Monday, February 8, 2016



There are conditions to every healing, each is different. With some there are demons involved, others it may be generational, with some it's sin, with some it's more faith needed, with some it's their confession, and even though some charismatic doctrine disagrees, some ailments may come from My Father to bring Him Glory. One day My disciples, leaning toward that doctrine, asked Me, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind? [3] I answered, It was not that this man or his parents sinned, but he was born blind in order that the workings of God should be manifested (displayed and illustrated) in him, notice I did not give the devil credit for his condition." John 9:2-3

However you might have an (IF) problem. Did you know that "IF the same Spirit of My Father that raised Me up from the dead dwells in you, My Father that raised Me up from the dead will also quicken and make your mortal body alive and well, according to His Spirit that dwells in you; that is (IF) it dwells in you!." Romans 8:11 I am not speaking here of the Spirit of Joy, or Peace, or some other manifestation of My Holy Spirit. I am speaking of a Resurrecting Holy Spirit, living inside you. Resurrection power finds it core in the very nucleus of life itself, My creator Father! It is only imparted to those who center their whole heart, time and attention on Him, because resurrection power is the greatest power Father can bestow on a human being.  

Some healings are delayed because the person need healing, is too busy. They must be taken out of their fast track life style, because they have too little time to spend in Father's presence. Little time spent in Father's presence, equals insufficient resurrecting power to produce life! Some must be flat on their back to be slowed down to where the resurrecting Spirit has their full and undivided attention. When the doctor says, there is nothing more we can do, Father can easily get your attention, saved or not! As the same resurrecting Spirit grows in you, it reaches a quickening level and your healing manifests. However most times in the west, there is a major conflict between the medical opinion and My Fathers resurrecting power. Every hour you spend confessing the medical report, and listening more to them than My Spirit, you drain the resurrecting power back out of your spirit. Many times this delays the healing long enough for the disease to weaken your faith and ability to fight, ending in early death. 

One thing you can be sure of: I have provided healing for you in My atonement, but it's always conditional, and most of the time you must move outside your church tradition and find out which condition is holding back your healing!

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