Sunday, November 13, 2016



Moses was a perfect example of a kingdom person because he had a one on one face-to-face relationship with My Father and also with angels that regularly visited him throughout his life. Israel only knew his acts but Moses knew the ways of My Father. Psalm 103:7 Like Israel, up until this time most if you have only known the acts of My Father and of My kingdom, but now in these days of great battle, I must teach you the ways of My Father that you might overcome quickly and understand what he is doing, how He works with you, earth, the angelic hosts  and demonic forces.

 First: When you pray your prayers are heard instantly, they register in the throne room to be answered according to Father's will and His timing and also according to its urgency. Daniel 10:12 It is imperative that you understand this process, because most people who pray, if they do not understand this process, they will not get their answer, and most will die without receiving, thinking that My Father either denied them or did not hear them, but nothing could be further from the truth. This process is doubly important, because of the spiritual damage done to the loved ones believing and agreeing with the person in need of an answer, and receiving none. Losing faith is the worst thing a human can do, because without faith it is impossible to please My Father, Hebrews 11:6 or to receive anything from the kingdom, because you become double minded, cutting off all answers to prayer, no matter how sincere they maybe. James 1:6-8 

Second: The spiritual beings that you cannot see with your natural eye are more real than you are. Your physical body will one day become invisible to all humans, returning to dust and but spiritual body will suddenly appear and be seen and recognized by all of the spiritual bodies, including angels and demons because you should know that all things started spiritual and end up spiritual. The things on earth are a physical manifestation of what already exists in the heavenly's, because we patterned everything after what already existed before the foundation of the world, including you! Hebrews 9:22-25, Ephesians 1:4 You must understand the following in order to know the ways of the kingdom and My Father; angels have a language and they talked back-and-forth just as you do. Demons have a language and they talk back-and-forth just as you do. Satan speaks to them through high powered forces labeled princes, that have territories that they are in charge of. Ephesians 6:12  These are all forces of darkness principalities and powers in high places surrounding the atmosphere of the earth. Their commission is to cut off any and all communication between earth bound kingdom citizens and the kingdom. They cannot stop prayers going up because they do not understand blood covered language or what you are referring to simply because the carnal cannot understand the spiritual. Romans 8:5. However anything coming from the kingdom to earth is considered detrimental to the kingdom of darkness and has top priority orders to be stopped at any cost.

Third: demons and spiritual wickedness and powers in high places in the atmosphere above the earth, have the ability to stop messenger angels returning with your answer. This is very important to understand because this is the greatest hindrance to My Father's kingdom coming to earth. The delay caused by demonic forces holding back angels carrying your answer, can cause you to think you are not being heard. When the fact is, like Daniel, you were heard from the very first moment you prayed. Now if you do not receive your answer within hours, days or even months, most people start to believe that they are not going to receive an answer, or that I did not hear them, or they are not worthy, or they have sin in their life, or one of 100 more reasons that the enemy will whisper into their subconscious, blaming My Father for letting them down. Please remember the greatest defeat the enemy can bring is you losing faith in My Father, if he succeeds in this, he has won. 

Fourth: it is imperative that you understand that My Father answers all prayers according to his will and if you have prayed according to his will, the answer has been sent. It is His will always to heal your body, it is also His will always to meet your needs according to all the riches He has invested in you. Knowing this, you must realize that the answer is being held up between the kingdom of heaven and earth somewhere, and you must get the message back to the throne room, that you have not received your answer as of yet. The way you get the message through is by asking and keep on asking, knocking and keep on knocking, seeking and keep on seeking. Matthew 7:7-8 This continual praying gets the attention in the throne room that the answer has not gotten through. Warrior angels will then immediately be dispatched to assist the messenger angels that are being held back by stronger demonic forces that have captured your answer. In Daniels case they held his answer for 21 days because it was so tremendously powerful, it was a message that explained everything to the end of the world and then beyond into the new heaven and a new world. Daniel 10:13-14.

Fifth: your prayer as long as it is in line with the will of My Father and His timing, is on its way HOWEVER; if you stop praying for any reason, until you have received it, you are giving a signal to the throne room, that you have received it. Therefore no warrior angels will be sent out to assist the messenger angel in delivering your answer. From earth's perspective it will appear that Father  has either turned you down or did not hear you. (Corporate Prayer) If you have people praying for you, do not let them think you have received your full answer, unless you absolutely know, that you have received it. NOTE: The ceasing of prayer signals the throne room and the Kingdom that you have received. Do not stop praying until you know, that you know, that you know, you have definitely received. At this point you must send the signal back with praise and thanksgiving and it will be clear that you have received. 

Sixth: You can be assured that the warrior angels will always triumph over demonic forces, they are not strong enough to hold up against My warrior angels, we outnumber them two to one and also in power because there is no power left in the kingdom of darkness, except for the power that humans give them by believing their lies. When you believe a lie, you give it power because it becomes truth to you, this is a kingdom secret that many believers stumble over. You must always remember the kingdom of darkness is based in the father of lies and his lies have no power unless you believe them. The moment you believe them, they become truth to you, and your faith then is destroyed because you're believing the opposite of what My Father says. 

Seventh: You must always know that My Father has you and your best in His mind and heart at all times. He knows the number of hairs on your head and He also knows your heart. Luke 12:7  You are very important to Him and He watches over you to perform the very thing that He created you for, so that you may be among the most was fulfilled persons on earth. Philippians 1:6  He does not have love, he is Love and that love never ever fails, and because of that unfailing love you will always come through victorious, but you must stay faithful in your prayer and your communication with Him at all times.

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