Friday, October 16, 2015



Every human that is ever touched by the seed, (My word) has the fantastic opportunity to make it all the way to My throne. However most people quickly eliminate themselves when they fail one of a series of soil tests. The majority actually (75%) fail the soil test. The human heart is the soil and the seed cannot survive in the 3 out of 4 heart soils that exist.

The first heart soil is like solid clay and has no capacity to absorb the seed, the seed just lays on the surface for the birds (the enemy) to consume. Basically any good that might be done by the truth of My word is stolen before a change can take place. Matthew 13:19

The second heart soil is rocky soil, and it looks very exciting for the first few days, but as soon as people make fun of the new seed experience, the soil rejects the seed and it does not survive. Matthew 13:20-21

The third heart soil is the thorny soil where the seed is received but within hours, the love of money and busyness of the modern world, choke the seed and it becomes unfruitful. Matthew 13:22

The last 25% of human heart soil is good soil!  This is the soil you are looking for. Your commission is to sow seed on all ground, praying that most of it will fall onto this good ground! When you see the seed taking root, make sure it gets watered regularly until it brings forth fruit. Some of the good ground is better than others and will bring forth 30, 60, and even 100 times the original seed that you or someone else planted. Matthew 13:23

Seventy-five percent of the people touched by My word did not make the cut. If you concentrate on this seventy five present, you will become discouraged and stop sowing seed. Always keep your focus on My commission, the seed and what it is doing in the good soil. You are never wasting your time sowing into good ground people.

Now let's look at the 100 present good ground people that understand and grasp kingdom living. These have chosen to seek My kingdom first and live in My righteousness. Matthew 6:33 They do not love father or mother, son or daughter more than Me, thus making themselves worthy of Me. Matthew 10:37 They have chosen to set their affection on things above, not on things on the earth. [3] For they are dead, and their life is hid with Me in
Father. [4] Because I am the only source of their life, in the end, when I appear, they will also appear with Me in a glorified body. [5] For this reason they have mortified  fleshly things, while they are living on earth; things like fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:" Colossians 3:2-5

Let's move up a level, from the 100 percent good ground level, to the  Spirit led level where they are known in the kingdom as the sons of God. [15] These have refused the spirit of bondage to fear; and have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby they cry, Abba, Father. [16] The Spirit itself bears witness with their spirit, that they are My sons and daughters: [17] And if they are My Fathers children, then they are like Me, heirs; heirs of My Father, and even joint-heirs with Me; They know that if they  suffer with Me, later they will be glorified together with Me. [18] For they realize that the sufferings of the present time, are not even worthy to be compared with the glory which one day, will be revealed in them. [19] For every creature on the planet is waiting for and expecting these sons of God to operate in full power." Romans 8:14-19

These are the ones that are passing the maze test. Being totally led by My Spirit they frustrate the natural man. While the natural man struggles hour after hour figuring out how to get through the maze of a confused, sin sick, hate filled world, these sons, have no problem navigating. "They are like the wind, which blows where it wishes, everyone hears the sound it makes, but cannot tell where it came from, or where it's going: so it is with these people that are be navigated through life's horrible maze because they are adopted sons of My Father, born of and continually guided by My Spirit." John 3:8

Their biggest opposition is religious people who outwardly respect them, but inwardly despise them. They are despised for walking what the religious are talking. They are despised because they demonstrate laying down their lives  for their friends, exposing the hypocrisy of religious talkers. They are despised because they truly have no personal agenda. They are despised because they are replacing the old wine with the new. They are despised because they are the forerunners of My kingdom on earth.

Now how about you My child, what level have you decided to stop at? I am with you and in you, even at the 1% fruit level. At the same time I am interceding for you, to go all the way to the top and sit with Me in My throne, but the choice is yours and yours alone. Always keep this in mind: Even if you make the final cut; as long as you are in a human body, you must keep your body in check, and bring it into subjection to My Spirit: lest that by any means, when you have preached Liberty to thousands, reaching the sons of God level, you yourself can become a castaway." 1 Corinthians 9:27 I will never leave you or forsake you and remember: Never fear, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32 The question is: How bad do you want it?

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