Thursday, October 27, 2016



The famous EARTHLY saying is, "The calm before the storm", but in My kingdom there is always calm and never a storm! So it is in the citizen hearts, because each heart is directly connected to Fathers heart and it is impossible for anything to upset a one and only all powerful creator. Here's why FIRST: My Father is the creator of ALL THINGS, therefore  "All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being." John 1:3 So He knows to the tiniest detail what exists and how it works and what it's for because he made it. A creator does not make something that he doesn't know what it's for, or what it can do or that it would be a surprise. This makes the creator and His creation is so simple that rocket scientists must "be converted, and become as little children, or they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

Secondly My Father knows the end from the beginning there for nothing can possibly surprise Him unless he deems it that way. Even in that surprise it would be for His pleasure only because all things were created for His pleasure. Revelation 4:11 In that pleasure is an awesome calm and if you are a citizen then that calm is yours. Now let us bring it to your life today, right now! If you are a kingdom citizen, there is no reason for you NOT TO remain in peace, because in the kingdom all things are calm around you, and in that state nothing can by any means hurt you, as long as you remain in this kingdom realm.Luke 10:19 Now some of you are asking how come I am already nervous about possibilities of things taking place today? The answer is simple, IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD". Your mind guides your soul. Your soul is a three-part entity, made up of mind, will, and emotions. Your emotions are what everyone sees, because your body acts out what your emotions are feeling. Emotions are what actually distinguishes you from everyone else. Your emotions are actually determining where you are at this very moment. Proverbs 23:7 The spectrum is very broad from one end, at perfect peace, calm, and relaxed, to the other end, of nervous, frustrated, even to the point of being paralyzed with panic and in need of medication. Sad to say many wannabe believers, are somewhere in between, usually moving toward the latter end. This is not Kingdom! This is not My Father's will! This is not part of his design for you! When His kingdom comes and His will is done, all citizens of the kingdom, will live in the very first part, where there is always beautiful calm and no storm.

Now here is the beautiful part! You do not have to wait for His kingdom to come, on the earth as a whole, but His kingdom can come in your earth even today! It's all depends on what you decide to do with your mind right now! That's why I said, "Take every thought captive",2 Corinthians 10:5-7 
because what you think is what your emotions will end up making you, within minutes. If you think the thoughts of My Father, you will always remain calm and enjoy His peace, but this is totally your call. "As you are thinking right now, in your heart, so are you:" Proverbs 23:7 Right now what are you concentrating on? What did you do with the first minutes after you awoke? Did you spend them concentrating on My Father and what He is thinking? Did you even ask Him? or did you even think of Him? or did you think what time is it? I've got to go, I've got a busy schedule today, and all of a sudden everything is surrounded around you! What your job is, and how you are going to handle everything! Wow could it be that your whole life in the first few moments of today, is about YOU and your kingdom? No wonder some of you are a mess, if that is the case. I need not say anymore, the choices now are up to you. Do you wish to be a kingdom citizens and enjoy a life of calm or continue heading down a path of meaningless earthly distractions and ultimate destruction!  Right now STOP, *** STOP EVERYTHING!*** pull your car over, or go to the nearest rest room, or go to your private area, wherever it may be, REPENT AND I MEAN TRULY REPENT and the moment He forgives you, take up your kingdom citizenship papers by saying, Father Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in my little portion of earth, (speaking of your mind, will, and emotions, right now) in Jesus name, Amen. This now must be your lifetime habit until the grave! And you will then be able to endure to the end, sealing your salvation. Matthew 24:13 

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