Tuesday, January 3, 2017



In order to properly grow in the kingdom My word must be divided into three sections, 1: Story book 2: Love letter, 3: Textbook.

STORY BOOK: Jonah 1:1-17
If you do not understand this simple principal, you will not follow a growth pattern that is healthy to develop and mature a KINGDOM citizen. Why? Just as in the natural world it is always necessary to get the attention and understanding of the mind that does not comprehend the deeper spiritual meaning. All My parables were earthly stories.  My heavenly Father works with His creation and tells the stories of the good, the bad, and the ugly. The story book is different in the fact it is not rated, G, PG, R, or X  for children but expects the child to be able to receive whatever comes forth, because it is not a book made of ink and paper alone, but of Spirit and Truth. My book is a living book that goes past the mind and may lay incubating in the spirit of the human, no matter what age. When that truth that was read as a story, you may have been four years old but it has germinated for 20 years and suddenly in a crisis situation, the storybook either becomes a love letter, or a text book manual of how to overcome a situation. The story book is a great attention getter however it shows the personality of My Father in how He is wanting to interact and be a great part of your life decisions but man has rejected Father's attempts over and over. The storybook also includes the judgments of My Father because He has the same personalities traits as you, yet without sin. The story book section brings the logos word of life into action, where there are hundreds of exciting stories that hold the attention of every reader no matter what age. When we speak of age here, it is a dual matter, with the age of spiritual understanding and physical age. In many cases the physical age understands a lot faster than the born again age, due to the to the faith factor.

LOVE LETTER: 2 Corinthians 6:18
Seldom is My word ever read as a love letter, it rarely goes beyond the story book form, and sad to say, now that it has been banned from schools and universities it is seldom read it all. If My word is never read as a love letter at different times, you will never understand the basis of all creation. When you understand that My does not only express love, He is love 1 John 4:8 therefore anything He writes will be based in love and when you are able to see his continual constant love for his creation, you will begin to understand His mercy and goodness, when He says it will follow you all the days of your life. If you do not understand and cannot read His word as a love letter, you will only see His judgment side and do everything out fear and duty pushing you into religion and away from relationship. No one can have a relationship with another person, if there is no love involved if it is not based in love. If you do not read and understand My word as a love letter, then you will see yourself as condemned and judged unworthy of My kingdom and never be able to have a relationship with Me. Relationship must come out of love or it will be based in fear, ending in religion. So in order to continue growing from infant, to childhood, and then adolescence you must be able to read My word as a story book and love-letter, but then you must move into adulthood where you are a threat to the enemy and that's where it was begin to read it as a textbook manual

Now the third part of being able to read My word as a textbook is completely foreign to most of you. It has been missed as a textbook because it combines the love letter along with the judgment in the story book and it looks as if it ends wherever they are. However when you look at the story and the love and put it together with the results of each encounter, you will find that this is a manual to be used over and over again in bringing My Father's kingdom to earth. FOR EXAMPLE: Mark 9:28-29 When My disciples could not cast the deaf and dumb spirit out of the boy, it made for a good story but then My love reached out to the father of the boy in compassion to set the boy free. Now if you stop here where most people do, there will be hundreds of people even thousands, that are tormented by spirits of infirmity, going to physical medical doctors  that have no answers why their medicines do not work in these cases. Their usual response is, "we've done all we can", indicating it is beyond the physical and moved over to where you need My textbook! Now here in this example of My word being used as a text book manual it shows that some evil spirits take on a spirit of infirmity giving them a whole new dement-ion to torment the human body as well as soul.

With this new dimension a whole new approach is taught in this storybook/Love-letter, the dimension of fasting being united with prayer. All those who take My story book, and love letter, and move into textbook manual are those who are moving rapidly into kingdoms citizenship where My word becomes a two edged sword and it becomes something to live by rather than read. Hebrews 4:12 There are many textbook examples, be careful to listen to My Spirit to check out when you are to read it as a textbook, a storybook, or a love letter. It is a textbook on forgiveness, teaching that you will receive no forgiveness without giving forgiveness. It is a textbook and giving, teaching that you will only receive as you give. I encourage all My followers to move into all three dimensions of My word and live there until I return. In order to become a mature kingdom citizen, you must be able to read it my word and all three dimensions story book, love letter, and textbook. That's when My word is a lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path." Psalm 119:105

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