Sunday, August 7, 2016



The second way I, the person Truth, set the believer free, is when I operate as the revealer of secrets. New revelational truths that shed light in totally darkened areas of religious tradition, that has held people in bondage for years sets people free to have an intimate relationship with Me. Religious Tradition is a deceptive prison that holds more believers in a cold distant darkness than any other type of  bondage, and revelational truth breaks religious tradition in pieces. Millions of believers are not able to move past what their leaders have held as a final truth and if you ask them why they believe what they believe, they have no answer. One of the major ways I set you free, is by breaking these traditions with revelational knowledge. When you know Me as a God of intimate love, who never repeats or creates exactly the same thing twice, excitement springs back into your walk with Me, for not knowing what I am going to do next. Not a snowflake, fingerprint, rain drop, flower or blade of grass have I ever duplicated, yet religion misrepresenting Me, locks believers into a completely false idea of My kingdom, and how it operates. By doing the same boring thing over and over week in and week out, year in and year out, it's becomes a tradition, "people honoring Me with their lips, but their hearts hold off and are far away from Me." Matthew 15:8

When I walked the earth I was most hated of all people and hated by religious people because I am Truth, but also because I revealed kingdom truth which destroyed traditions wiping out lifelong methods of remaining in power. For instance; kingdom truth destroys democracy and the democratic way where the people have a vote. Even today I am hated, rejected, and mocked when My followers try to reveal the truth of kingdom living in America and other democratic nations. Some even go as far as to say "if you don't vote you are not true believer". Some organizations vote in a leader, call him a pastor and call themselves a church. This is why I said, "I will build My church". Matthew 16:18 The democratic church is formed by the traditions of men and because of that, it will never prevail against the gates of hell. In My kingdom, leadership is set in place by My Father, never voted in by anyone.Ephesians 4:11-14  This single Truth by My revelation sets people free to build kingdom relationships, move under the direction of Holy Spirit and in His gifts, under the safety of plurality of loving leadership. This one revelational truth alone, sets you free from man's church filled with competition, fleshly control, and personal agendas. 

I will leave you with this one thought to ponder: the American church system has no resemblance to My church. If you think it does, you have not compared it to the church or the lives of the people in My word. To be sure you are part of My church forget your traditions and compare your church to the book of Acts and let Me set you free indeed!

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