Sunday, November 6, 2016



And God said let us make man in our own image, the significance of that statement is so far reaching and when you take in the entire scope and the meaning of that statement, you will realize how far you are living below your potential in Me. Genesis 1:26  Your potential is almost limitless, but sin destroyed so much of your ability to see yourself, the way I designed you, that you are limited in every area of your life. My Father has the ability through the work of My spirit to restore all that the enemy stole through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, but you must believe it enough to go after it. Your limitation is called your paradigm, your paradigm is the farthest reaches that you could see yourself going. A person cannot see beyond a small paradigm, if they surround themselves with other people that cannot see beyond their small paradigm. Birds of a feather flock together, and every person that sees themselves the way I sees them, can quickly rise to limits way beyond their society.

So what about you as My creator man? Do you realize that as your creator God, I have the ability to design anything that My mind can conceive of, and I am an all-knowing God, so I have the ability to create anything I need to accomplish My purposes on the earth. However, I limited Myself on the sixth-day, because I finished My work, by creating you My creator man. I finished My work with you on purpose, because from that point on, I wanted you My man creator, to begin to create like I created. I created the things that you could not create, because you did not exist, but after you came into being, I gave you the ability to create things, and to fill in all of the areas that I deliberately left out. 

I told Adam to subdue the earth and everything that's was in it, and that subduing was going to demand his creative power. I tested him by letting him name the animals and he passed. Genesis 2:19. I put with in him, part of My mind that he would constantly depend on Me as the source of all ideas. It was My heavenly plan from the beginning, to have a relationship with My man creator, that we could walk together and subdue the earth together. However, when sin entered man it destroyed that relationship and your ability to create was greatly diminished. Man has yet to see the creative power that is within him when he is walking with Me. You have greatly limited your self in every way, take age for example: when you think you reach a certain age, you think you lost your creative power, but nothing could be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, your creative power has so much more potential as you grow older, because you know that you cannot do anything without me. John 15:5. 

If you understood what creative means, you would do anything, to establish this in your life. Matthew 17:2. Creative means to take nothing, that's right nothing, I said take nothing and make something out of it. It's My Father's plan for you, as kingdom citizens, to be able to make it into what ever is needed to fulfill his original command of subduing the earth and everything in it. It is His plan to subdue the earth through you in order that His kingdom may be established on the earth as it is in heaven. This will not make sense to your natural mind, however it is what My kingdom operates on. As you know with My creative ability, I spoke the worlds into existence from nothing, but on the sixth day I also planted in you, that same creative power, to speak into existence, whatever is needed, to establish My kingdom in the earth. 

My mandate has never changed, it is still your responsibility to move out of your natural habitat, into the supernatural and remain there, speaking life into every death situation that I bring you too. No one on earth has this kind of power, but you will, the moment you choose to step into full kingdom power and life. If this sounds impossible it means that you are still operating in your natural mind. Take heart My child, because this creative power is yours just for the believing and stepping out into the impossible, where I live and wait to meet you. In these last days you will discover that you cannot endure without this creative power, either working within you or someone your walking close to. It is My plan, for it to be you and those close to you. Right now, wether you know it or not, your death and your life and the life and death of all those around you, are in the power of your tongue: and you and they are already eating the fruit of it.  Proverbs 18:21

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