Monday, November 14, 2016



As you know the Scripture says you are created in Our image, and before the fall We had the same type a personalities, likes and dislikes, loves and hates. One of the traits We shared was the love of surprises. For this purpose My Father limited Himself and to how much He knows, because He loves surprises too. He loves and enjoys watching what His creation can do and create. This is why He asked Adam to call the animals to see what he would name them. If He already knew what they were going to be named this statement Is not valid. Now look what he said about Sodom and Gomorrah, He said, let us go down and see if the things We hear coming up are true. If He knew already why would He have to go down with Holy Spirit and Me, to check out whether the things they were hearing were true or not. He also said later, concerning the Tower of Babel, "Father went down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded." Genesis 11:5 If He were in His full omnipresence power He would already be there. It was after He saw that He decided to confound the language. Just to confirm the limiting process, I limited My God power, when I came to earth by becoming a man, and taking on flesh and blood and then allowing humans to kill Me. That's right, "no human takes My life away from Me. On the contrary, I lay it down voluntarily, and greatly limited My God Power.  I actually put My God power from Myself. I am authorized and have full God power, to lay it down (to resign it) and I am authorized and have power to take it back again. These are the instructions (orders) which I have received as My charge from My Father." John 10:18 AMP

When you comprehend this truth, it places a whole new powerful and exciting depth on your relationship with your Heavenly Father. With this fact being in place, it means that anyone outside of a covenant relationship with Father, is basically unknown to 
Him, until you introduce them through prayer, except that they exist. However as a covenant believer, because you have chosen to follow Me, you can ask Him, using My name and under the guidelines of the new covenant, to do the things the Holy Spirit  needs done. The things that the Holy Spirit needs done are always in line with His will, purpose and timing. For Example:  Let's say, You have an unsaved neighbor Bob Williams, who because of his his unsaved condition, has no covenant with My Father, but you do because of our relationship. Under the  new covenant, I said, You can ask whatever you want and if it's according to Father's will, it will be done. My Father said
He is not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance, so therefore I know if pray for Bob, I am already praying in line with Fathers will. 

Now here is where it gets exciting; The moment I mention Bob Williams name, (a name who's name was written in the book of life, when everything including him was still in a Spirit form) Bob Williams came on the kingdom radar screen. The Holy Spirit, and the angelic hosts then go to work together with you, to bring about Bob's salvation. More importantly from the kingdom perspective, the moment you mention Bob Williams name, it becomes your responsibility to disciple, mentor, and pray Bob Williams through to a full covenant relationship, like you have. Do you see how important and powerful a place the kingdom ambassador has on planet earth? Do you see how important it is for you to be at the right place, at the right time, at all times. ENTER HOLY SPIRIT: Now it is time to show you THE HOLY SPIRIT ASPECT. The Holy Spirit was sent to guide you into all truth and that truth sets not only you free, but those that He directs you too, like Bob Williams. Remember; "Holy Spirit will not speak about Himself; but only what He hears from the throne, and He will be show you things to come, and places He wants you to go, [14] He will glorify Father and Me at all times : whatever We tell Him, He will show you. [16] I disappeared for little while because I needed to take My place of intercession by My Father: but it was only for a little while, because you were going to see Me in a new form as the Holy Spirit, actually living inside you, were from that point on I would never leave you or forsake you. John 16:13-16

Father is filled with pleasure when He sees you using your creative God power, to bring His kingdom to earth. 1 Chronicles 29:17 When you seek Him for wisdom, and you introduce Him to those you want saved, and mountains you want moved. He is thrilled when you seek His Kingdom first. MATTHEW 6:33  It gives him great joy to know that you are yielding to His Holy Spirit as new names are coming before Him, and you are laying down your life to see them saved. You will notice the greater joy He has the stronger you get. Nehemiah 8:10 Just remember your Heavenly Father loves surprises, and He has given you all the creative power you need to surprise Him with miracles every day and He longs to work together with you to see you help Him bring His Kingdom to earth. Always remember you are labourers together with Father: you are His vineyard, you are His building to live in."  1 Corinthians 3:9

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