Sunday, August 14, 2016



Many bullies insist on doing it all and think it's going to be rewarded, when in fact it will be judged. Nobody preaches but them, they do all the teaching, and there will be nothing going on that they have not authored or that they cannot maintain full control over, at all times. Hidden deep inside the ego of most believers is a spiritual cancer that is addictive and many times fatal to kingdom plans. It's a pride that blocks a working together unity that must be established for My kingdom to come to earth. This cancer looks very spiritual but it is extremely deceptive causing people I have designed and created to flourish in their specific gifts, to be pushed aside as useless trash. In the kingdom they are viewed as religious bullies demanding they do not need any help.  I have designed My body to be knit together by relationships, for just as the body is a unity and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, must be held together by relationships to form only one body, so it is with Me (the Messiah, the Anointed One)." 1 Corinthians 12:12 AMP Relationships are the muscle and ligaments that knit the body together and cause it to function.

The church in the west is plagued with bullies that will not ask or let others help them. This single sin of pride is fatal to many relationships that must be established, to build My body. "I'm in charge here" I'm the boss" or I'm the pastor" are all prideful words of a bully that is holding back tens of thousands of gifted sheep sent by Me to build My church. These bullies kill many godly relationships before they even begin. I have designed hearts to be knit together and much of the knitting is done through activities requiring physically working together and or sharing. I have so many hearts yet to knit into My body but I cannot get past the bullies that are so fearful of being replaced they quench the gifts, the moment someone else starts to move ahead. There is nothing competitive in My kingdom, because you are to lay down your life for the sheep, not prove you are better than him or her.  Refusal to ask for or receive help from others that I send your way, is a ugly pride that proves fatal to building lives and relationships. "I don't need any help" sounds like a noble statement, however many times it is based in fear, selfishness, need for affirmation and demonic control. If the bullies do not move over and let others help, I will remove them, so My body can grow! I am calling all church bullies to repent and live according to 1 Corinthians 12:14-31 


  1. Have you ever pastored a church sir? Just asking...i

  2. Have you ever pastored a church sir? Just asking...i
