Thursday, February 18, 2016



Hype is very hard work on the part of the performing leaders. A little shouting, some great sound, some old stage cliches like, "lets give it up for Jesus", "I CAN'T HEAR YOU". Alright let's worship, 1,2,3 and wow, swirling strobes, smoke machines, the band, the video screens, all in perfect sync. Techs, engineers, grips, directors, stage hands, ushers, greeters, ticket sales all feverishly working up a sweat to raise the hype to an emotional state where misguided people say, WOW WHAT AN ANOINTED MEETING. The fruit of hype, is not good fruit, and is obvious a few hours later, when the same ones who, under the influence of hype, gave it up for Jesus on Friday night, give it up for a nightclub singer on Saturday night, also under the influence of hype. Sad to say, wearing a cross, and smoking a joint, or wearing a cross and sleeping with a girlfriend, all in the name of the lord, is considered good fruit in many circles. 2 Peter 2:17-19 

The only hype around Me was the religious leaders hyping the crowd to a frenzy,  until they screamed, crucify Him, crucify Him. My disciples and I never had any experience with a microphone, or lights, or cables and never heard the word tech, camera or strobe. I never worked hard to prepare a message that the people would like. I just had the anointing from My Father and it caused thousands to walk miles to where I was. There were no airlines, or taxis, just a wilderness without any restaurants, or 5 star hotels. Don't say it was because, I was the only begotten son of God, because any of you who are sons or daughters of My Father, can have this anointing. Acts 2:17 It's a matter of knowing how to gain and maintain His presence. If you really want to move from hype to anointing, start by simply giving up! That's right, give up your right to self. Give up all sin! Give up people pleasing. Give up popularity. Give up any thoughts of success on earth. Give up the desire for recognition. Give up the applause of men. 

Now after you have given up, first and foremost, and above everything else in your life, begin to seek after and desire My Fathers presence! When you find it, and you will, Luke 11:9-13 learn how to host it. John 15:7-8 When this abiding presence happens, you will soon be a leader without knowing it, because deep down, people don't want you, or your messages, or your talent, they want what you are carrying and abiding in, My presence. It's in My presence that long lasting good fruit develops. People will sit in absolute silence for hours in My presence, soaking in My anointing as My Spirit works from the inside out, changing them forever. When you come together, always ask Me what I want to say to My people, and I will give you and them what is on My heart and My Spirit will teach every lesson. 1 John 2:27 After spending time in My manifest presence, from that day forward, everyone who embraces it, will instantly be able to separate anointing from hype. Everyone in this atmosphere will make one of two decisions; one will say Yes Lord and keep coming back for more changing, the other will not return and chase hype to get a higher high!  2 Peter 2:22 

Do not be offended if you were saved in a hype meeting, I will save anyone, anywhere, who My Father is drawing. Don't be offended if you have used hype, the western culture as a whole, cannot not distinguish between flesh and Spirit, they need a lot more of My word to accomplish that. Hebrews 4:1 But now that you know the difference, from now on, you will held accountable to separate My anointing from man's hype.

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