believer that comes to Me for salvation must meet Me in the person of the mirror of truth in order to move past salvation on into the vast riches of My kingdom. After true repentance, My blood cleanses you from all sin, but this only gives you access to the kingdom. John 3:3. Salvation is only the beginning of your eternal life journey and sad to say, most western believers choose to remain in that state as spiritual babies, refusing to take time to eat meat but stay on the milk of My word.Hebrews 5:13 Even worse pastors building their own kingdoms are content to leave them in the infant stage. However as a human with a free will, each of your old nature character traits must be voluntarily surrendered, in order to be individually transformed into My image. As your character aligns with My character you will move into a place where you are able to represent My kingdom on earth. With each transformation you are able to eat more and more meat, and will eventually become a kingdom ambassador. 2 Corinthians 5:20 
Your old nature is so much a part of you it does not appear as unrighteous to you, so you must have someone to compare too. That's where I become a mirror to you. James 1:23-25 AMP Each time you look into the spiritual mirror you will see two images, mine and yours. When you see only My image you will know you have been transformed. Hebrews 5:14 When you see two images, you are viewing both your unrighteous character and My righteous character. Each and every time you will be tempted to turn away and quickly forget what you really look like, joining the millions of western baby Christians who refuse to grow. Some have been infants on milk for 40 years. Hebrews 5:12  Do not be afraid of to stay in front of the mirror beholding  both images in the Truth Mirror until all you see is Me. It takes time staring into My character, sometimes for hours each day, but eventually you will not be able to tell the difference as My power transforms you into My image! Romans 12:2 

Now let Me break it down:
THE MIRROR IS MY HOLY SPIRIT, and He will come in many forms, sometimes it's one of the many versions of the bible, but more often it starts out as the words of a child, a friend, a family member, or a stranger and at first it will always make you feel bad, or dirty or unworthy and that's good. These people have no idea what they are doing, because it's Me the mirror allowing you to see your condition. 

STARING IN THE MIRROR: is when you meditate on what was said or you read, that hurts. 
TRANSFORMATION comes when you refuse to push it out of your mind but instead repent, meaning you change your mind saying, I do not want to be like this any more and you ask Me to change you to look like Me. The rest is up to Me and soon you will be eating meat on your way to becoming an ambassador.

Warning: Satan has put out thousands of false mirrors, these are bad people who are self righteous, and judge you by comparing you to themselves. They are evil religious people, do not fight them just ignore them. The way you distinguish between the real mirror and the false mirrors is love. When you are looking into My mirror, mixed in with the bad feelings, will always be My love, giving you hope, and as you change your mind, you will feel clean or light as a feather because the transformation is happening. 

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