Friday, February 17, 2017



Before My Father's kingdom can come to earth the word miracles, must be out of every kingdom citizens vocabulary. Every day life is something that takes place and you do not question or even notice it because it has become so much a part of your thinking and your lifestyle that you do not recognize it beyond normal Christian living. Miracles are considered a supernatural acts that are outside the realm of all human possibilities. A miracle is something that no one can explain in the natural. (Now you see it, now you don't.) This can pertain to everything from healing of the human body, to gasoline suddenly appearing in the empty tank of the car. It also pertains to knowledge that may be tremendously invasive, to the tiniest detail, making it impossible to know, unless My Father revealed through supernatural revelation knowledge. 

There are no miracles in My kingdom because they simply become an ordinary a way of life. Everything in My kingdom is transparent and known to flow from under My Father's throne as the river of life. There are no empty gas tanks, when the creator is in charge, because My Father is creator God. An empty gas tank cannot stand in front of Him before it is filled. The blind man cannot stand in front of Creator God without His light penetrating darkened eyes, because My Father is light and it de-spells all darkness. Because My Father knows the end from the beginnin there is nothing about you that He does not know, therefore there is nothing hidden that is not common knowledge in My kingdom. "Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, [10] Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:"  Isaiah 46:9-10 On earth and in the natural kingdom you would call all these things miracles, because they are outside the realm of man's possibility. But the fact that My Father is Creator God changes everything.

As long as there are big testimonies and surprises and shouts of victory, when something happens on earth and they are referred to as a miracle by you or anyone that claims to be a kingdom citizen, it means that  My Fathers Kingdom has not yet manifest on earth. However when you start to speak of them in an informational manner, such as, ("by the way Jim's healing took place today at 7:00 AM" and we are very thankful that it came in a timely fashion as we were expecting.)

BOTTOM LINE: It all boils down to two things vocabulary and quantity: As long as you hear words like, WOW, amazing, awesome, or phrases like "what did you expect", "Are you surprised?," it means My Father's kingdom has not arrived as of yet and you are still attempting to bring My Father's kingdom to earth but it has not yet arrived. The second thing is quantity or numbers, how many people does it take to make up a KINGDOM, the number of people that believe, confess, and live in this realm of no miracles is the determining factor as to when I will return. When I prayed "thy kingdom come", I could have prayed "thy people come". How many people equal My Father's kingdom, only He knows. When that number is reached and they're confession is ordinary every day language, "I Will return". However the first step of no more surprises must take place, before My return. 

Now the second key factor is numbers, how many people does it take to make up a kingdom, this is the secret that My Father holds as to when I return. Now do you see how important it is for people by the hundreds and thousands to grasp the truth of the kingdom. These truths are only revealed in the secret place. The secret place is where My Father reveals the trues that you must live out to go through the narrowgate. The narrow gate squeezes a lot out and you do not know to what extent they must believe in order to become citizens to enter through the gate. Then after this faith level is reached, how many must reach this level to be considered a kingdom by My Father? Is it 400,000? Is it 40 million? Or is it 1 billion? Only father knows the day, and the hour, that that faith level confession, and the exact number of people will be reached! Then I can be sent to earth to subdue all kingdoms and put them under My feet and My prayer will finally be answered

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