Sunday, March 6, 2016



Due to the stepped up aggression in the enemy camp, I am preparing a counter attack that requires more responsibility on your part. "All those who have been faithful in a very little, I am now increasing your authority by ten times." Luke 19:17 Promotion does not mean a bigger church or increase in material goods, but a kingdom promotion means My Father can trust you to carry more of His glorying. The more of His glory you carry, the more authority you will have with men and Angels. Luke 9:1 Along with promotion will be an increase in protection, and specific directions. With promotion comes an increase in accuracy and power of the gifts of His Spirit. Mark 16:17-18 Because you have been faithful to abide in Me, and let My words abide in you, your promotion means you can ask whatever you want, and it shall be done unto you." John 15:7

Because you have been seeking My kingdom first, everything you need to complete your mission will be given to you without you asking. Matthew 6:33. This promotion is given in order to advance My kingdom as the spiritual battle for the souls of men intensifies. This promotion is given to those who are intent on entering and living in the Holy of Holies. Like David there are those whose passion, love, obedience and zeal have reached a level that pulls on Father's heart strings. Because you are after His own heart, today is your graduation day! Congratulations on becoming part of, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth His praises, the one who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light: 1 Peter 2:9

For the many of you who have been called, but not chosen, because you are seeking your own kingdom first, the battle is not Mine, unless you reverse direction immediately, you are on your own! Matthew 22:14 My Father has called many of you, but you disqualified yourselves from being chosen by refusing to heed the call; "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." Matthew 16:24 To the rest of you again I say, CONGRATULATIONS, Now move out and begin to exercise your new authority and set captives free !  Hebrews 5:14

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