Wednesday, April 20, 2016



First third: I am thrilled that you are partially saved and will spend eternity with Me, but now in the last days I am in need of a totally saved remanent to raise up a standard against the forces of darkness and display My power and love. Through My death  burial and resurrection I made a way for your complete salvation, body, soul and spirit. Most of you are saved in Spirit because you have accepted My atoning work on the cross. You are one third saved which is the most important because you are not going to hell. The problem I have is most of you need your body and soul saved because you are a sick remanent and not much help at bringing My kingdom to earth. 

Second third: A sick soul is filled with carnality and cannot tell My voice from the devil's. You are like the world following their favorite Hollywood star, following your favorite preacher or singer from conference to conference. You will spend hundreds of dollars traveling from place to place to hear them, but cannot work a single miracle, or even have faith to pay your bills. 1 Corinthians 3:4-6 The things you enjoy and call entertainment are things Heaven hates, and finds disgusting. To be entertained by watching anything on tv, movies or computer that contains immorality, the F word or sensual suggestions, means your soul is need to be saved yet. Romans 8:5-8 A sick soul cannot raise the dead, cast out Devils or heal the sick as a part of their normal kingdom walk. "This is a sign of a healthy soul, as you go about your daily chores, you will be preaching without a pulpit, telling people the kingdom of heaven is at hand. [8] and you will be healing the sick, cleansing the diseased, raising the dead, casting out devils: because you have freely received these powers, and because of My love you will want to freely give them to everyone you meet." Matthew 10:7-8

Third third: A sick body is not a great testimony to your kingdom benefits as you present all that I Am to the world. The salvation of your body is based on a very disciplined lifestyle. The craving of your body must not be the same as the world. I want to save your body from cancer, hepatitis C, AIDS, high blood pressure and a thousand other sicknesses. But you must first save and deliver yourself from sugar, gluten, corn syrup, and processed foods, filled with hormones designed to addict you. I have placed in the earth, every nutrition needed for a perfectly healthy body.  I cannot save your body if you will not overcome the craving of the flesh. "If your body lives after these fleshly good tasting poisoned foods it will be sick and die young. You may be part of the remnant, but a sick part that is hindered by your body. You must realize that if you live according to the dictates of the flesh, giving into your appetite for delicious poisoned food, you will surely die. But if through the power of the Holy Spirit you are habitually putting to death (making extinct, deadening) the evil appetites prompted by the body, you shall really and genuinely live physically healthy now and forever in your new incorruptible body." Romans 8:13

Fully Saved: Here is the bottom line: heaven wants above all things, a remnant that prospers and is in good health, but in accordance with the way their soul prospers. 3 John 1:2     I want My remnant church to be "sanctified wholly; that is your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the day I return." 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Judge yourself today, to see if you are 1/3, 2/3s, fully saved or still going to hell. Why not take full advantage of My atonement? I did what you could not do, now it's up to you to "work out the other two thirds of your salvation with fear and trembling. [13] For it is Me working in you to accomplish My will and it gives Me great pleasure to save all three parts of you, body, soul and spirit." Philippians 2:12-13

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