Saturday, March 12, 2016



The western church stages have an abundance or entertainers, that are in competition to see how large a crowd they can draw. All the emphasis is on how well they preform not on the message they are bringing. The entire body is oblivious to this deplorable condition. It's as a group of men on a roadside, each holding beautifully painted signs, each sign personally hand done and admired for their originally and colors. As the travelers continue down the road contemplating on which one was best, no one actually read or heeded what every sign said: STOP THE BRIDGE IS OUT. 

I want to show you a perfect example of the condition of the church in the west, and exactly why I still ask: Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? Mark 8:18 The entire body as morphed from a body to an audience that applaud instead of weep and repent. The were entertained by a great and sincere performer, never hearing his message. Now I ask you to sincerely watch the condition of the western church and what heaven considers a very sad response of the audience at the end! Not one tear! No one falling to their knees! Not one repenting! I want you to view this and I pray that, "He that hath an ear, will hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." Revelation 3:22 Observe this carefully and don't applaud but weep for the western church!

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