Sunday, April 17, 2016



Some of you have been saved for decades and everyone thinks your salvation is set in stone, rock solid. However years of religious abuse have taken their toll and you are cold and bitter and suffering mentally, emotionally and physically because of it! You cannot seem to let go of the past and anything that reminds of the control you escaped causes an emotional eruption. There is a time to be angry about present conditions, but that anger must be properly channeled and corralled by love or it will turn to bitterness. Kingdom principle: Any leftover anger of yesterday will turn to bitterness tomorrow.

"You can be angry, and still not sin: just do not go to bed angry, or during your sleep the devil will have a place to turn your anger to bitterness." Ephesians 4:26-27 Church abuse and rejection will make the true believer angry and that is healthy, but to let it remain in your soul over 24 hours is sin and could end up destroying you! I am calling many of you out of religion to establish a last day remnant that will be My church. However I see some who are bringing leftover anger with them and it's now turning to bitterness which would destroy the remnant if I let it go on. It is not your job nor is it possible to correct the past. You must face the fact that you simply have not forgiven the past abuser, wether it be a pastor, or a institution or a congregation. 

Forgiveness has nothing to with agreement, or acceptance, it has to do with your moving on to what I have called you to be. You must forget what lies behind and strain forward to what lies ahead. Philippians 3:13 AMP Your bitterness is now foolish because those I called you out from are happy in their fleshly disobedience and you are miserable and dying in your bitterness. It is critical that you repent completely, NOW and get right with Me. Leave your past behind and remember "dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath, in other words LET IT GO: for as I have written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."  Romans 12:19  I don't want to sound harsh or mean but this is so serious "for your heart is all wrong in My sight, it is not straightforward or right or true before Me. [22] So repent of this depravity and wickedness of yours and pray to My Father that, if possible, the thoughts in your heart may be removed and disregarded and forgiven you. [23] For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in a bond forged by iniquity to fetter souls." Acts 8:21-23 AMP Repent Now!  And move on to what I have called you too! Your very soul depends on it!!!

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