Friday, December 4, 2015



This is the testimony of the western believer that comes up before Me night and day. One moment a praise and the next a complaint. My Spirit is working to correct this. The good comes because My Spirit has been allowed to take charge of an area of your life, thus producing an eternal result. The bad are sins and weights that not been laid aside  and easily upset your otherwise good day. Some people think money is a good thing, but I only call it good when it produces eternal results, because "a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:23
Some people call fewer, less and smaller bad, but I call it purging and pruning to create more fruit of purer quality. "Every branch in Me that bears no fruit, My Father takes away: and every branch that bears some fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more high quality fruit."  John 15:2

The things you, hide, ignore, keep putting out of your mind, don't want to talk about, do inside your mind, do in secret, or don't want anyone to know about, are the source of all your bad things. The reason you are so slow to surrender these things to My Spirit is you want to enjoy your fleshly pleasure for as long as you can, and still feel My presence. Don't quote Romans 8:28 as if it applies to the bad you are doing. The sins and weights you hang on too, will never work for your good, so this is not your verse. If you truly love Me you will lay them aside for good, and be able to fulfill your calling. Please rid yourself thinking, a little flesh won't hurt me. "Did you know all of heaven is able to witness your life, good and bad? I urge you to lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset you , and run with patience the race that is set before you each and every day."  Hebrews 12:1 Then all your day will end in praise bringing glory to My Father. 

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