Tuesday, October 20, 2015



There is no frame of reference in the kingdom because just as the wind blows where it wishes, and you can hear the sound of it, but you can't tell where it came from or where it's going: so is everyone in the kingdom, because they are reborn of the Spirit." John 3:8 Your natural man operates under the direction of your soul, (your mind, will, and emotions). Your spiritual man operates under the direction of My Spirit.

Your body houses both your spiritual man and natural soul man. Your body will obey the one giving the orders. "My word in you is spiritual: but your  character is still carnal, bound by your sinful nature and habits. [15] The things which you do, you say, your not going to do anymore: and the things you determine your going to do, you don't do; and the things you hate, you end up doing, even though you know there wrong." Romans 7:14-15 During this transition you will appear to be a real flake, even to yourself.

Your transition period is determined by your hunger and desire to stop spinning your wheels, hitting brick walls, repeating stupid choices, and wasting your natural time allotted to you on earth. If you are stubborn and thick headed, you may never enter the joy of kingdom living during your life on earth, because your time runs out! If and when you finally make the transition, all those who have not, including family members, will not understand you, because, "they that operate by soul power, desire the things of the flesh; but now you are after the things of the Spirit and are now being led by My Spirit. [6] Those still operating by soul power live in a constant death, filled with brick walls and dead end streets; but when you make the transition you are spiritually minded 11:13:18 AMwhere everything ends in life and peace. [7] Always remember the carnal mind is an enemy of your Father: for it is not subject to Him, neither indeed can be." Romans 8:5-7

You that have made the transition to a Spirit led life will always battle those religious ones who have not. They will call you names and write you off as irresponsible because you live one day at a time, with no explanations of why you are doing certain things. My Spirit does not give reasons or explanations  He only leads and you simply follow. Why is He leading you to the super market, when you don't need anything? It's because there is a person there you have never met, that needs a hug and $22.50. A person that has been searching for the kingdom for 18 years, but has only met and been rejected by religious church people. You, as a Spirit led person are about to  be the answer to 18 years of prayer! There is no greater joy, than living a life where you don't know whether your coming or going!!!

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