Wednesday, April 6, 2016



So many believers are concerned about bad habits making them unholy, but you could overcome every possible bad habit known and fail miserably by walking in disobedience. Yes it's My blood that makes you holy and cleansed of your original sin. But it's your place to maintain a Holy life through obedience to My commands. Right now there are some of you living an unholy life because My Spirit has been asking you to do something and you are procrastinating. I asked you to call that sister and let her know you love her, and you haven't. You are living an unholy live until you do! Son, I asked you to give $50 to help your neighbor with groceries, but you are fearful and now living in unrighteousness. For over a year one of you has put off doing something I asked you to do, and you are wondering why you are not receiving revelations like some of your peers. You are living in sin that's why. "Any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin." James 4:17 AMP 

There is no other way to say it, stop with all the "I love you Jesus talk, if you are not going to obey me." If you really love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands." John 14:15 AMP My love for you is eternal and I proved it on the cross, and My Father proved His love for you by sending Me. Now it's your turn to prove you love us not with words, but with obedience! Every kingdom citizen is expected to maintain the work I did in their lives, by simple obedience. Trust and obey, there is no other way to live an overcoming life!

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